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ranxerox last won the day on October 30 2012

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  1. hi Carlos, I'm not sure what is slowing your scene down so much. I've found the new whitewater solver to be much faster/better than the old one. I don't think you can set constraint stiffness to 0 and still get usable results (not sure though). Unfortunately there isn't a tut on the new whitewater solver, but this tutorial is related: (the pop fluid node is inside the ww solver). -G
  2. you could go through your primitive groups with a foreach (so that it blasts the primitives not in the group), fuse the points.. group by unshared edges, set an attribute on the points in that group, then attribute transfer the attribute back to the rest of your prims (with a small threshold). I hope that makes sense. -G
  3. there is currently no way to do this. What you have is probably the best solution. -G
  4. hi Chris, you don't need both of those SOPS, having just the groupexpression by itself will do. -G
  5. it seems like the names of the pieces emitted are missing 'piece1', so the names don't line up. I've attached a possible solution. -G Bullet_Emit_v3.hipnc
  6. here's one way to do it. Make sure your name attributes line up and use 'transformpieces'. -G Bullet_Emit_v2.hipnc
  7. you also might just consider scaling down before the dopnet, and scaling back up afterward. It's 2 transform sops.
  8. look in the helpcard for the solver sop. There is a "footsteps" setup which might work with some tweaking. -G
  9. very nice Diego ! Did you do anything special to get those long tendrils ?
  10. you could use an object merge, point it to the "camOrigin" node inside of your camera, change the "transform" option to "into this object", and pipe the ouput of the object merge into the second input of your attribute vop. Then in the attribute vop you could access the second input with an "Import Point Attribute" and change the input parameter to "second input", and pipe a constant of 0 into the "ptnum" parameter. -G
  11. you could also try writing out subframes (using oversampling on the dopnet, and look up using $N on a geometry ROP), then playing back the subframes at normal speed. It does change the look of your sim somewhat, so it's not %100, but for a lot of sims you can work this way. -G
  12. could you do it in reverse ? Ie. for each voxel calculate your weight to the point in question ? It does seem odd that there isn't a vex function to set specific voxels. -G
  13. yes I thought I attached a file, sorry, but I did pretty much what I described. I've attached it here for posterity. I was reading about the apply_mask dop and it mentions torque etc, so maybe it's just for the rbdsoolver ? -G smoke_gasblur_mask_not_working_v1.hip
  14. what is it that you actually want to do ? If it's actually a question about performance you are going to be better off sticking with the volume VOP/wrangle paradigm as that is easily multithreaded. -G
  15. here. I changed the "mask" dop to an applydata dop. I turned off the shaping so you can see that it's working clearly. -G
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