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marc: model: sci-fi elf pilot


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wow.... almost a month since I've posted.

well, here's some more. I'm going to quickly finish off the textures and then put a skeleton in and pose her.

oh, and I've still got to do textures for the tongue and whatnot.

Time's a wastin' :)




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The eyelashes seem to curl up too quickly. Shouldn't they come out a tiny bit straighter? Just a titch. Where is that eyeliner SOP when you need it... You may have some intersection problems when she opens her eye's real wide.

Looking real good now. Proportions are pleasing. Can't wait for the textures. How are you going to generate the uv's?

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Hey all..

Nice comments, lotta work :). I'm going to have to see how much time I have left...

just on first glance I noticed that her eyes look really fuzzy - specularity isn't sharp...and is it just the angle or is her gumline very rounded?

I think its that the specularity isn't sharp enough. I'll play around with that tonight. As for the gums, I think the big roundish thing is the tongue :). I used the same shader for both so there's no real differentiation between the 2.

The eyelashes seem to curl up too quickly...... How are you going to generate the uv's?

Yeah they do... Well, thats easy enough to solve :). I love Houdini...

As for the uv's, well now there's an annoying process. Because you can only write out 640x480 images from apprentice I have to do a screen grab of the uv viewport and take that into photoshop and muck about with it there. It comes through very aliased and ugly, but its all I have :).

It'll do though.....

I'd work a little on the eyebrows and teeth (a little to round perhaps?)

Yeah the teeth could probably use some work :). I hate modeling teeth, its probably my worst thing to model. Probably because there is no good reference out there at all. I could use a mirror, but then she'd have big manly teeth :P. Those will be last on my list to fix though since she's supposed to be a pinup style. The stylemight allow for rounded teeth.

Thanks again


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, for better or worse.. I'm finished. More for lack of time than anything else.

If there are any comments, then I'll have about 20 minutes to do them tomorrow morning before fedexing the whole enchilada to Toronto :D.

P.S. Thanks to Jim for the velvet shader... it was just what the doctor ordered.

If I win I'll let you play a game on my machine whenever you want ;)


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Just one niggly detail that I can see. It looks like her belt is intersecting her leg where the gun is. I say that because her hand is leading your eye there so is noticeable. Can you just tug it out there? A couple minutes of work. Her top and pants are perfectly applied to her skin.

The aniso shader on the ship looks very good.

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Hey Jeff

Good comments, I'll see what I can do :). The belt also didn't render correctly so I'm going to try and fix that (as well as getting the shadows a bit softer).

Its a pity I didn't have time to finish it properly (ie put bones in the fingers and whatnot). But I'm sure it'll be ok..



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The old hair test only looked like that 'cause it was on a black background.

When I put it on the model it lost the depth that the black gave it. Also I was kinda running out of time at that point so I couldn't experiment too much. But I think the technique is sound, so I'd like to try a test of it once this is all over and see if I can get a really nice hair render.

There are a few problems with the hair as it stands though. You can't get too close because then the hair renders black (a normals issue I suspect). Some angles don't work either since the shadows get messed up. etc. etc....

Whatever. :). She's supposed to be a pinup style, so it fits...


edit : oh yeah ......


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