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Found 10 results

  1. Hello everyone, I have some floating RBD pieces on FLIP fluid particles, and I would like to manually define the mass (density) attribute for each piece. Is this possible? Thanks for helping.
  2. Hey folks, proud to present LYNX Tools, a collection of production proven open source tools to accelerate your workflows! All mentioned tools are free to download via the links below and are licensed with a full HoudiniFX license. All Houdini Assets have complete Houdini native documentation available. Repository: https://github.com/LucaScheller/VFX-LYNX Lastest stable release: https://github.com/LucaScheller/VFX-LYNX/releases Please give them a test drive, so we can improve them further Roadmap | https://github.com/LucaScheller/VFX-LYNX/projects/1 So far there are three tools: LYNX_force_general | Tweak your sims with this all purpose & intuitive force field. Built to mimic force fields in other DCC applications, but with support for more features and a natural Houdini user experience. https://www.lucascheller.de/vfx/2019/03/24/vfx-lynx-houdini-force-general-asset/ LYNX_fabric | Create fabric/weave patterns with ease. Perfect for creating that holiday sweater you never wanted. https://www.lucascheller.de/vfx/2019/03/16/vfx-lynx-houdini-fabric-asset/ LYNX_velocity | Get control of your velocities via an intuitive UI or groom them for absolute fine tuned control. https://www.lucascheller.de/vfx/2018/11/01/vfx-lynx-houdini-velocity-asset/ More info on my website, including full release logs: https://www.lucascheller.de/blog/ Houdini User Group Munich Presentation: https://vimeo.com/334887452
  3. hi, in houdini when ever i add grain and add some constraints between them (glue constraint ) i face problem that the grains rise up in Y axis infinetly. and to fix it i increase mass in those glue constraints by 8888888 mass which became too heavy on cloth, is there any solution or i missed up something. but when i take them in dop it works fine no issue.
  4. Hey Everyone! I'm doing an RBD sim of multiple objects colliding. I am merging them and plugging then into the rbdbulletsolver. Does anyone know how I can modify the weight/density of one of the objects so it reacts differently to the other objects? Thanks so much!!
  5. Hello Everyone I noticed that many parameters have a "Use VEXpressions" checkbox and i try to understand them. In my example i would like to remap the mass of the pieces by VEX. Preferably using a Ramp! And all that inside the local VEX of the POP Force :-) So that there is a better distribution of pieces in Y. I can't make it work... should it?
  6. cmedithi

    Vellum grains

    HI Houdini Guys, Does anyone know , how to add random mass to vellum grain clumps, so that the bigger clumps falls fast. "context is that is that a creature comes out of ground and i need to add mass for the clumps, which is done with vellum grains." i tried using drag with mass option. but that did not work. sorry i cant share any hip file, Thankyou!
  7. Hey! I have a bunch of pieces from a fractured geo, and I plug them into a rbd bullet sim. I have very big and very small pieces, which is fine, but the problem is that if I let the rbd packed object to calculate the mass obviously I get very different mass result (and that is absolutely correct), but you know, sometimes we don't want exactly the real thing so is there any way of fit the mass so after is calculated I can fit it to more suitable values? I was trying to find a way of setting the mass in the fractured pieces and turn off the calculation in the rbd packed object, but I'm not sure if there's a way of calculating the mass at sop level... thanks!
  8. Hi people, I'm trying out Vellum in Houdini and I was wondering how mass works. I noticed that the mass is a point attribute. That said, if I want to know the total mass of the object, do I need calculate the sum of all the points ? Thank you.
  9. hey! I have a fractured object I'm trying to blow up, one thing I noticed is all pieces have a mass of 1, how can I calculate a proper mass based on the size of the bounding box or at least randomize it? cheers!
  10. Hi. I have a question about how mass is calculated for a RBD fracture dop. when using bullet, is the mass being calculated for the actual volume of the object itself, or for the collision geo (convex hull) that represents it? I do notice sometimes, that on some smaller pieces, the collision geometry is almost half as big as the object it represents. I think this is fixed by decreasing the padding. but still, which one is it calculating the mass from? thanks!
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