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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I have recently created a set of 70+ HDAs called the IPOPs that aim at creating AOVs, Mattes & features for rendering. IPOPs are operator workflows designed to streamline shaders and AOV development in Houdini. With our toolset, artists can easily standardise their networks and access specially developed nodes for various renderers and presets, increasing efficiency and creativity. Get the IPOPs here! Renders in Karma & Mantra. 1. The Standard Library: Set of HDAs that help artists create quick shaders and AOVs and contain useful Utility Nodes such as Fresnel for Karma (CPU & XPU), Mask Falloffs in Shaders etc. The HDA library is constantly updated with new nodes to assist artists in speeding up their workflow and creating a streamlined system thereby increasing efficiency and creativity. 2. The Geometry AOVs: A set of remade common geometry AOVs for artists to quickly generate AOVs, Mattes & Utility Passes for Compositing. 3. The Particles AOVs: A set of remade useful particle AOVs for artists to quickly generate AOVs, Mattes & Utility Passes for Compositing. 4. The Volumes AOVs: A set of remade volume AOVs for artists to enhance their FX using AOVs, Mattes & Utility Passes for Compositing. We have a wide range of Bundles available for various workflows & we support both Houdini Apprentice & Houdini Indie! For any enquiries please email support@chakshuvfx.com I will be posting constant updates and developments here. IPOPs Master bundle: 1. Houdini Apprentice 2. Houdini Indie IPOPs Geometry AOVs bundle: 1. Houdini Apprentice 2. Houdini Indie IPOPs Particles AOVs bundle: 1. Houdini Apprentice 2. Houdini Indie IPOPs Volumes AOvs bundle: 1. Houdini Apprentice 2. Houdini Indie
  2. 5DNick

    Pilot light sim

    Dear OD Forcers, I am attempting to make a pilot light for a kind of flamethrower for a shot I am doing. Upon Googling, someone said don't use Pyro, do it all in SOPS: but I went ahead and managed to get, I dunno(?), a half decent sim [there are other reasons I want a sim but that's another matter]. I want to render everything in XPU in Karma and looking at blowtorches for reference I see that what I need (am missing) is the kind of bright, variously coloured cones at the beginning of the flame. I am imagining I can get this with banded ramps in the fire part of the pyro shaders. However I am struggling. Any advice or tips? Also the XPU pyro preview node seems to not have a ramp in the fire part. Do I have to crack it open to fix this? Because I cannot see how. My .hip is attached. Thanks in advance for any help. Nick DRONEPYRO_v015.hiplc
  3. A laptop with 2070 (mobile) and a workstation with 1080 Ti. Production Build: 19.5.493
  4. Hi, I'm new to Solaris and Karma, but does Karma xpu allow embedded transparency from textures? I've run into an issue rendering textures with embedded transparency. My example is a tattered cloth texture, where the tatters and holes in the texture are rendering fine with Karma cpu, but not with xpu. I've tried a number of variations using the principled shader in combination with Mtlx tiledimage but to no avail. Again, this renders fine in Karma cpu, but could someone please outline the workflow for this in Karma xpu? Thank you!
  5. Thrilled to show a teaser of my future Houdini tutorial. Key topics: - Proceduralism: geometry and animation - Pyro: explosion with love - Karma XPU: pain and joy *99.9% done with Karma XPU Release on gumroad soon.
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