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  • Birthday 03/04/1972

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  1. constant shader with some transparency, dive inside the shader and kill the node that multiply the color by opacity.
  2. add a popsource followed by gas mist solver and connect it into the 4th input of pyrosolver (advection)
  3. volume mix should work but in your smoke sim the density value may go above 1.0. make sure your box has more density than your smoke sim. you can use Post-Add/Mult in volume mix to add density to the box.
  4. I had a pretty good result in the pass converting white water particles to VDB with Volume Rasterize Points SOP. Calculate gradient with VDB analizes and use it in a volume shader to calculate reflection. You can use pbrspecular plugged to albedo and added to smoke color. On top of that add some displacement in shader for finer details.
  5. I've found The Cloud Light rig very slow and not working well with animated cloud. You can cheat that by diving inside the CVEX where the clouds are generated, remap the noise from 0 to 1 or use the final density plugged into a ramp or spline VOP, create as many colors as you want and export it as Ce (color emission). The cloud shader picks up that Ce and generate the emission for you.
  6. why not convert the curves to geo light and control the attenuation? color and opacity along the line could be set on point attributes and adjusted in the shader.
  7. if you're using packed geometry make sure it's unpacked before export
  8. dobin

    Wispy smoke Effect

    advect particles by a low res smoke sim and render them as points directly
  9. sop solver recalculate the cluster on every frame. use 'enable solver' after your sopsolver and set it on the first frame only ($F==1) or better set clusters and viscosity in SOP before importing particles to DOP.
  10. you can run FuseSOP inside foreach SOP with chunkBrick* for a group mask but this way you'll get a separate name attribute for every chunk (not every brick) in assemble SOP after that. So you still need a Fuse SOP after import on a separate branch with an assemble SOP to generate names and attribute copy those names on the second branch after the foreach SOP. I'm sorry I can't upload a fix to your hip file right now but hope it's clear enough.
  11. the animation curve shoud be linear. if you're using a smooth curve interpolation between the keys it won't work. also you might need to multiply the source values by the time scale so when simulation speed change more or less fuel, densiy, temperature, vel, etc to be added or subtracted from the sim according to that scale..
  12. this thread is quite old but might help in this situation especially the file from Tomas: http://forums.odforce.net/topic/16834-pops-glass-shatter-effect/page-2#entry102788
  13. I'm more interested to make such displacement in SOP since we usualy export it for rendering in another software so I figured out when I convert the pieces to vdb and back to polygons with my initial geometry plugged on the second input of the convertVDB I get masks for edges, seams and interiors as well as good subdivision resolution for displacement but that happened on the first frame only and I'm not sure how can I use it in the Pavel's setup. and here is the question: why we need to calculated the displacement on every frame. Isn't it possible to get that displacement on the first frame and use the transform from the lowres pieces to drive the hires ones?
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