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New Color Schemes


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  • 7 months later...

Hi David, 3DSceneColors.bw changes the color for the "Grey" viewport background (Viewport display options > Background > Color Scheme: Grey).

Your Houdini install also includes 3DSceneColors.light and 3DSceneColors.dark for the Light and Dark viewport backgrounds, but they are not being modified by these themes.

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53 minutes ago, DaJuice said:

Hi David, 3DSceneColors.bw changes the color for the "Grey" viewport background (Viewport display options > Background > Color Scheme: Grey).

Your Houdini install also includes 3DSceneColors.light and 3DSceneColors.dark for the Light and Dark viewport backgrounds, but they are not being modified by these themes.

Ok thank you

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello DaJuice,
Thanks for this smoke super theme, it rocks !   it's cleaner and more serious looking too !

Now i'd like to change the default color for every new node created in every new hip file,
seems that by default the nodes color is set at about GREY(0.7) but i'd like to have my every created nodes at GREY(0.2) or DARK

I've looked inside the ST-Smoke.hcs did not found the correct name for what i'm looking for, may you please help me by answering with the correct name ?

or a technique to change this default base color for every new node ?

Thanks ;)   ++

Edited by lepetitnono
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Hi lepetitnono, I'm glad you like the theme!

Changing default node colors is done inside of Houdini: http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/network/organize#themes

With your mouse over the network view hit 'd' to bring up the display options. Go to the Themes tab, click on the Default Node Colors drop down menu and duplicate one of the standard themes. Hit 'c' in network view to bring up your color palette. Ctrl drag and drop a color swatch onto your node. That color is now the default for that node type (geometry, light, camera, etc). You can right-click and add additional colors to the color palette. Hope that helps.

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thanks a lot DaJuice,

I knew this, but it is not exactly what i was looking for,
this is usefull is you want to customise one node at a time but i'd like to have them all tinted in a more dark grey as default,
then from that point, i'd apply custom colors for each node that need  it > say dopnet popnet null and so...
There is no way to apply one color for every nodes ?
thank you.

What i do is then adding nodes after nodes, scenes after scenes the new color for the nodes manually > ctrl on color and apply to nodes,
then dupplicate the default nodes colors in themes ../ Network view display options  and giving it the same name,
so it adds the new colors to the current theme colors.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies for the late replies.

On 9/1/2019 at 3:23 AM, lepetitnono said:

What i do is then adding nodes after nodes, scenes after scenes the new color for the nodes manually > ctrl on color and apply to nodes,
then dupplicate the default nodes colors in themes ../ Network view display options  and giving it the same name,
so it adds the new colors to the current theme colors.

I looked in the config folder and I didn't notice anything that might allow you to change all node colors at once. When you say "scene after scene" do you mean that your icon color customization doesn't stick between Houdini sessions?


On 11/16/2019 at 5:35 AM, CinnamonMetal said:

@DaJuice I put the theme colors into the /config sub-folder but my icons are not changing, in this case to the look of the soot theme ?

@CinnamonMetal are you still having this issue? I'm not sure why that might be the case. The icon colors are being modified by four lines in the .hcs files. For Soot:

// Color correction for the icons --------------------------------------------

IconBrightness:	.85
IconContrast:	1
IconGamma:	1
IconSaturation:	0.3


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@lepetitnono I spoke too soon. When you create a custom node color theme it will create a new file in your $HOME directory, for example named Custom_theme.nodecolors. Inside, the different node type are listed along with corresponding RGB values, and you can modify everything there.

@CinnamonMetal Please try to temporarily rename your Houdini home directory so a fresh new preferences folder is created. Then go ahead and copy over the color theme files and see if the results are any different. Also be sure to update the #include line at the top of each .hcs file to point to the correct Houdini version. That won't affect the icon saturation issue, just network pane colors.

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  • 1 year later...
On 02/12/2019 at 4:02 PM, DaJuice said:

@lepetitnono I spoke too soon. When you create a custom node color theme it will create a new file in your $HOME directory, for example named Custom_theme.nodecolors. Inside, the different node type are listed along with corresponding RGB values, and you can modify everything there.

@CinnamonMetal Please try to temporarily rename your Houdini home directory so a fresh new preferences folder is created. Then go ahead and copy over the color theme files and see if the results are any different. Also be sure to update the #include line at the top of each .hcs file to point to the correct Houdini version. That won't affect the icon saturation issue, just network pane colors.

I'd like to  customize Smoke theme but can you tell me what are the parameter to modify to have blue instead of orange like in this screenshot ?

Thank you

Capture d’écran 2021-02-11 085909_LI.jpg

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