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Modeling challenge


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well here's my WIP...

I thought Houdini and I had agreed that my crappy 3Dlabs VX1 was 'ok' for most of my needs...but I guess not <_<

been crashing very regularly when moving through persp>ortho>persp and doing 'edits'...

btw...I was going for a 'conan' type of sword...


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A day late, but here it is. Seems somewhat unfinished still... the handle needs more work, and I just started playing with specular maps, or any sort of shading for that matter.

It's so cool to see all the different types of swords people came up with :P

P.S. No reason to stop now, just keep submitting if you feel the need B)


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awesome jens...question, from the looks of the original swerd pic you added some wraping on the hilt. was this done with a displacement or actual geometry?

it was a combination effort. I created some fairly simple nurbs geometry that wrapped around the handle (and made it all procedural, just to keep some of the houdini spirit in there :) ) and then used, I think, the burlap displacement shader that comes with houdini. Worked out well enough, so I kept it :lol:

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yeah that handle and the subtle work on the blade look 'really' nice!!

i'll try and post one in soonish, really neck deep with some stuff at the moment, actually i did do this lo-poly staff thing at the final hour but when i went to render it just didn't work out so i canned it.

i'll see what i can do........


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  • 1 month later...

halo all,

after looking at all the great work posted here, model-lust (as opposed to bloodlust) overtook me and i created a cleaver of my own. i know the deadline has technically gone by... a loooong time ago. but, it was fun to create and i thought i would kick a bit of life into this thread :)


official sidefx whipping boy


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thanks jens. the writing is a polygonal symbol font using my name. just wrote my name in the default text and changed it to symbol. turned out looking curvacious and latinish.

i originally wanted to polyextrude the font, convert it to nurbs, then etch it into the nurbs blade with surfsect. i couldnt get that to look right, so i ended up doing it this much simpler way.

after looking at it a bit, i realize it looks "too cg"... clean, new, perfect, etc. how would you bevel an edge? like the edge of the cap of the handle. what would be a simple way of making a slight bevel all the way around the tube edge? also, does anyone have suggestions for how to age a sword? ...make small dings, imperfections, reflection irregularities, etc.

as for another modeling challenge, making a robot could be very smooth. that would probably offer enough latitude so that people could really go off.

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To bevel a polygon edge, I usually use the divide sop. Turn off Convex Polygons and turn on Smooth Polygons. Then play with the weight untill you like the size of the bevel and increase the divisions to make it as smooth as you like.

As far as aging the sword, I'm not really sure. You could certainly use reflection maps to make the reflections more irregular, which will already add a lot of realism, I think, and you could use displacement maps to add dings, although I wouldn't put too many in it. There's bunches of sword pics online, and I think someone posted a link in this thread, so you could probably use those as reference.

A robot might be too complex for a modeling challenge, since it might take people too long to make. Obviously we can make simple robots, but I think the inclination for most of us would be to make something super cool and complex.

How about simplifying it by making the challenge to model a robotic arm? You could still get really complex with it, but it wouldn't take as long as a whole robot. (has anyone seen the addidas comercial DD did where a pair of robotic legs does all sorts of crazy moves on a moving platform? I think you could download it somewhere... anyhoo, those were cool robotic legs, is all) Anyhoo, you could also incorporate all sorts of procedural setups for this, so I think it'd make a good houdini challenge.

Lemme know what you think folks.



P.S. Cool Alex, I'd love to see another submission :)

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thanks jens!

the divide sop was the ticket. i would enjoy jumping into a robot arm challenge. perhaps the idea should be started under a new thread so people would easily be able to see it.

also, i believe there are a few of us here participating in the buzz vtm's. the latest addition to the quiz/videos/tests/projects is to model a vehicle that transforms into a robot. now that's timing!

creating a detailed robot arm for a good-natured challenge here could easily be incorporated into the transformer project there.

synergy, i tell you.

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