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how to add points to a curve?

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Wow, I have been using houdini for so long but I never did curve editing. How do I add points to an existing curve? 

1. No, I can't go back and add points on a original curve sop. I mean post that operation, or if the curve was made in maya or I have edits after my initial curve sop, so I can't just go back add points to the original curve sop.
2. Resample is not what I am looking for, I just need to add a few points in specific locations.
3. The best thing I have found so far is to use poly split, but the problem with that is it connects every point I place, so I can only place a few points then I have to make another one so my points dont connect and make a face.

surely there is a way to do this, right?

Edited by ejr32123
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You're not kidding, I thought I remembered it being straightforward, but wow it's been awhile.   I found the refine SOP will let you create a new point along the curve without changing the shape by dragging an indicator in viewport or using the U position similar to carve

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The simplest answer I can think of is to rebuild the input curve and turn it into a single curve node (very easy to do with python). From there, do whatever you want.

node   = hou.node('/obj/geo1/alembic_curves_unpacked')
parent = node.parent()
pos    = node.position()
geo    = node.geometry()
prims  = geo.prims()

for prim in prims :
    crvnode = parent.createNode("curve")
    pts = prim.points()
    tmppos = ""
    for pt in pts :
        tmppos += ",".join([str(x) for x in pt.position()]) + " "
    pos = crvnode.position()


Edited by ftaswin
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On 1/29/2021 at 6:12 PM, ejr32123 said:

Wow, I have been using houdini for so long but I never did curve editing. How do I add points to an existing curve? 

1. No, I can't go back and add points on a original curve sop. I mean post that operation, or if the curve was made in maya or I have edits after my initial curve sop, so I can't just go back add points to the original curve sop.
2. Resample is not what I am looking for, I just need to add a few points in specific locations.
3. The best thing I have found so far is to use poly split, but the problem with that is it connects every point I place, so I can only place a few points then I have to make another one so my points dont connect and make a face.

surely there is a way to do this, right?

yes .. here it is a 10-years-old thread

usage description there sounds long but usage is easy . just drop the otl . turn on points ..



should be easy . hope that helps


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