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Differential curve growth


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  • 5 months later...

Hey guys, I have been seeing all the posts on this topic. I'm trying to implement the same thing using an SOP solver using VEX. 

My approach is typical, I run a wrangle node over the points, where I calculate the average vector for each point to determine the position of the current point for the next iteration. After this wrangle node, I append a resample node which will resample the curve on each frame and this creates endless growth. 

So, instead of resampling on each frame, I would like to divide the curve when the distance between two consecutive points has reached some threshold value that I set before. I don't know how to make this division using vex. I have attached my file below. I just can't figure out how to add a point between those two consecutive points and change the point number in the right order.


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  • 10 months later...

I still don't understand how to create growth, that is limited to or mostly adheres to growing into two directions.

Like variant #8 and #9 in the video "a unified approach to grown structures" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HI8FerKr6Q

Changing the frequencies and amplitudes of the volume noise, doesn't seem to achieve this result.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...
On 12/24/2018 at 12:29 PM, Farmfield said:

Don't know if I ever posted this one but this is a cool effect as well... :D



Woww! I love it! I have tried this but I can't get circles to work on a 3D surface, how did you do it? 


Thanks in advance!!! 

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2 minutes ago, arane93 said:

Woww! I love it! I have tried this but I can't get circles to work on a 3D surface, how did you do it? 


Thanks in advance!!! 

To be more specific, I would like to achieve that pattern that this coral has, instead of growing lines, they are circles. How can I achieve it?


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6 minutes ago, arane93 said:

To be more specific, I would like to achieve that pattern that this coral has, instead of growing lines, they are circles. How can I achieve it?



I have tried to do this, I attach a hip file, but it doesn't seem like the best way, I'm sure it can be done better!

Captura de pantalla 2023-11-14 210522.png


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  • 5 months later...

Hey guys, I've been taking a look at the famous video mentioned a few pages back:

While lots of techniques have been covered in this thread, I'm a bit lost when it comes to the later variations that "carve" into the surface. The variation 10 (area contraction) can be achieved using the same curvature based growth that's described in this thread (just go in opposite direction), but I can't seem to get the behavior of 12 (point contraction, starts at around 4:13) and 13 (line contraction).

Anyone have any ideas how those two effects 12 (point contraction), 13 (line contraction) could be achieved?

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Hey algo junkies, I realized I posted this on a new thread, but it should be a continuation of that one. A clip that I saw on Pinterest, it's done by a (collective of) Mograph artist in Atelier 8, no claimed author, titled #1cfwip. That's been so obsessing I've decided to try reproducing it. 

It appears to be a recursive growth whose main body is strongly driven by curl noise on its highest curvature convexity, the organic intricacy and coherency of surface detail is amazing though, devil is in that detail. It looks like a velocity vector extraction displacing the main body, a trailing of sort, could be polywire with noise recombined with the main VDB maybe, am on it despite it being above my pay grade. What is your take on this?


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On 3/6/2025 at 4:35 PM, owelter said:

I saw a like from @Thomas Helzle, Thomas it's not my clip that's the ref I'm trying to achieve! :unsure:Struggling so far with the surface details. How do you think it's done?

Don't tell me it's C4D...

Hehehehe - I understood that.
But I still liked the reference and would be interested as well ;-)

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Am still on it, getting closer actually.
Obviously I’m not able to reproduce exactly the same noise but it is where I m at:

a combination of 2 volumes, to be precise the same vdb sdf added over itself but one with smooth sdf + erode to create the flat smooth part of it.

vdb analysis in laplacian mode of that resulting sdf vdb  is then normalized and passed on to the polygonal mesh for shading, could also use mesure sop I guess.
Will post the hip file when I’m satisfied, and after cleaning it up, bc it’s quite a mess atm.

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