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Bend step on foreach

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Hey magicians,

I'm trying to model this cactus (crassula kimnachii)



So far I have modeled a petal, bended, duplicated and transform in a foreach with metadata iteration for the scale and a sweep curveu to control the profile:


My question is, I have the bend at the beginning of the node tree, and I need to access the bend scale on the foreach, to use with the iteration so is closed on the top and opened at the bottom. The bend got its own capture region so im having a hard time to play with this on the foreach, this is the way to go? or there's another alternative to make it closed on the top and opening on the bottom?

Another test I did is using a curly curve (line with couple controls in vex), where I plugged the curly on the foreach and controls the opening with the metadata iteration:


Any thoughts to approach this?




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I would rather copy spheres onto a resampled curve with varying point scale. Then apply the same number of grids onto some parts of the sphere surfaces via UVs.

Alternatively you just stick with the most recent Entagma tutorial: 


Edited by konstantin magnus
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Hey guys, thanks a ton for the quick reply! 

@konstantin magnus thats a clever idea, I didn't tried via UVs but I tried ray projecting a rotated grid onto a sphere and almost worked, thanks for the entagma tut!

@Noobini thanks again for the help! love that setup, thanks for your time making it, did a quick test and looks amazing already, now I'm trying to figure out the chramp on the transform xD but don't help me on that, setup is almost done, want to figure out something by myself xD, tried adding a chramp on the CTRL but is moving all at once and not working on the ramp, like taking only 1 value, also tried a copytopoints with curveu > ramp within the foreach but repeats on everypoint, i'll figure out alone, no help please xD I might do a mix between my first setup and your stuff to bend within foreach, thanks again man!


@Librarian wow! saw that popcorn some time ago and is an amazing setup, didn't know that wire capture node, and btw just checked your file, you recreated that??? or the original setup is yours? is amazing! thanks for sharing, i'm studying it right now

Thanks magicians!

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getting there...more fiddling around

I can't be certain if the pattern is spiraling up...or is mirrored in the X/Z axis...unless one has an actual plant for close examination...amazing plant tho.

(ah...$hit, sorry didn't see your comments re NO help wanted, stuff you, bad luck !!!)




Edited by Noobini
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12 minutes ago, Noobini said:

getting there...more fiddling around

I can't be certain if the pattern is spiraling up...or is mirrored in the X/Z axis...unless one has an actual plant for close examination...amazing plant tho.




Even better! digging into the setup, love the "buddhas temple" name xD

Did a quick test with vellum, its not the real movement but wanted to saw this beauty in motion, I might tweak the petal, drop into substance painter for some texturing and explore that chramp scale.


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Nature is an endless source of fascination, isn it?

This cactus is like an onion skin animation of a one petal opening.. Maybe it could be another approach combing with vellum, and offset detangle?

You have already received some great idea i could think about for now


vincent . t

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