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An operator a day keeps problems away

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What about if we dedicate this thread (or maybe even make special category) where one operator would be discussed each day/week? There are a lot of operators many of houdini users never used, especialy in CHOPS.

Edited by kumpa
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Nice one kumpa! Shall we start from the SOP level, most generic operators? Here are my picks:

For each - confuses people quite often, especially 3 types of usage,

all from Attribute Tab,

point, prim etc.

Best examples might be included in the help later on...


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its not an operator, but I just discovered the "origin" expression. I have spent a month trying to rig without it, and finding it today solved a lot of issues! Now I can finally easily get transforms in world space.

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Well, if the Wiki were freely editable then we wouldn't have to religate OP discussion to the forum. It has a great interface for building knowledge book things.

Not that I'm angry about that or anything, but it's hard to build a knowledge base when the book is locked.


I'll email Jason and see what's up.

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...er... the wiki should be editable by everyone who is a member on the forum. You should just need to login and off you go.

It's hard to fix things when people don't mention there's a problem.

PM me with the details of the issue.


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