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Forum upgrade


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Welcome one and all to the new forum. There are many new functions for you to mess around with, and a good few weeks of cleaning up for me to do. Please feel free to post comments about the new skin in the Feedback forum down at the bottom. 

In theory, ads will show up soon, donations will remove them from your presence for an entire year.

Thanks and welcome.

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  On 4/17/2016 at 1:09 PM, Erik_JE said:

Looking good but line spacing is crazy.

Also each users signature got same styling as the text in the post.


Yeah there are definitely some things that need fixing that didn't show up on the test forum :).

I'll be tweaking as the days go by.

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wow, this is certainly something to get used to :) 

I think new forums have potential and probably once I discover the new features I will love it, but for now couple of things I miss from old forums:

1. Compact Look, maybe it's partially the spacing, but as well very short posts seem to take vast amount of space, mainly due to space that the avatar with all the info takes on the left side

2. New Content display format - I suppose All Activity and Unread Content are meant for the same purpose, but is it possible for us to tweak filtering of the results so that it shows just the names of new threads or threads with new posts without showing the actual posts? Simply nice compact list as before?

3. Mobile Layout - the old mobile layout was perfect, always perfectly fitted to the screen, with the new forums I always need to zoom in and center the content, as default zoom covers just left half of screen, but when zoomed to content menus pop outside of the screen etc. Not sure if it's mu specific combo iphone5s/Chrome, just curious if there is something that can be fixed or I'll just have to learn to live with that :)

and thanks Marc for investing your time to improve odforce forums and community, I really appreciate your effort

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I'm with anim on the Unread Context page.  I much preferred just seeing the list of threads I haven't read yet as opposed to the actual posts within them.

As for the mobile layout I always generally just scrolled down and clicked the link to the full layout and browsed that way on my phone but I can't seem to find anything that will let me do that now. 

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  On 4/17/2016 at 6:54 PM, anim said:

wow, this is certainly something to get used to :) 

I think new forums have potential and probably once I discover the new features I will love it, but for now couple of things I miss from old forums:

1. Compact Look, maybe it's partially the spacing, but as well very short posts seem to take vast amount of space, mainly due to space that the avatar with all the info takes on the left side

2. New Content display format - I suppose All Activity and Unread Content are meant for the same purpose, but is it possible for us to tweak filtering of the results so that it shows just the names of new threads or threads with new posts without showing the actual posts? Simply nice compact list as before?

3. Mobile Layout - the old mobile layout was perfect, always perfectly fitted to the screen, with the new forums I always need to zoom in and center the content, as default zoom covers just left half of screen, but when zoomed to content menus pop outside of the screen etc. Not sure if it's mu specific combo iphone5s/Chrome, just curious if there is something that can be fixed or I'll just have to learn to live with that :)

and thanks Marc for investing your time to improve odforce forums and community, I really appreciate your effort



  1. Yeah definitely something I'll be looking into. It's one thing seeing the info in a 'test' forum, but entirely another with a live forum and thousands of posts/users :). I definitely think there's more that can be done to streamline it further.
  2. Without having any knowledge of whether it can be done, I'm going to say: "yes!". It should definitely be more compact than that.
  3. Could you attach a screengrab? It looks fine to me in chrome's device mode as well as on my iphone 6 (in safari and chrome). But maybe 'fine to me' is not fine to others ;).

And you're welcome.



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here are 3 screenshots

1. default forum home page, loads zoomed out

2. all activity page, the same problem, many pages load zoomed out

3. menu , text is barely inside of the screen, but majority of menu layout and few buttons and options are out



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Small update:

There is a small icon on the right of the unread content list that will activate the expanded or condensed view. I'm investigating what it will take to make the condensed view the default, since it is far superior. 


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much better :)

would it be possible to show just the latest update of each thread as in old forums? I can imagine that some fast growing super long threads can clutter this pretty quickly if each post is displayed 

maybe like additional option, collapse threads or something

EDIT: actually creating new stream, using Content Items Only, and Topics as content types, seems to do what I want, however switching results of that stream to Condensed View freezes and never updates :mellow:

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  On 4/18/2016 at 12:25 AM, anim said:

here are 3 screenshots

1. default forum home page, loads zoomed out

2. all activity page, the same problem, many pages load zoomed out

3. menu , text is barely inside of the screen, but majority of menu layout and few buttons and options are out




huh... that is super weird. I wonder if there's a weird caching thing going on. Do you have any other browsers on your phone?

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