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2 hours ago, jonidunno said:

Yes I would assume something along those lines. but i cannot figure out the extrusion process.

Play with converting a vector field to polygons. Start with straight up normalized -1,-1,-1 to 1,1,1 noise and go from there.

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you can use a pointcloud node aswell. After this you can apply a volume wrangle on it, which is more comfortable to define scalar fields. Now you can use volume convert, which converts your cloud(field) into an isosurface.

The standard convert + fuse will create polygons, which can be used for boolean (or other) operations.

Applying for each node with different iso levels, will give different iso surfaces.

The main problem is finding the right iso function and parameters. There are many possibilities. And even if you have the right values the effect needs more to look equal.

If interested, here is a rough approach getting iso surfaces



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