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  On 9/20/2020 at 11:40 AM, Librarian said:

@dyei nightmare i did some research on Flocky MOcky . HAve Fun

//variable set

v@v = (nrandom() - 0.5) * 2;//chv("InitVelocity");
float extent = 1;
v@v += normalize(@P);//normalize(fit01(rand(@ptnum), {1,1,1} * -extent, {1,1,1} * extent));
v@accel = {0,0,0};
v@N = normalize(v@v);
v@up = {0,1,0};
f@mass = 1;
i@id = @ptnum;

f@CohesionRadius = chf("CohesionRadius");
f@CohesionSpeed = chf("CohesionSpeed");

f@AlignmentRadius = chf("AlignmentRadius");
f@AlignmentWeight = chf("AlignmentWeight");
//Solver Set

@v += @accel * @TimeInc;
@P += @v * @TimeInc;
@accel = {0,0,0};
@v += @accel * @TimeInc;
@P += @v * @TimeInc;
@accel = (random(@ptnum)-10.5) * 0.3;//{0,0,0};

int Neighbours[] = nearpoints(0, @P, @CohesionRadius);
int NeighboursCount = len(Neighbours);
vector AvgPos = {0,4,0.5};

foreach (int i ; Neighbours) 
        if(@ptnum != i)
                vector pos;
                getattribute(@OpInput1, pos, "point", "P", i, 0);
                AvgPos += pos;

AvgPos /= NeighboursCount;

v@accel += normalize(AvgPos - @P) * @CohesionSpeed;
int Neighbours[] = nearpoints(0, @P, @AlignmentRadius);
int NeighboursCount = len(Neighbours);
vector AvgVel = {0,1,0};

foreach (int i ; Neighbours) 
        if(@ptnum != i)
                vector vel;
                getattribute(@OpInput1, vel, "point", "v", i, 0);
                AvgVel += vel;

AvgVel /= NeighboursCount;

v@accel += (AvgVel - @v) * @AlignmentWeight;
float SeparationRadius = @CohesionRadius * chf("speed");
int Neighbours[] = nearpoints(0, @P, SeparationRadius);
int NeighboursCount = len(Neighbours);
vector DirectionToNeighbour = {0,0,0};

foreach (int i ; Neighbours) 
        if(@ptnum != i)
                vector pos;
                getattribute(@OpInput1, pos, "point", "P", i, 0);
                DirectionToNeighbour += normalize(@P - pos);

DirectionToNeighbour *= 1.0 / SeparationRadius;

v@accel += DirectionToNeighbour;

tips --
animate only speed with constant
you can Combine with files from jhorikawa Dude..
for the momment working on predator and Ants (sim)




coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!! :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Structure (based only on stereo-graphic_projection_inversion and Dirichlet problem)  , every frame its different Model ..NO Vops no text ..

Codes and How? its in this Topic .next to do its somehow connect diff assemblies and materials(attachments) .Fun. now I can make :wub:with Better PC.



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  • 2 weeks later...

You make me feel nostalgic about hunting for seashell on the beach :)

Here some from my own ocean



Vincent Thomas   (VFX and Art since 1998, Avaiable mid Early Mid november  2020)
Senior Env and Lighting  artist & Houdini generalist & Creative Concepts




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  On 10/16/2020 at 1:52 PM, Librarian said:

Structure (based only on stereo-graphic_projection_inversion and Dirichlet problem)  , every frame its different Model ..NO Vops no text ..

Codes and How? its in this Topic .next to do its somehow connect diff assemblies and materials(attachments) .Fun. now I can make :wub:with Better PC.




The form in gray is interesting from the top view at least. Is is a kind of gyroid formula on a volume Tesan or some more obscure sauce?

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of this species from my Houdini cabinet of curiosity like this other fat guy below  :D


Trying to do now a  complex roots system like the second pic bellow, starting for an input ground and flowing inside a shape using Pop .

So far my pop Grain dop solver setup doesn't seem to work as expected with thick objet going on top of others. Like the ref photo here 


I try not using not shortest path, connect adj pts or slime and other solver, i don't think they will give that result


Vincent Thomas   (VFX and Art since 1998)
Senior Env and Lighting  artist & Houdini generalist & Creative Concepts





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Ok nice @vinyvince
Last Picture You Can make With L system And Metaballs and In The Future Please Post The Files Of Your Experiment ...This Topic I made For That Exclusive for  Sharing Tips and Files :wub:

You Have on Solvers Here on Topic Directions and Normals Page 5  0r 4: 5min



Bio ODforce.hiplc

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Yep, that's what i do Tesan! You could orient metaball along the curv tangent but i wished Sidefx has implementes Metaballs Tubes prim ,  like it was the case 10 years with 3dsmax or Zbrush zsphere.. With procedural workflow and the search for condition of "happy accident", i found then more usefull than in the past haha, It's not only usefull for shaping forms but also for building and deforming *Muscles*  @old school

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With curves you could find the goodold foreeach and raysop usefull too to avoid collision. No grain and pop like i want, but...

like the example here from Magnus . Detangle could also help...

Im trying now to drive my dop pop network with velocity and path generated from shortest path and hidden colllsion geo... look promising

Thanks for pointing me to this video.  I was actually thinking of the idea to reverse the engineering of the "metaball" when i wrote my previous message, but im a little bit of of produciton rush for my client, for weeks now, it will wait :) but its interesting.


foreach_ray_example4.hipncFetching info...

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