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the only reason why houdini IS NOT perfect...

dyei nightmare

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well there is just 1 reason why houdini has not reached the perfection as a vfx software...

that is based directly open gl...

i know... there are pros and cons, you can install in almost every o.s. avaliable out there... but, that also mean a lot of buggery and problems with display drivers graphic cards and such... you know what i am talking about :rolleyes:

my sugestion is that the releases for windows were directX 10 based instead.

thats why maya is solid as rock, youll never see maya crashing or having that kind of problems like houdini... my current machine for example is not built for vfx or 3d i dont have any 3d card, but maya 2011 works like a real charm, it just... work fine... because is based on direct x and the renderers are based on software itself...

but houdini, well, you know... somethimes an nvidia quadro is not enough. :rolleyes:

so i think that the day that sesi decides to implement directx on houdini that day houdini its gonna be perfect

Edited by dyei nightmare
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The graphics API really isn't the issue here. Houdini's use of OpenGL isn't currently very efficient, and that is something that needs to change. Using DirectX would just double the work to update Houdini - a DirectX pipe for Windows, and an OpenGL for Linux/OSX. That would result in fewer features and less time for optimization.

BTW, OpenGL 3.2 is roughly DirectX 10. 3.3 is 10.1, and 4.0 is DirectX 11. There isn't a whole lot of difference, feature-wise, just a different approach.

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I've never really had massive amounts of problems with the viewport, granted they're very simple compared to other apps, but they seem to work.

Granted, the times they've failed me and slowed down is when I'm having tons and tons of geometry (talking a few million polys) on big sims.

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hmm.. I only had problems in the viewport with very large datasets. Which really was my own fault, as at that level I should have switched to rendertime geometry and partitioning a lot quicker. No point in trying to display it all. Only 1Gb on the graphics card. My viewport takes up about 1/6th of all screenspace, most of the time I'm working in the network editor.

In general I found that houdini deals with large datasets in the viewport better than Maya... this was Maya8 though.

I think houdini atm starts to slow down significantly for me around 6 million polygons.

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  On 9/21/2010 at 7:29 PM, dyei nightmare said:

well there is just 1 reason why houdini has not reached the perfection as a vfx software...

that is based directly open gl...

i know... there are pros and cons, you can install in almost every o.s. avaliable out there... but, that also mean a lot of buggery and problems with display drivers graphic cards and such... you know what i am talking about :rolleyes:

my sugestion is that the releases for windows were directX 10 based instead.

thats why maya is solid as rock, youll never see maya crashing or having that kind of problems like houdini... my current machine for example is not built for vfx or 3d i dont have any 3d card, but maya 2011 works like a real charm, it just... work fine... because is based on direct x and the renderers are based on software itself...

but houdini, well, you know... somethimes an nvidia quadro is not enough. :rolleyes:

so i think that the day that sesi decides to implement directx on houdini that day houdini its gonna be perfect

You must be joking, i used maya since version 4.5 and I still use it today (as file converter) and I honestly can't remember day it didn't crashed at least once.

Back in the days I was actually stupid enough to go for quadro thinking everything will work faster. It didn't. I ended up paying loads of money for video card that performed like entry-mid level gaming card for 200$.

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  On 9/21/2010 at 7:29 PM, dyei nightmare said:

thats why maya is solid as rock, youll never see maya crashing or having that kind of problems like houdini... my current machine for example is not built for vfx or 3d i dont have any 3d card, but maya 2011 works like a real charm, it just... work fine... because is based on direct x and the renderers are based on software itself...

You serious????

I agree that houdini viewport needs optimizations (if we compare with XSI for instance) and solve looots of problems for the MacOSX version, which most of them are realted to the horrible drivers by Apple.

But there is no point for your statement, sorry. PLEASE NO DIRECTX AT ALL

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I'm going to support dyei nightmare, it's a good idea, especially if Houdini would like to dive into game market.

But, since we have already OpenGL GLSL shader framework in place, I even more would like to see some MasterClass about creatig custom GLSL shaders. Or atleast give us more than one page info about this part of Houdini, PLEASE ! I got OpenGL Bible in front of me but do I really have to go thru 1000 pages long book each time I wan't to learn one feature in Houdini ? Just one quick intro will be good, just to speedup diving into it. Thanks !

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  On 9/23/2010 at 12:14 AM, SWANN said:

I'm going to support dyei nightmare, it's a good idea, especially if Houdini would like to dive into game market.

Anybody started a 'starcraftII .m3 vs houdini' pipeline yet?

Edited by rdg
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  On 9/24/2010 at 3:32 AM, static said:

Houdini on windows is just... not my cup of tea.

ahh!! thats a good point... better to not use it on windows, i wonder whats the best o.s. to use it.

and for the other replies, well, i havent had problems with maya, i gues is because when i did the most heavy work with maya i was in a very good machine...

but in general, i think maya is pretty solid.

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  On 9/24/2010 at 2:11 PM, dyei nightmare said:

ahh!! thats a good point... better to not use it on windows, i wonder whats the best o.s. to use it.

and for the other replies, well, i havent had problems with maya, i gues is because when i did the most heavy work with maya i was in a very good machine...

but in general, i think maya is pretty solid.

Linux. Personally I prefer Ubuntu either with Gnome or Xfce.

Edited by Andz
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Houdini and Win - not a 'perfect' match. I remember having performance problems back then when I still wanted to pull something out of Win...

Houdini shouldn't make problems with decent graphics.

And, Maya-Linux issue with composite extension is stil there, while Houdini works even with Compiz on better cards.

Autodesk seems to have much better support for Win&OsX while they treat Linux as an orphan...

Edited by drukpa
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I don't work in Houdini on Windows on a daily basis, but whenever I try, I'm actually surprised how nice and stable it works. It H10 some things like viewport render region were usable only on Windows. This is definitely not a dream environment for Houdini, but nevertheless I think SESI did a great job in that department and I'm surprised about these complaining. I'm actually wondering how many paid customers working on Windows see any issues with Houdini's win port...

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