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  1. Hi guys! I have been trying to figure out how to re-create this effect. https://www.instagram.com/p/BiMSgmaHHQT/?hl=en&taken-by=hellompc I have a few questions as to how I should go about this 1)Would I simulate the soft body first followed by the hair or simulate both of them together? 2)Using the simulate guide shelf tool,it creates a separate network that is not part of the autodop that the organic mass shelf tool creates, Thank you!
  2. Thank you!I must have missed this out when I was searching
  3. Hi guys! I would like to randomize some of the geometry on my crowd agent and I can't seem to find anything in the help docs or any tutorials on it. Do I use layers or shape library to randomize a geo (eg. a sword in hand to a diff variation) and how do I go about baking out the geometry with the agent and randomizing it? Cheers! Ronald
  4. Thanks for the tip! I never knew about this
  5. Nice whale shot! what did you mean by "-circle" when you were showing the different renders for the whitewater?
  6. Hey you could emit particles randomly across the grid by adding noise to the Cd attribute of the grid and emitting based on the color attribute and you can animate the noise if you want to for a more randomized look
  7. I love your work especially this,how was it achieved?
  8. Thank you for the help guys!THis is exactly what I was looking for!
  9. Hi guys! I have a copy sop with 25 cubes copied onto it and I would like to simulate the cubes falling, but right now the cubes do not fall individually, how would I go about setting up my dopnet so that the cubes can become individual rbd objects instead of a single rbd object? Thanks!
  10. Hey thats really interesting!I'm not too sure about that but I did find a thread talking about it http://forums.odforce.net/topic/23817-cryptomatte/
  11. Hey thanks fencer!This is what I was looking for! Really appreciate it!
  12. Hi I got the same result but I have multiple objects in a single object geo node but op-id gives all the objects in that specific node a single colour, would it be possible to get separate colours for every object in the geometry node? Thanks!
  13. Hi there! I would like to do a render passes where every object has a constant colour and right now I am doing it via takes ( which is very time consuming to set up). I have also tried the op_id and primid in mantra but that doesn't give me a different colour for each object in the scene. How would I go about doing this more efficiently? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated Cheers! Ronald
  14. Hi guys, I've been trying to render a sequence in HQueue for Houdini but it is not rendering my per-light components out, but rendering an "all" component. Hqueue also doesn't show any error when the render is taking place I've tried rendering the same mantra node locally and all the components do appear, I Have attached 2 screenshots showing the difference in the render passes, any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Ronald
  15. update..so I managed to get the separation of the points but i am not sure if I am doing it the right way. Is this the right way of doing it? Thanks!
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