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About georgeivan

  • Birthday 12/05/1973

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    3d,Houdini,The division

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  1. A great number of jobs will be obsolete in 10 years,this will be 100 worst than any other thing we saw or read. Its not a revolution,its a replacement.
  2. I have a scene with 20 copies of an asset moving around,the animation its baked. There is a way to offet each copy in time? Thanks!
  3. Nice,i have again the same problem and there is no partIO compiled for Maya 2018,also i cant use Maya instancer with Krakatoa
  4. Hi!,can you post some small sample? Thanks!
  5. It dont read bhclassic at least the versions i have.i havent compiled any version yet, the ones i have work fine, just the extra step to rename.
  6. Actually the respawn version(0.9.6a) dont work like that,you have to rename to bgeo. https://groups.google.com/d/msg/partio-discuss/KQ1lGFNu-Cs/ACJ2eeDogOQJ And from the mouth of the creator https://github.com/redpawfx/partio/issues/37
  7. Sorry for the late reply.Export as bhclassic and rename to bgeo
  8. The guy dosent even teach Houdini,the course its around Fume and Max.Love the endless web page.
  9. Regarding OpenCl,im having slower performance on a 1070 than on Ryzen https://www.dropbox.com/s/jnl9lzf60wawghp/BenchFlip.rar?dl=0 Open the scene,let flip update,mark playone on timeline Activate opencl,activate performance,play it I take the Total statistics value _____________________________________________ Ryzen 1800X Stock 64GB DDR4 Kingston CMK16GX4M1B3000C15 2128 1070GTX CPU 13.263s CPUOpenCl 13.633s OpenCL1070GTX 14.026s _____________________________________________ On the other hand Pyro seems to make more use of OpenCL https://www.dropbox.com/s/vthfmz2yymmw5b8/BenchLight.rar?dl=0 ____________________________________________ Ryzen 1800X Stock 32GB DDR4 Kingston CMK16GX4M1B3000C15 2996 1070GTX CPU 1m 40.626s CPUOpenCl 53.647s OpenCL1070GTX 29.755s _____________________________________________
  10. Regarding OpenCl,im having slower performance on a 1070 than on Ryzen https://www.dropbox.com/s/jnl9lzf60wawghp/BenchFlip.rar?dl=0 Open the scene,let flip update,mark playone on timeline Activate opencl,activate performance,play it I take the Total statistics value _____________________________________________ Ryzen 1800X Stock 64GB DDR4 Kingston CMK16GX4M1B3000C15 2128 1070GTX CPU 13.263s CPUOpenCl 13.633s OpenCL1070GTX 14.026s _____________________________________________ On the other hand Pyro seems to make more use of OpenCL https://www.dropbox.com/s/vthfmz2yymmw5b8/BenchLight.rar?dl=0 ____________________________________________ Ryzen 1800X Stock 32GB DDR4 Kingston CMK16GX4M1B3000C15 2996 1070GTX CPU 1m 40.626s CPUOpenCl 53.647s OpenCL1070GTX 29.755s _____________________________________________
  11. Sorry guys i dont understand i, have a gtx1070 with an Intel CPU.If i buy a Ryzen CPU i cant use OpenCl?
  12. Also you could use packed primitives.This course its really good http://www.cgsociety.org/training/course/destruction-in-houdini
  13. well if you want to retain the shape of the object you can do it in Maya with ncloth,cloth in Houdini sucks
  14. In the end i was using partIO,you can have several channels in maya including rotation on top of that you can use instances,not big caches anymore:),2016 and alembic still sucks.
  15. Thanks!its an issue with the shutter,if i export and choose start frame in Arnold it renders fine,if i choose "center of frame" or "end frame" it fuck ups again,im exporting 4 samples from houdini and 0-1,Arnold works in 0-1,maybe something with the alembic rop. Well i think solved,if i export with 0.5 to 1.5 in the Alembic Rop it works with center of frame.
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