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Dit you do the 2D one (second from the last) completely in Houdini? Would love a tutorial on something like that.

This is super easy to do.

use any path you want (circle, line, lsystem,etc)>animate with a carve sop>use a copy node to make delayed copy.

To make delayed copy  just add a time node before the copy node input, use value like stamp("../copy1",time,$F) and in stamping paramater add time value with something like $F+$CY. It will add 1F time offset to the input animation)




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I love your work especially this,how was it achieved?

Deform a grid with the ocean deformer then use extra attributes like foam and cusp to extrude some poly on that grid. 

It's a good idea to normalize these attributes and send them to a ramp into vop just to fine tuning the effect.

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Cool only just came across this, Another Houdini GIF guy.

Just followed you on tumblr. I accidentally got into Gif making back in December as it's a good excuse to publish (pump and dump) Houdini r&d experiments.

I'm impressed with your retention of render quality though once you push it through the GIF making process, as this can crap-ify nice looking renders.

A few I've made, I had to resort to keeping as video loops which in the world of Tumblr is a bit of #fail I know.


some of my efforts: http://artkilldotcom.tumblr.com/

Though I'm not a Houdini GIF purist and also use Processing, AE, datamoshing, etc etc.


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On April 14, 2016 at 5:24 PM, Spyrogif said:


Love this one, great concept and beautiful, photographic composition. Where the trees made in Houdini, or Speedtree...? The wind effect is amazing, very subtle and natural-looking, could you share a bit how that was achieved? 

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could you share a bit how that was achieved? 

In fact they are not so great. the lighting help a lot. A lot of self intersection. 

how do i model trees.

add a line, point will be branching.

Create a normalize value with those points something like

@NormVal = fit(@ptnum,0,@numpt-1,0,1);

Feed this value into custom ramp in spline mode. Make a lot of them for any branch parameter you want (lenght, width, rotation, noise,color, twist,etc).

Deform this bone with any technique you like and multiply the deformation by this normalize point count value, use a ramp to make it user friendly. (to make the base static and the tip move a lot)

Use this as template to stamp branches with your custom values. 

Repeat process for sublevel branches or use very simple l-system rules.

Add a polywire to mesh trunk/branches (you can get back the width value you setup earlier)...add some simple textured quad to make leaf.

Take a look at this website http://algorithmicbotany.org/papers/ it's not only about l-system, a lot of design/modeling idea i used come from here.

This technique works pretty great to model stufs like spine/ribon cage, fishbones,feathers, bridges..... 

One more tip, when working with plants stuffs...they is some magic number.

For example when you rotate branches around the trunck, try to increment each branches rotation around the trunck/bone by 137.508°.

Basicly this is how speedtree work....make your own speed tree ! 

Somebody upload an free tree asset on orbolt, you should take a look. it's works the same way.






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