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Found 11 results

  1. Hey everyone, I'm looking for the best solution or asset to generate growing ivy for my current project. If you've used any before and have experience with this, I'd love to hear your recommendations. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Here is the only resource I found so far, but I need more options to choose the best one: https://mcworldkit.gumroad.com/l/ivyTaming Thanks in advance for your help!
  2. Hello all, Im attempting to follow this old tutorial for a growth solver in VEX : https://www.creativebloq.com/how-to/grow-plants-in-houdini Im stuck on blending the direction between the steps in the For Loop, to stop the crazy jumps between steps. I also have an issue of the Ivy getting stuck under the object (I guess because the wander variable isnt strong enough for it to find a way out). Ive linked my hip file bellow, anyone have an idea what could be done next to get this working better? Here is where im currently at: Heres my current hip file: IvyGenerator_tool_forOD.hip Creating a solver like this is my overall goal eventually: Thanks!
  3. In this tutorial you will learn how to create a procedural bush plant in Houdini 18. We will start with the generation of the stems whose height depends on the height of the boxes selected as input. The methods used in the tutorial offer full control over the shape of the whole plant and at the same time it keeps a natural look. As texture we will use vegetation atlas. Can be reused in different projects with different types of styles and provides the ability to speed up the creation of content for games. DOWNLOAD link: Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/rart#dCEnaM ArtStation store: https://www.artstation.com/a/49546 Video Presentation: WHAT'S INSIDE? 12 Video Chapters (4 hours of tutorial) Houdini 18 Project File Unreal Engine 4.24 Project File + all assets HDA Asset INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 Intro. 8 min. Chapter 2 Procedural creation of the stem. 20 min. Chapter 3 Generating the first level of branches. 21 min. Chapter 4 Generating the second level of branches. 7 min. Chapter 5 UV Unwrapping and Creating UV Layout. 10 min. Chapter 6 Creating HDA tool and Unreal Engine Test. 10 min. Chapter 7 Adding level three, branches with leaves. 45 min. Chapter 8 Creating the season presets. 50 min. Chapter 9 Completing the HDA. 34min. Chapter 10 Assignment of UE4 materials to Houdini Digital Asset. 20 min. Chapter 11 Adding details and particles. 19 min. Chapter 12 Unreal Engine HDA Test. 9 min. TOOLS Houdini 18 Unreal Engine 4.24 DOWNLOAD link: Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/l/dCEnaM/KERRIA_JAPONICA ArtStation store: https://www.artstation.com/a/49546
  4. The plant is automatically generated using the Houdini Digital Asset. More on: https://artstation.com/artwork/BmZL64
  5. Hi Guys, is there a way to have tree meshes scattered on a terrain with variance in leaf colour on every single tree so that no two are the same colour? back in the Softimage/ICE days i could scatter points on a terrain mesh and give the points a random colour then i'd create a plant or tree mesh with different materials for bark, leaves etc, in Softimage's node based material builder i would plug in an attribute node into a colour mixer merged in with the leaf texture map, this attribute would read the random colour generated on the scattered points then i'd export the tree mesh as a Redshift proxy at render time the proxies would be loaded in, and each individual tree's leaves would be given an individual colour variation within a specified range based on the random colour from the scattered points this would mean each individual tree would have a unique colour added to its leaves and would be quick in the viewport/quick to render because of RS proxies (it also worked for Arnold standins) I've been trying to do this in Houdini but am hitting a wall, I've tried material style sheets but that requires me to create a different override for each parameter i want to control then assign specific trees to those overrides, its still not giving me unique colour variation per tree, its also quite a pain to set up, on top of that mat style sheets don't work if there's more than one material on a mesh which makes it redundant in this scenario I've also tried user data + attributes + shader switch but again you're using a mixer to switch between different specific shaders that you have to individually build, am i missing something? thanks for your help Houdiniers
  6. this is my first post here, sorry if this has already been solved, i've got a speedtree alembic mesh with lots of leaves that don't have thickness, ive applied the principled shader and plugged an image for opacity and one for colour, but i want to add another one for translucency so that the sun light comes through the layers of leaves showing the veins and green-ness in the leaves, SSS would be the obvious answer but the leaves don't have thickness, and there's a lot of them (its a forest) is this possible with the principled shader? i know its relatively simple in MR, Arnold, redshift? thanks guys
  7. Hello, I'm looking to create a kelp forrest like the reference below and being novice to houdini was wondering the best way to approach it... I started with a line sop and resampling I could copy sop'ing my leaves onto that. I'm looking to add dynamic moment to the kelp and wasn't sure if I should use cloth? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks,
  8. Hey people, take a look at my bachelor thesis film „CRYSTALLOtroph”. It was made at the UAS Kaiserslautern. The tools were Houdini and Nuke. Have fun watching!
  9. My current development. Digital asset for creating production-ready animated trees and other plants. A few types of wind (Real time wind system and accurate dynamic wind), many many options to customize plant as you wish. Additional examples of wind animation will be a little later. Basically, you need only 8 hours to create fully dynamical 3d tree. (2-3 hours for tweak a shape and all other time for dynamic) Implemented by python, HDK, and a lot of free time This is noncommercial thing. - Module system for any kinds of vegetation - All in one DA - Maximum flexibility - Fast internal modules based on HDK ( C++) - Auto smooth trunks - Dynamics - Leaves mesh builder http://vimeo.com/58316944 Please, feel free to contact me any time. Thanks.
  10. Hi guys I'm working on a field plants dynamic and set dressing project like the attached image; So I'm confused about the pipeline for simulating the wind effect. I used wire solver and I simulated some of plants individually but for scattering those, I should use rotation for different look and now the wind direction won't look right. also simulating all the plants together is not an easy and efficient task. So is there a better way? can you please give me a hint? Thank you
  11. It was supposed to be an entry for splash screen but unfortunately I couldn't finish it on time with deadlines at work. So here is work in progress of my 100% procedural Aloe vera, first test render from Houdini 13 with ray traced SSS which increased render speed drastically from H12. Straight from mantra. Cheers
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