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Question about one of the Siggraph 2018 presentations by Ben Watts


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So I am curious about one of the tools presented by Ben Watts.  

So my question is in regards to Controlling FX starts around 3:11. I know its a custom tool and looks like it would be super handy.

Any ideas on how to replicate this tool for myself would be awesome ?  

Awesome Siggraph presentations by the way. I really enjoyed them.




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Fully agree that having a tool to create transitions is pretty handy. 

I made super simple one based on the shortest path, But can't live without it anymore. (probably should make this into a proper asset someday)

Can use speed attribute to control the transitions speed, and can output an up vector if you want to use it for copies. 

It's not based on uv's / axis like Bens though. But hopefully it's helpful to get you started. ;) 





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Hi, I'm also very interested in the tools he used, and I think I got some progress.

About the UV step - I think it's only necessary when you have a geometry - some poly geo,

I don't think he uses the UV in the curves example simply because - the curveU attribute already gives values from 0-1, although I must say it's possible I'm wrong

Another interesting thing is - when you resample a curve - the curveU attrib outputs from 0-1 only in "straigh edge" mode - using "subdivision curve" (as in the presentation video) outputs some strange numbers way below zero (e.g. 5.23545454*e^5) 

You can see in this VOP scheme - my take on it - it simply creates a 0-1 float value from the frame range you input and adds it to the curveU - hence offsetting the value to the point from white to black (0-1) and binds it to the 

morph attribute, I don't have the hip file atm but, it's pretty straight forward to recreate it.

Also I'm offsetting this value to each prim with random and fitrange nodes.


Let me say I'm pretty new to Houdini, so if anything I'm just as interested as you what the experienced users think on the subject.


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