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Found 11 results

  1. A noob grains upres question here… I created a massive fracturing grains sim with Vellum at a low-ish resolution, and I'm using the grains' velocities to drive smaller dumber particles. When using the POP Advect by Volume, the particles are pushed around correctly as expected, but when they exist the Velocity field they slow down dramatically almost to a halt. This is because I am using "Treat as Wind" with very high "Air Resistance" values, to counteract the Gravity force. How can I sample the Density of the same volume, and use that to influence the "Air Resistance"? This way the core of the volume will stick to the Velocity, and as we get further away from the core, the Velocity will have less and less influence, with gravity taking over... I spent hours on this yesterday, trying to find a way to bring the volume Density into the DOPNet as a sort of falloff for the POP Advect by Volume node… I even tried transferring the volume density to the Grain source points in SOPs as a float value, hoping I could hook strength data out of them that way, but again, just not luck at all! I’m aware this must be incredibly simple to do, but I just cannot figure it out at all. There doesn’t seem to be any kind of masking options available in the nodes I’m using. One kind Facebook user on the Houdini Artists group told me this VEXpression could be pasted into the POP Advect by Volume node: @airresistance *= fit(length(volumevelocity), 0, value, 0, 1); value = the speed value where you want the resistance to be full. However, this is not referencing density, and so far, isn't working anyway - but I get the idea.... Can anyone advise on the best steps to do this?
  2. Hello, I have tried to replicate the videos down below. However I got an issue that the sim has a hard time to remain thickness/volume of the upres layer. I could kinda fix it when bringing up the reseeding (surface oversampling) to about 10, but that will change the volume of the sim. Does anyone have any ideas regarding that? https://vimeo.com/108888186 https://vimeo.com/638633520#t=71s
  3. i a doing a simple simulation of a viscous fluid and each time i upres and wait to cache the result is always really different. First of all the general motion of the fluid changes and seems to be less viscous The other problem is that the surface when meshing later seems thiner. All i changed was the particle separation from 0.05 to 0.02. (of course this number is referenced to the flip object the fluid source and the final meshing) I am new to fluid sims and i was wondering if there is a way to guide the high res simulation and match the velocities of the low res. that way i can keep my low res result in terms of general motion but get much higher detail of my fluid.
  4. Hey all I have some low-ish resolution VDB dust clouds created in C4D with the TurbulenceFD plugin. These contain velocity channels. So far, I'm just not satisfied with the overall detail. What I've done to try and increase detail is convert the VDBs to Volumes, Volume Resample them, then use Volume Velocity to add some curl noise. It's looks OK, but by no means what you would call a true Up-res, that uses existing velocity channels to increase detail in turbulent areas... So that's the question really. How do I take a pre-calculated VDB (not dynamic at all) and give it a high-res makeover? Any pointers would be appreciated. Please be aware that the overall motion has been signed off, so all that I should be changing at this point is detail. I would just do the Up-res in TurbulenceFD, but it's buggy as hell and wont work. Every day I get closer to ditching C4D entirely. Thanks!
  5. Hi all, is there a way to add details to Pop sim in Houdini like in this tutorial: Thanks thanks
  6. Is ist possible to make a simulation in embergen, export as vdb, import into houdini, and upres the simulation using gas upres? (you have density, temperature, vel, fuel and heat)
  7. (Solved) Hello, I have a lowres pyro container and for closup shot i want to upres only small part of it and save overall movements. How can I achieve it? Preview scene build from shelf. Thank you. upres_part.hip Solution: Ah, nevermind. Just add volumeresize and crop lowres volume to my area and same for object smoke.
  8. Hello guys, when i upresing pyro sim, CPU not calculating sim. it's spending 9 hours only 7 frames. i'm using Explicit Caches. Cached frame file size is 3GB. i don't know what should i do. Help me guys. Sorry my bad english....
  9. I've added the gas upres node in a duplicate of my dopnet (smoke simulation only no combustion). I have exported the vel, density fields for the original sim. Then I animate the absolute frame in the upres node (starts at 1- 50F and then slows down). However the retimed sim looks similar but more smooth out, like a mushroom cloud instead of thick and thin layers blending together. I tired to introduce some turbulence from the upres node but it doesnt solve the problem. It's as if the sim became more thicker and blobby. My only solution right now is retiming from the original sim via timescale animation and counteranimating dissipation, turbulence when the smoke slows down. Any ideas how I can do a proper retime with the gasupres node (also look at how the shelf tools set up the network).
  10. Hello everyone, I have been trying to use upres tool from the shelf. It works perfectly when my source for pryro is "fluid source" in SOP level. But when I change my sourcing method to particles the upres tool doesnt work. Does anyone have any solution or a different method to upres the pyro? I have attached my file as an example. Please let me know if anyone finds a solution. Thank you very much. Advait test_fire_v002.hip
  11. Hello OdForce! I have an issue with the initial state on the Pyro UPRES. The initial state from my LowRes sim doesn't seem to work with the UPRES Pyro solver. Instead of simulating from the Initial state it re-simulate from the beginning. I also tried to make another .sim file but now from the Upres DopNetwork and instead of continuing the sim( purpose of the initial state... ) it kind of glitching. Here's a flipbook------> https://www.dropbox....State_Weird.mov I could easily delete the glitching frames, probably ±10 frames(Scale time: 1) but am looking for a Slow-mo fire so I would have to delete maybe 40 frames or higher(Scale time: 0,2)with a High resolution. Is anyone has ever experienced this kind of problem? Thank you OdForce!
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