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Houdini to Blender connector


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This connector is written in Python with Node based Houdini workflow.
It uses a wavefront OBJ and MDD cache.
Transformation is described by quaternion rotation and is not tied to a parent (in world coordinates).
These tools are designed to facilitate the export from Houdini.



Edited by ivankr9
for new verson of blender obj import bug fix
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Cool beans! I always find that it's easier to learn when I have a goal in mind and can explore the new ideas that way.

This looks very powerful. Is it new? Is anyone else working on stuff like this? Have you thought of releasing it when you're done? Creative commons? Selling it?

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  • 7 months later...

i have done something just shortly with the cycles render:


it's a bad hack but it works at least on windows




in the cycles node help there is the path to the standalone render.



a solid integration of the cycles render would be nice and thanks to the apache license there won't be any trouble with the license.

but it would take a lot of time to do this and the current way with xml is not a good way to do it in my opinion.

what i want to see is if the file format could be a git db repository like that you can get merge, sync, commit, diff's and history for free.

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