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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2018 in all areas

  1. Last week a guy asked in the brazilian houdini group, in facebook, how to simulate colored smoke. I believe there are lots of hip files with this kind of effect, but while thinking about it, it came to my mind the possibility of using CMYK instead of RGB, since cmyk is more suitable for mixing colored things other than light. I couldn´t spend more time testing it or improving the file, but it seems to work, so here´s the hip file. colored_smoke_V002.hip
    2 points
  2. Hello Joseph, Sorry for the inconvenience, We have had various issue with our tutorial delivery system combined with various member of our team being on vacation which caused the delayed reply. As you said we have sent you the tutorial link and I personally issued you a 100% refund, please accept this as an apology for the hassle caused . Regards Saber
    2 points
  3. I have been exploring how constraints work and I have put together a basic RBD car rig. The vehicle/car rig supports front and rear wheel drive, a spring suspension, motor speed, adjustable wheel size with front and rear axle offsets and a switchable front/back engine block mass. Dive inside and look for the node named Controls to play with the various settings. I have a 1st draft attempt at steering, but it does not really work yet. If anyone has any ideas on how to link steering to the constraints I'd love to see them. Thanks to Richard Lord and Julian Johnson for posting their constraint systems and Matt Estela's CGWiki . Dissecting their work helped me build this rig. ap_basic_vehicle_090318.hiplc
    1 point
  4. I think this may do what you need: 1. Template the reference geometry (in your case, the line) 2. Select the Transform SOP and display the handle 3. Enter Pivot Mode [Ins] 4. Start Orientation Picking [;] 5. RMB on the Viewport > "Use Extended Mode" 6. Determine which two points (P, Q) on the reference geo will define the Z axis of the pivot (the pivot will be placed on P) 7. Shift-LMB on the Q point, then LMB on the P point 8. Exit Pivot Mode [Ins]
    1 point
  5. You can do this in a two-step process. Use one simulation to collect impact points so that they exist throughout all of time. Then use another simulation to generate the fracture from those supplied points. The fracture is glued together. Activate the fracture by breaking glue bonds based upon proximity to collisions. This video shows a way to set this up.
    1 point
  6. Hey You could create a lens shader (http://mattebb.com/blog/weblog/houdini-fisheye-camera/) or then model your custom lens as an object. Here's a scene showing a sphere with a refracting material and soft edges acting as a mysterious ray bender. distortion_field.hip
    1 point
  7. Hey Angel, We where having the same issue. Here is a file that has cryptomattes for crowd agents, it was provided to us by Hector from SideFX and it outputs correct cryptomattes for crowd agents or stamped packed primitives. Again, all the credits go to Hector ! cryptomatte_and_crowds_SideFX_Support.hip
    1 point
  8. I have had this issue before when working with flip and collisions. I find this often happens when your collision is animated. So a potential work around that has worked for me before, would be to freeze your collision geometry, and bring it in as a static object in your sim, and then add the transform data back onto the static collider with a motion node in your sim referencing the translate and rotation data from your animated geo in sops. This way you should be able to avoid substeps.
    1 point
  9. yes, Yes, YES !!!! Thanks Paul. I had to modify a bit, but your setup has shown the way. Thanks a lot!!!! Inside the SOPsolver, I reversed the velocity vector. Here is a test render and scene file. l-system_test_05.hip l-system_test_05_H264.mov
    1 point
  10. Ok. here is the updated version on fields.. previously it wasn't working. in gas field vop, distance and speed ramp(promoted outside) controls how particles stick to the surface. spheredripping01.hip
    1 point
  11. You can create a volume source in sops using particles to store velocities: Then source that volume from your dop network and plug into "Velocity update" input from smoke solver: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq30Le9bm3I&feature=youtu.be
    1 point
  12. The original terminology was OTL files for Operator Type Libraries because the file contains a series of Operator Types. However, this encompassed the "operator types" for both the native C++ nodes, as well as the "scripted subnet" node types. So the Houdini Digital Asset (HDA) terminology was born to replace "scripted subnets" (or possibly some other name change in between that I forget ATM). To further add to the confusion, it was common practice to only put ONE HDA into an OTL file. So the term OTL started to be used interchangeably with HDA by expert users. In H14, an attempt has been started to go with the HDA terminology, without losing backwards compatibility.
    1 point
  13. Super old thread, but nothing much has changed since! I've created a plugin that makes it easier to work with an external editor and Houdini: https://github.com/ArthurYidi/Houdini-External-Editor It includes automatic setup but if you would like to configure your text editor manually check out this guide: https://github.com/ArthurYidi/Houdini-External-Editor/wiki/Manual-External-Editor-Configuration To configure TextMate: VISUAL = ""/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/mate" -w"
    1 point
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