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Found 11 results

  1. Hello guys, In a DOP context, I tried to expand and resize the density field boundary dynamically, using the "Gas Resize Fluid Dynamic" microsolver, but it didn't work. I guess I have to use an SOP Solver to calculate the final output of the simulation boundary for each frame. Any suggestions about how to resize that boundary dynamically..? Thanks for helping. Gas Resize Fluid Dynamic.hip
  2. Hey guys, I received few requests to share my tool. I guess it may be interesting to someone else. This project is just a simple test which I did in a few hours, so it still needs some tweaking. Anyway, I hope it'll be useful to someone. cheers FLIP_auto_resize_03.hip
  3. Is there an easy way that to size my flip container to ensure that my flip sim and whitewater stay within the boundaries? Thanks Josh
  4. Hey guys, I'm making a smoke a sim of a person blowing out smoke (vape smoke) and when the smoke starts to dissipate and get's close to fully disappearing the resize fluid dynamic container just shrinks and clips that area entirely. Looks very jarring and obvious fake. I don't know why this is happening. It still happens when I increase my substeps to 3 so I don't think that's the issue. When it's at substeps 1 - the clipping still occurs but more smoothly (if that matters). I've attached my scene file and a flipbook of the crime. I'd really appreciate any help with this! Smoke_03_ForReddit.hip Pyro Clipping_For Reddit 2.mp4
  5. Hey! I'm emitting fire from an abject, the object is static but I'm culling part of the object over time to simulate a propagation effect. say that at frame 1 the object is not emitting, and at frame 40 is emitting from the entire surface. If I use the resize at first frame it snaps to nothing (obviously), so I can put a delay of 40 frames to be sure that the resize is including the source, but doesn't look like a smart thing to do as the first 40 frames are unnecessary slow...which approach would be the best? maybe I can add a tracking object which roughly replicate the spread of the emission? have a good day!
  6. The gasresizefluiddynamic node resizes pretty much all the fields in the simulation, however if you have a collision volume that is moving through the sim you surely don't need that to be the same size as the density field, it just needs to be large enough to contain the collision object. Is there a way to set this up? I tried cracking open the node and removing collision and collisionvel from fields parameter in gasresizefield_smoke, I then created a separate gasresizefluiddynamic for just the collision fields. But for some reason my collision fields are still resizing to be the same size as the density field..
  7. Hi, I try to create color smoke, and create a vector field node in dop pyro network as a pic. When siming, it works. However, when I add gas resize node > extra resize Fields > Cd, then my custom vector color field seems to be filled out in a whole voxels at first frame. I am not sure what cause this strangeness. I already checked a SOP color source > name=Cd > intrinsic: volumebordervalue = 0. Where else should I check out?
  8. Hi Guys, I have recently started experimenting with Houdini and have stumbled upon a problem I can't seem to find a solution to. I have a Pyro fx explosion setup and I would simply like the gas resize field to reach the maximum bounds of the container and then switch off. Currently, whilst the smoke is dying out, the resize container is scaling back down to the size of the emitter object resulting in a visible bounding box in the render. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Thanks, Clive
  9. hey I cant figure out how to resize smoke fields when using clustering via point instancing. When I use the smoke source, it wont take the clusters into account, instead using the bound of all clusters together. But I like to resize the smoke clusters accordingly see attached hipfile SMOKE_CLUSTER_TRACKING.hip
  10. Has anyone else encountered artifacts with the Gas Resize Fluid Dynamic node? I've attached a simple file that shows what I'm talking about. If you dive into the dopnet, view it from the top orthographic view, and play the first 20 frames or so, it's clear that the fluid is developing grid-shaped artifacts that are *larger* than the resolution of the fluid itself. If you enable the timewarp node inside sphere_object1, you'll see that the artifacts still develop, but much more slowly. So it seems to be related to the rate of change of the size of the fluid. artifact.hip
  11. Hey Everyone on this beautiful sunday! So, as I am touching pyro for the first time, of course I am using the "Gas Resize Fluid Dynamic" node (from here on out called the "resize node") in my DOP-net to auto adjust the grid size. However, I a getting this slight flicker in the simulation, as long as the container size is being modified by the resize node. As soon as the container has reached its maximum size, and no resizing is going on anymore, flickering stops. Turning off the resizing and letting the container have static dimensions, also eliminates the flicker of course. Anyone out there familiar with this? I tried messing around with the resize-node's "Subtract Threshold" parameter, since it seemed to me (from the help) this might be connected to the problem somehow? But no luck so far.... Thanks for having a look people. resizing active, flickering results before the gridsize comes to rest resize_flikr.avi resizing disabled, no flickering noresize_noflikr.avi --------------------------------
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