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Found 11 results

  1. Hey magicians Been trying to do this curl paper anim with no luck. I dont know if is a spline extruded, or maybe actual vellum? Maybe is advected by a flip with high viscosity? Here's the anim: https://www.instagram.com/p/BsvkfqKnThG/?igshid=2bvgyel89813 Any thoughts? Thanks!
  2. Hey magicians, Anybody got a clue on how to achieve something like this? first thought is some flip with curl and instance geo, but did some tests with no luck. 4WEj4HDysF.mp4 Thanks!
  3. Hi guys, I would love to recreate these 2 effects from Michael Rigley I would love to know how to make the one below first. it looks simple and bautiful. https://player.vimeo.com/video/301087373?app_id=122963&wmode=opaque&autoplay=1 and so far I created this .Hip pelotitas.v01.hip Any idea, tip, tutorial, help with this subject comes in handy Thanks a lot
  4. Hi fine People of odforce! I am setting up the simplest of curl-noise setups, an empty "vel" volume, a volume vop, some points on a grid and a volume trails sop for visualization. All I'm doing in the volume vop is adding a curl noise, feeding it volume position and exporting the result to vel. Now: picking base noises "alligator", "simple perlin" or "sparse convolution" results in this "missing dimensionality" along this axis that seems to be {-1,1,1}. What is going on here? I feel like I'm doing something wrong, but noises like simplex and perlin work absolutely fine in this setup. Any light shed upon this mystery is greatly appreciated! alligatorcurl.hiplc
  5. Hello everyone, I'm trying to set a blackhole effect like gargantua in Interstellar, in a low cost way. The idea is to us a grid as a renderer, parented to a camera (sticked to its frustum), to send a ray from camera position, through the grid, to a sphere and if the ray sent is in the periphery of this sphere it curls/bend. I have found the script to do that in another software but I don't know how to get the global ray direction information and how to use it. I thought use a snippet in a material to write the script and put the material on the grid. Maybe it's not even the most relevant idea to do this effect. I'am open to other solutions Don't know if I'm really understandable ^^' Thank you anyway in advance
  6. Hey magicians, I'm trying to study an effect I saw on flow/er by Lukas Vojir: Here are my thoughts about it: 1) Make curl trails and convert them to hair somehow to get that movement? or wires? 2) Create simple flip with curl noise and advect trails? So far I run some tests, I can get a similar result in static, but I cant give that movement, it is possible to convert advected trails to hair/wires to get that? or there is another better approach? Thanks in advance Cheers!
  7. Hey guys, hows going? I'm trying to figure out how to do this kind of stuff, as you already may know, these artists are Cristoph Bader, and Simon Holmedal, two genius. I know there's an easy way to do in cinema 4d, with x-particles, a followsurface node and a turbulent noise, but the more I learn Houdini, the less I want to go back to my older apps, and the more I want to study fractals, nature, maths (always a hard thing for me since I'm a designer), but proceduralism is da bomb! Sam welker posted a tut on creating swirly patterns on a plane, entagma has some on fractals, as well as for loop subdivision depending on attributes. My questions, are these done with particles and solver? I really want to achieve this kind of complexity, If someone has a good tutorial or resource on stuff like "this particle goes here, and when spot this one the next do this" and stuff, pop behaviors explained for a 1 month houdini user, could be also a ray sop involved here to get the shapes?, at the same time they are uniform, noise?, trying to figure out but its driving me crazy, some key words to google would be very helpful, lately I'm more in abstract stuff than anything, started looking nature more closely, probably there's VEX involved here, thats my biggest fear, I guess I'll had to learn if I want to make power stuff. Thanks for reading!
  8. Looking for some help on setting up a Wrangle that would curl a curve by rotating the last point in the curve around a point centered on the previous point, and doing that all the way down the chain so you get nice curls happening. Been trying to work this out but I'm missing some knowledge here when it comes to looping through points per primitive, and also I'm not sure how to rotate a point with the rotation origin starting on another point. Basic idea is that given an @N and an @up vector on the curve, it will rotate each point about the previous point's @P using cross(@N, @up) as a rotation axis, by some user defined degrees/rads number. The code would have to (far as I'm thinking so far) loop through all prims, and then loop through all points in each prim, rotating each one around the previous point.
  9. Hey everyone! Here's a demo of some point cloud tools I created to calculate concave and convex curvature as well as gradient and curl direction, also sharpening. Forgot to mention in the demo that the curvature calculation is a great way to do differential growth by advection along normal * curve * noise * parm. Also, the curl calculation can be used to make grass patches and groom fur by orienting curves along the direction to add swirly variance. There's a lot of ways these tools can be handy, interested to see what you all come up with! Let me know if you have any questions, enjoy! curveGradientCurlSharpen_v002.hipnc
  10. Hey guysIve been trying this for a while now, but i still am not able to solve it.Other than converting a grid to a volume and running a volume analyse sop, how would one calculate curl of velocity on a grid sop using an attribute wrangle.Ive setup a simple grid and ran it thru a pointvop in which ive just plugged in the output of a curl noise vop into v. Now i just want to calculate the curl of v using just the attribute wrangle using neighbours() vex function.So far ive managed to calculate the gradient of each v component, but the rest of math i cannot translate to proper code. Any ideas?p.s. does anyone have resources how to move from math notations to codeThanks
  11. Hi! I have used a VDB analysis to calculate the curl values of a FLIP fluid, how will I go about extracting the curl values and go about using the curl values of every point in the flip fluid? Thanks! Ronald
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