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  1. Hello, i have created a sim with a big explosion inside a tall building and i also have a rain simulation outside, i was wondering how i can transfer the velocity from the pyro into the popnet in order to make the rain react with the "blast" of the explosion when it first starts, thank you!
  2. Hey folks, I am trying to create a rocket engine thruster effect. I already have done some work, but at one point, I can't understand how to continue from there. What I've done so far: - I created a line - added a sweep node which creates a tube - Then I used the scale option in the sweep node to create the rough shape of the exhaust. - After that I scattered some points on the geometry and added the attribute noise node to wiggle the points. - After that I added the volumerasterizeattributes1 node to create a volume out of those points. Now, the main problem is, that the rasterization is kinda messed up and there are gaps in between (seen in the attached screenshot): I want to create something like that: - my problem is, I don't know how to achieve that smooth looking result like in the reference picture: (up) Some folks have told me to create the exhaust shape with geometry and then with the VDB from polygons node to turn the geometry into volume. I tried it out and I get the base volume shaped exhaust but I don't know how to add some noise to wiggle the volume or something like that. Now, I am asking here, if someone could help me and tell me what I am doing wrong and what I could do instead. Thanks in advance Daniel
  3. Hello I have set up a particle simulation, where the particles are moving with fast speeds.. now as I am rastarize them and bluring the edges, I still get pointy smoke... then I have add some substeps to the smoke sim in the pyro solver node, but still the same result.. does someone knows, how to tackle this problem and get a nice and flowing pyro sim with a fast particle system? Help would be much appreciated
  4. Hey folks I have set up a particle simulation where I have then attached a pyro sim to it (through the rasterize attributes volumes node)... Also I have imported a few objects where the smoke sim should interact with... Everything is fine, until one point: When I am wanting that the pyro sim should collide with the object (seen on the screenshot), then the smoke is just going through the "wall of dirt" (its just a wall with some grass and dirt... ) I just need the collisions so that I can then export the smoke simulation as a vdb sequence... What I have tried so far: - I have give it more thickness with poly extrude node (also added the collision guide thing to look if everything is fine) - also I have increased the substeps on the smoke sim - I have add a object merge node in the pyroFX node (as seen in the screenshot) - just ignore this one node where I have add the red line... But everything I've tried so far, I got no luck to fix it..
  5. Hi Everyone, I'm trying to setup a TOPs network to cache out sims with multiple parameters being sent to the dop network. Seemingly basic stuff, however nothing I'm doing seems to be working how I think it's going to work. What I've tried: Using a wedge node to set a random attribute and trying to use that attribute in an exterior dop network - caches into a view able geo rop output but all the wedges were the same Rebuilding the pyro sim purely in the tops network - it makes something but when viewed all the frames appear empty Have the source inside the tops and the dop outside - same result as the first
  6. Hello is there a easy way on how could I attach a pyro simulation to a moving alembic imported object? I have tried the centroid expression but I think I've done it wrong.
  7. Hey all, I have set up a very big smoke simulation. And now I would want export it as VDB Files which I could import then into Blender. So far so good, but when I click in the file cache node on "Save to disk" it starts exporting it, but after like 60 or 70 frames its just stopping and Houdini is closing itself or there were an error which is saying "not enough memory" and some other stuff..... But this error isn't truth, because I have a external SSD where are nearly 500GB are left. After 60 frames (its only like 65 GB) its stopping... I dont know the issue but if someone has an idea, why its not exporting the whole frame range but just one part (like, 60 frames of 500 frames). It would be awesome if someone could help me... :/ My division size is 0.12 I have tried it with 0.09 and it has closed after 50 frames, now I have tried 0,12 and it has closed after 70 frames... I have tried to export it before on 0.2 I think, and It has worked without any problems. But when I like a better resolution then its crashing everytime...
  8. Hello, I am trying to do a simple explosion, but when I am adding the "pyro bake volume" node, and then I am clicking in the scatter or fire tab on "enable fire/scatter", normaly it should add the fire to the explosion. But today somehow its suddently not working... I have do it a few times when Houdini 18,5 came out and it has worked without any problems. But now somehow it isn't working anymore... :/ there are some screenshots attached and the hip file... I have looked everywhere but somehow I've made everything right... explosion_problem.hipnc
  9. Hello community, I am doing a SpaceX starship rocket landing on an extended ocean (flip sim integrated), right now I am working on the rocket exhaust which should interact with the flip simulation. 1. I have created the pyro simulation of the exhaust flame and now I want to add this pyro flame sim to the rocket model where the exhaust should be. 2. I have done a point expression for the pyro cache, it has worked out. BUT now, when I want to render it, the flame is staying on the grid and isn't on the rocket. I hope you understand a bit about my idea. Here is a screenshot with the problem. here is the hip file with the 3d modell https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Q_c7VAu4qidMzSdMLl7IBvPs3VeqTlMi?usp=sharing I would really appreciate help, because I have set a deadline for my own and I want to reach it!
  10. Hi there! After more time of working, testing, and, more long process, writing the documentation (help offline) I publish my new OTL for Houdini (17.5 and up) to create a dust/smoke FX generated from the contact between one or more geometry. The tool is inspired by another tool I did and used in production on some TV-Show for kids (check on my LinkedIn profile). In the last 4 months, I re-created, re-design, and fixed some problems from the old OTL for made a very stable and cool tool you can use for your FX and in more cases is "ready-out-the-box". It's a payment tool and if you buy the version for Houdini 17.5 I give you a free update for the next release with the sparse solver. buy now here https://gum.co/NVcJM If you follow me on Patreon you can take it for free. I'm working on the version with sparse solver, if you get it now you have the update for free. Thanks Matteo video


    Hello, I am making a fireball and volcano and I am trying to make the fire appear only in the bottom part at first and I can't do it, what parameters do I have to manipulate to make it possible. Thank you!!!
  12. Hi everyone, does anybody have any idea of how i achieve an instant explosion like this video with pyrofx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBSTDing_aQ i cant seem to get the instant explosion i desire no matter what i tweak in Houdin
  13. This is the first time I've played around with pyrofx and wanted a review on what I could improve here, I'm a newbie to houdini and I've just started so any advice would be appreciated. I started using houdini approximately 1 or 2 wek ago Fireball.mp4 untitled.mantra_ipr.0001.mov
  14. Forest Fire entirely done using Houdini and Rendering in Arnold.
  15. I'm trying to render an explosion and here is the result ? any idea ? thanks hdni_untitled.hip
  16. Hi there, Total Houdini novice here with a bit of a strange question: I have a smoke simulation that I have created the swirls around a central character that is being rendered in Unreal Engine. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fuoitdNjuBZ1UPgkAi-e9G63CKW-40YS/view?usp=sharing The smoke itself is rendered in out of Houdini in slices and played back in Unreal as the alpha of a video texture, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of how it might be possible to set up something like a shadow catcher to catch the shadows cast by the smoke on the surface of the character, but instead of just rendering shadows that hit a specific piece of geometry to a frame as scene by the camera it could be applied to the character and render out as a texture sequence taking into account the characters UVs, so that it can be played back in Unreal? I feel like this is a pretty weird request and no doubt there is tons wrong with it, but I thought I might as well ask, you can do anything in Houdini it seems! Many thanks for any advice, H
  17. Hi, I have setup a pyro, its resolution seems nice and crisp but as the bounding box expands the resolution seems to fall down and everything looks voxelized. How to setup the pyro in such a way that it maintains a certain resolution according to the size of the bounding box. I have attached a link of the pyro video, you can clearly see the fire becoming lowres as the boundingbox expands. Please let me know how to fix it.
  18. Hi There! I am trying to transfer my smoke and water sim from Houdini to Unity but I am very lost. Any ideas?
  19. Hi, guys I am trying to recereate this please consider the timeframe 00:46 to 00:57 what you can see is that when pod is falling on the ocean surface...... it launches the thruster to slow down the its speed. when i`m trying to create the same thing in houdini, the problem what i`m facing is that my pyro smoke is going upwards instead of going downwards...i have tried everything by killing the temperature, reversing buoyancy and velocity, but nothing is working, i`m attaching the R&D file with it, but please don`t consider it as an final version. A little help would be appreciated pod_landing_exhaust_test.hip
  20. dani

    Smoke Effect skin

    Hi Everyone I was wondering if someone knows how I can create this effect I have just done a simple smoke simulation, but I do not know how to make the inside: also, if anyone knows, I am trying to create this object with the exterior like the purple surface, but the inside to look like this: ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED
  21. dani

    Smoke Effect skin

    Hi Everyone I was wondering if someone knows how I can create this effect I have just done a simple smoke simulation, but I do not know how to make the inside: also, if anyone knows, I am trying to create this object with the exterior like the purple surface, but the inside to look like this: ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED
  22. Hello, Does any one kno why the density field is being used as a binding for the threshold in the shape parameters of the pyro effect simulation once you use the "smokeless flame" preset? Its kind of weird that it takes density into account because density represents the smoke and we are trying to shape just the flames... Thanks, Diogo
  23. Hello everyone, Does any of you know where can I find in depth knowledge of the pyro solver (I wouldn't mind the resources went further into math and implementation), its workflows and rendering pypeline? The documentation by sideFX is very poor in this case, and the tutorials on the subject are even worse (the usual -> "I think if you move this slider, it does this...") . Thank you, Diogo
  24. Hey all, I'm getting some strange pixelation issues in my fire render. I was playing with various settings all night yesterday. I'd love to get past this part and start working on the look of it. Has anyone ran into something like this before? To give you an idea of scale, the model is 25cm. I would attach a .hip file but I'm using a bgeo cache for some elements, including the fluid source. Thanks for any help in advance
  25. Hey all, After following the billowy smoke tutorial I gave it a render but I'm having issues with the results. It doesn't look much like what I'm seeing in the viewport or what I've seen in other renders. It looks grainy, especially on the edges where it's less dense. I've attached a viewport screen grab, the render and .hip file. I'd really appreciate any help I can get with this one. billowysmoke_renderissue.hip
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