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Make Curve In VEX


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Put all point positions into an array and make parameter "t" slide e.g. from 0 to 1 inside a for loop.

int steps = chi('steps');
vector all_points[];
resize(all_points, npoints(0));

for (int i = 0; i < npoints(0); i++){
    all_points[i] = point(0, "P", i);

int prim = addprim(0, "polyline");

for(int i = 0; i < steps; i++){
    float slide = i / float(steps - 1);
    vector pos = spline("catrom", slide, all_points);
    int inter_pt = addpoint(0, pos);
    addvertex(0, prim, inter_pt);   

Also a simple function for interpolating 4 points to a curve by yourself would be:

int steps = chi('steps');

vector pt0 = point(0, "P", 0);
vector pt1 = point(0, "P", 1);
vector pt2 = point(0, "P", 2);
vector pt3 = point(0, "P", 3);

int prim = addprim(0, "polyline");

for(int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {

    float slide = i / float(steps - 1);
    vector pos0 = lerp(pt0, pt1, slide);
    vector pos1 = lerp(pt2, pt3, slide);
    vector ipol = lerp(pos0, pos1, slide);

    int inter_pt = addpoint(0, ipol);
    addvertex(0, prim, inter_pt);



Edited by konstantin magnus
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2 hours ago, patremblay said:

include the first and last points as well and also smoothly close the curve?

I dont think the spline()-function does this for cubic splines. You can read about it here: http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/vex/functions/spline.html

But you could connect points to a curve and close it with an add-node and resample this to an 'interpolating curve' or a 'subdivision curve'.


Edited by konstantin magnus
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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I have an additional question, related to this thread. 

There are random existing curves, for instance. When applying a resample node, it adds points evenly. However, I am looking for a way to add points exponentially then add points with even distance. 

Is that possible to do it procedurally?  


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Hi @tagosaku,

you can shift points by sampling positions from their respective curves with a channel ramp:

float u = vertexprimindex(0, i@vtxnum) / float(primvertexcount(0, i@primnum) - 1);
v@P = primuv(0, 'P', i@primnum, chramp('shift', u));



Edited by konstantin magnus
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On 4/3/2020 at 6:29 AM, konstantin magnus said:

Hi @tagosaku,

you can shift points by sampling positions from their respective curves with a channel ramp:

float u = vertexprimindex(0, i@vtxnum) / float(primvertexcount(0, i@primnum));
v@P = primuv(0, 'P', i@primnum, chramp('shift', u));


well this trumps my curveu bias HDA royally !!!

  • Haha 1
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