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  1. Probably best to reserve praises for when we'll have had the chance to do some testing. And the same for criticizing.
  2. you just drop a "guidegroom" node inside your HairGen node, like you do for the guides
  3. great animation/movement. also procedural?
  4. so what are the results? if you have twitter and can tell us... never mind, the results are in
  5. True, but if it's not possible already, I'm sure they'll implement an OFF button or even a blend between AI driven and manual keys. Either way, it looks promising.
  6. Yes, unfortunately Houdini does feel pre-2000s era in this sector. Houdini lacks an exhaustive weights editor, some of the tools are confusing and/or don't produce reliable and repeatable results. Mirror Capture SOP for example, is a mess in this regard and also it's very confusing in its documentation, for mea at least - none of the listed modes in the Behavior list, docs explanations or behavior in the viewport, make practical sense to me. The approach of "from" and "to" lists of bones/deformers has less interactivity than a command line. So we're pre-1980s here. The only better thing in Houdini vs XSI (again, a defunct software that had this nailed since at least 15 yrs ago) is its initial capture result with its biharmonic solution. And there are other problems related to character animation work, which I mentioned with other occasions and won't do it again here.
  7. @kiryha It works with lowering the max guide count locally. Hooray! If the guide-partition was not busted (at least for .391), that would've been the 1st thing I'd try. Anyway, thanks for throwing out the interpolation idea - it pushed me into the right direction.
  8. @kiryha OK, I'll try lowering the max guide count for that region to see what will happen.
  9. @kiryha No, those are render/gen-hairs. The 1st image below is how it looks from outside. The 2nd is with the guides themselves. This happens only in this region of the entire groom.
  10. @kiryha Yeah, I noticed Frizz will accentuate the problem (it would be cool if the hair process nodes were more accurate), but the issue here is that I have hairs inside the mesh (attached), even without a guideprocess active. Tried decreasing the voxel size too, but no luck with that either. BTW, the mesh is completely closed, no holes.
  11. And soon Houdini. JK, of course. I know it shouldn't be said not even in jest, but still... a mere joke Maybe they're closing the "private" beta to open a public one. Otherwise, it's what Adsk has been doing for many yrs now. I'd be surprised, or even disillusioned, to see them actually innovating on their M&E portfolio.
  12. Howdy, Dealing with a problem I tried to solve for a whole day, procedurally. No luck so far. There are lots of hairgen strands that go inside the mesh and get some empty patches. The guides are OK, although pretty close to the skin mesh, as that's how I need them to be. Any idea what's causing this and more importantly how to fix it? I know it's a long shot without files, but unfortunately, I can't share the scene, one of the reasons being it's complex/many external files/ large disk footprint.
  13. Howdy, I'm creating a point attr with which I'm overriding color in a paint SOP. How do I use the Bind VOP to drive a hair root/tip color? It's working for driving a mix on surface color, but not on hair. For hair works fine with a map for sure, but I'd rather not have to create UVs and paint a texture mask for simple stuff. Is the mix node mapped on each hair's V coord and texture maps is the only way to go? Help?! hair_mix.hipnc
  14. @malexander Hi Mark, Is there a way to display an obj as sub-d but hide the hull?
  15. Better to switch these two, since RMB is used more often and the lower button is more accessible.
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