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  1. I think it's going to be a good release. I like that sidefx spend some time on modelling tools.
  2. They are all fine. Personally I like OF and Cinder. For my own projects I write everything from scratch and plug and chuck libaries as needed. Also depending on the type of work you want to do you may also consider a light weight game engine.
  3. If we are discussing parallism I just going to bring up flowgraph again https://www.threadingbuildingblocks.org/tutorial-intel-tbb-flow-graph I know sesi is already using tbb so I think houdini sops and flowgraph are a match made in heaven.
  4. 0rr

    Color Blending

    Hi Everyone, My knowledge of shaders in Houdini is limited so forgive me if this is something trivial. Say I have two occluding, coloured primitives with opacity set to 1. When I render these primitives, in the 2d area where the primitives occlude each other, the colours will be additively combined. Is there a way to change this blending to an average or to a multiply operation in a shader? Thanks
  5. You have to type these expressions into the Implicit Fuction field of the Isosurface node. But before you can simply copy and paste these strings you need to define some custom functions like the the guy who wrote them. To define these custom functions need go to Edit > Aliases and Variables and there into the Expression tab. Copy and paste the following into the textfield: #deg sin float sind(float val) { return sin(deg(val)); } #deg cos float cosd(float val) { return cos(deg(val)); } Hit Apply Changes and these two new expression function should be available. Now in SOPs you can lay down an Isosurface node and copy and paste the expression into the Implicit Function paramenter-field. Make sure to adjust the Bound and Division parameter accordingly. simpleIso.hip
  6. Don't worry. I made my own polygon-bridge tool some time ago. The problem I have is that there's no standard one. I mean come on, it's almost 2014 every polygonmodeller has one it's not like it's some kind of novel idea. Also if you ever want to rework your bridge-tool you should try to resolve the twisting errors you have automatically, maybe by projecting and spatial sorting.
  7. For one I think it should be part of the r&d departments job to come up with novel ideas for procedural modelling tools and I believe they know better what’s best for their software, but here are some of my wishes. Raw access to the underlying data structures. I read somewhere that Houdini uses a Quad-Edge data structure so I not sure what keeps them from giving users access to edges. I want iterators and circulators over Vertices, Faces and Edges to properly navigate and traverse a mesh without using the viewport. It would also be great to have all the basic euler operators. And it would be nice to have all this without writing to much code myself. I know there are addvertex, addprimitiv functions now in vex, which I am quite happy about, but compared to a decent mesh data structure these are a little bit old-fashioned. Also we need better high level modeling tools. A procedural polygon bridge tool. A decent bevel tool. A procedural edge-split tool. A procedural polygon-split tool. A procedural loop-polygon split tool and so on. Of course houdini-engine as runtime procedural content generation middleware would be great. The reason I wrote non-runtime procedural content generation was simple because I don’t believe that it’s possible, within the given timeframe in which H14 will be released, to advance to that point. It’s not that I don’t want a “ultimate runtime content generation machine” .
  8. Better procedural modelling tools. And I am not takling about "make houdini more like modo etc.". The Houdini Engine has some potential to become a good middleware for non-runtime procedural content Generation in games, but to succeed the SOP-context needs some attention.
  9. if you are looking for a quick and dirty solution you may use volumes flathenthick.hip
  10. can you make your question more precise? Is your mesh closed or does it have boundarys? However relevenat paper: http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~yongchen/Research/RPJThickening.pdf
  11. we are doing alot of 3d printing form houdini lately. I am not sure about shapeways but the design guide over at i.materalize for colored objects can be seen here http://i.materialise.com/materials/multicolor/design-guide . At the bottom it mentions that you can even use .obj with a texture grouped in a zip-file.
  12. I have seen them before, but thanks for posting. I especially like James Reinders slides on task-based parallel patterns.
  13. Depending on your case and if you haven't tried it unchecking remove degenerate, update point normals and use accuarte distance might give you a speed up. Using muliple threads to fuse a mesh seems rather hard since alot of locking would have to occure to make sure that connectivity information won't get lost.
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