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Found 8 results

  1. Hi! This is like a mixture of rigging and effects. I'm trying to add some cool dynamic parenting behavior to a working system that I have (the inputs from the locked null) but I hit a wall and I can't figure out how to solve my problem with all the attribs that I have (I created custom attribs for the Transforms). The problem is that I cant get the parenting to work with my current logic, I failed I used a dirty trick that gives me what I want but its just for that geometry with that size and distribution, so yeah its not really useful but at least it gave me a clue, but I'm still lost. Maybe some magician can help me out with this! Thanks! I'll share the file. PolyTransforms_Problem.hip
  2. Hi there. I am struggling with setting up the following: I have 2 points and I need to create a position/rotation vector from them to attach a new geometry onto the vector. I have got to the point where I have the new object aligned with the vector and I get a correct position and rotation, however I also get a random rotation along the object's own axis. (in an attached file it's the tube which is randomly rotating around it's own X axis. Any help would be appreciated, see the attached set up in the file. Many thanks! Adrianna vector_01.hipnc
  3. Hi, It seems that generally when animating objects in scene/object level, you are only able to animate variables globally. I have a scene with a spinning propeller, and this spinning propeller needs to rotate around its own axis, while being placed in a certain spot in the scene. How is this achieved? All transforms in the scene are global space, so if you need to rotate the object 30 degrees on the X axis, the Y axis will not follow the local transforms and the propeller will spin sideways in circles. Followup question: I briefly had a teacher from Lost Boys school of VFX and he showed me how to properly load animation data into a dopnet. Unfortunately I was just starting out with Houdini as he showed me, so I did not catch the method. I gathered that this should not be done in sop-level ('Use deforming geometry'), and rather with motion / 'RBD keyframe active' operators in the dopnet -- how do I load in my animation data, so the velocities are correct with proper interpolation? Thank you,
  4. I have 2 sets of points: 'parent' and 'child'. Both have the same number of points. I need each parent point to have a unique child assigned to it - no duplicates. I need to be able to animate in an active value for the parent points, so that they all become active in 3-4 frames. When a parent point becomes 'active', it needs to search for its nearest available animated point and set that animated point's id number as 'child_id'. An animated point is only 'available' if it doesn't already have a parent point, or in other words: if the child_id is currently unused. My issue comes from the VOP I've set up within a SOP solver. If there is more than one parent point becoming active on a single frame, I get multiple parent points assigned with the same child point. I need to be able to write to 'child_id' and read from it on the same frame, to make sure that I am not getting multiple parent points with the same child points (leaving some very lonely, parent-less child points ). Please take a look at my attached file. I've highlighted the important nodes, and the Find Attribute Value VOP in red is where the issue is originating. find_unique_child.hip
  5. Hi everyone, I'm using Houdini 16 and I'm trying to parent a tube to the inside of the mouth of a dragon character that is animated. My goal is for the dragon to breath fire and I want to use the tube as an emission source object. I've parented the dragon and tube together but I need the tube locked onto the dragon's mouth. At the moment when the dragon moves it head, the tube isn't animated with it. I need the tube to inherit the animation of the dragon's mouth. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to achieve this? I'm guessing I need to constrain the tube to a section of the mouth? Thanks in advance, Chris (AUS)
  6. I cant parent an object to one that's already been simulated, where do i parent what? Got a dynamic object flipping around, want to have a sphere inside it acting as an emitter for pyro. Dont want pyro on the flipping object, but on one inside it following the animation.
  7. I'm new to Houdini pipeline and I'm starting to port a Maya pipeline tool over to Houdini. Everything is working great but the tooltip windows aren't appearing in the right positions. I've used Paul Winex's MSE and hqt as a reference to see how Houdini is working with windows, if there are any other learning resources out there let me know! 1) The popups are supposed to lock onto the edge of the panel, but it looks like they're offsetting from the left edge of my center monitor (in a 3 monitor setup). No matter where I move the main Houdini window, the popups still appear in the same spots. 2) There's only 1 UI element that creates a popup correctly, but it gets hidden behind Houdini's main viewport. Tearing off my tool's panel doesn't resolve any of these problems. I'm getting the parent window in Houdini like so: class Build( QtGui.QWidget ): '''Main functions to build UI.''' def __init__(self, parent = hou.ui.mainQtWindow()): super( Build, self ).__init__( parent ) My tool works fine when getting the parent window in Maya like so: ptr = mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow() class Build( QtGui.QWidget ): '''Main functions to build UI.''' def __init__(self, parent = wrapInstance( long( ptr ), QtGui.QWidget ) ): super( Build, self ).__init__( parent ) Example for problem 1): Example for problem 2):
  8. Hi, Does anybody know how to submit a "A Simple Parent-Child Example" : http://www.sidefx.co...ationships.html Or how to submit a dependency chain out of Houdini. Like, Simulation --> Meshing --> Rendering. It's simple in Houdini on one machine but how to take it over to Hqueue? Cheers, nap
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