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Did i miss an official anouncement ?

btw. it would be nice if the applet would use the correct username if someone is logged in :D

[16:26] *** Mode change "+o odforceuser" for channel #odforce by ChanServ.

[16:26] odforceuser: hello?

[16:26] Svenp: hi

[16:27] odforceuser: wow - this works - Cool!

[16:27] Svenp: what works ?

[16:27] odforceuser: this irc page from odforce. Just tried it on a whim.

[16:28] Svenp: irc page where ?

[16:28] Svenp: who are you ? do a "/nick yourusername"

[16:29] odforceuser: im paul from realise - you?

[16:30] odforceuser: the page I used was: http://www.odforce.net/irc/SimpleApplet.html

[16:31] Svenp: hmmm i havent had seen a link to the testpage on odforce


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ah bugger. We've been nicked.

Well I'll explain since Jason isn't here to defend himself. Getting a nice IRC interface into odforce was Jason's pet project for a short while. Sadly though, there aren't any decent scripts out there that can make it happen at a level that we would require. The one that you stumbled across Paul (how did you find it anyway?) was the best that's out there.

It has endless problems however, proxy's being one of them, so we abandoned the project. And it seems some people don't like cleaning up after themselves :P .

So enjoy it while it lasts, I'll be removing it in a few hours.



P.S. Sorry for the confusion.

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did you accept the certificate arctor? i was getting that until i finally did.. (restart browser if need it to pop up again) .. don't know about the proxy issue madjestic.. try using the help link in the applet..

<edit> nevermind.. <_< </edit>

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  • 4 weeks later...
  sum said:
[one,Aug 8 2005, 03:33 PM]an irc server?.. would be nice... where? how?

loking for news :)


Ooops, sorry Marc - I forgot to remove that .irc link on the Wiki page. It works, but its Java and so doesn't work from behind a firewall; like for me. The ambition was to have an optional frame which logged in to IRC with your odforce handle using JavaScript - which is server-side and so you're "guaranteed" of a valid connection.. I put the idea aside because (a) I ran out of time, and (B) I may prefer forum posting because the knowledge stays there forever and is not flushed away. I know there is a comraderie in IRC too.

What does everyone think? Should we attempt to host a javascript IRC client? Or stick with a forum-only site?

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Yes, some good stuff has been happening in the chat, so anything that helps bring more people in is cool with me. I understand though, about wanting to keep useful information in a preservable state, so that's a little bit of a dilemma. I guess there is a chance that if someone visits the board with a question and sees the little irc window/button, they might be inclined to just ask in the chat, instead of on the forum where the answer can be seen by others who come along later with the same question.

If it can be done without too much hassle, I'd definitly like to see it done, even if only on a trial basis. :)

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i like the forum as it removes the timezone barrier and as Jason says it preserves answers (but then good irc problems/solutions could get transposed to the wiki :)) i wouldnt want to see irc supersede the forums. having said that ive started at least idling in there at night and would at times during the days too if we found a way to do it through the web.

but im outta there if anyone posts a link to their webcam and they dont have clothes on!! :P

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