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Found 8 results

  1. How can I disable the volume visibility in karma?
  2. Hi, I'm looking for a way to fine-tune exactly what visible OBJ nodes appear in a certain camera. I'm working on a Wrap-like tool similar to what Pixar show here: In terms of having the two camera views side by side, they have two separate obj networks for the source and destination meshes. I would like to contain the process in one network. If I have a simple OBJ network like so : And two cameras pointing to it, is there a way for Camera_A to only show sphere1 in the viewport, and hide box1, despite the fact that both are marked visible? I don't believe it's an option to collect the specific obj nodes together in a Geometry node via obj merges or similar, and just point the camera to that, since the OBJ transforms need to be directly interactible from the camera. Thanks for your help
  3. Hi, I feel quite stupid, but does anyone know how I can make the surface vdb visible coming from a compressed fluid nde? The node contains the compressed points, a surface and a velocity vdb, but I cannot see them. I already tried the visibility SOP. Thanks for any hints. .... okay I found it. In the primitive SOP I can switch visibility for VDB's to isosurface what is exactly what I need.
  4. Hi, Im trying to create different overrides for diferent arnold render_out nodes, like takes, or like the render setup in Maya, I know I can use the option of use phantom object or matte in the arnold_out node, but is more powerfull to use overrides, it give us the possibility to override more properties like cast shadows, recieve shadows...etc (I dont know this names exactly right now). The thing is I go to out, and I create a node Set_parameter (arnold node) and I conect this to an Arnold_OUT, in the Set_Parameter I create the path for the section I want to override, in this case is an geometry node (selection: obj/geo1/*) inside for example I put a box for testing, and next I write the attribute I want to override, in this case I want to override the arnold parameter from geometry, in this case I write...for example... subdiv_type = "catclarck" subdiv_iterations = 3 ok, this two parameter are working for me, when I activate that arnold rendere node to render, that parameter change and I can watch it in the render, even also work for me this parameter override: matte = True but, and here is my problem, I really want to override the visibility tab arnold parameter, like visibility rays to camera, self shadows an so on...but I cant it work, in this case I write... visibility_camera = False and this last one no work for me, how can I do for this work??? (visibility_camera for example), I only go to the parameter in geometry, arnold, visibility tab and I let the mouse over the parameter, and in the floating window I can watch the parameter, in this case is ar_visibility_camera but I thing for use this attribute we have to remove the ar_ , but event with this I cant get the override for visibility. I let here the official Arnold web site with Set parameter info... https://docs.arnoldrenderer.com/display/A5AFHUG/Set+Parameter Thanks.
  5. Hi guys, I was wondering if it is there any way to change certain object's parameters depending on whether I'm inside of a subnet or not. Basically my problem is that I have a rendering subnet hda, which allows me to only render stuff that is inside, or referenced inside my subnet. But the issue is that if I have multiple subnets in my network with multiple lights in them, every light is visible in the viewport, making it hard to work with lights, since everything is visible and added together making the entire screen look blown out. I know I can disable the "Enable in Viewport" checkbox on my lights manually, but it would be awesome if it would be possible to only enable that checkbox on my lights when I'm actually inside my subnet and disable them when I go out from it automatically. In case anyone has any ideas on how to achieve this, I would appreciate if someone could nudge me in the right direction. Thanks in advance for any help! Best, Laszlo
  6. Hello, very new to Houdini.. This is my setup: a mesh -> 'SCATTER' -> 'CONNECT ADJACENT PIECES'. The connected points are in clusters so some are not in use..My question is how can I turn off the visibility of the unused points generated by the 'SCATTER' node? Here is a screen grab: thanks in advance
  7. We have maya animations with visibility animated trying to figure out how to import that info from the maya abc export with the write visibility option on. got this look up from the camera imports, not sure what to mod in order to get visibility out of a geo cache. pwd().alembicGetCameraDict(ch("fileName"), "/renderCam/renderCamShape", ch("frame")/ch("fps")).get("focus") Not familiar with the abc formatt that much. Thanks -Ben
  8. I wasn't entirely sure what to call this as its quite a complex task.. Basically, lets say I have a faceted spehere with some boxes around it. I want to create a primitive attribute on my faceted sphere which corresponds to an id stored on each box and will essentially tell the shader which box it should render. So maybe 'attribute-based object linking' is more appropriate.. Is this possible? In my head I was thinking I could create a shader for the sphere and inside send a test ray to check what this interescts with, if the object id that it hits corresponds with the sheres primitive id that the ray came from then render this object, if not then ignore this object and carry on pathtracing... This would need to be done for reflection and refraction.. Possible?
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