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jon3de last won the day on May 6 2020

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About jon3de

  • Birthday 01/18/1988

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    Houdini, VEX, Nuke, Sailing, Freeride Mountainbiking

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  1. hi, How could I achieve something like that? I want to define my array values through a parameter.
  2. This is an issue with the fix of the shadow terminator issue. Adding this as a parameter to the grid and uncheck it fixes the problem.
  3. Hm....increasing Bias indeed solves the problem here but will give me a lot other render problems with smaller objects.
  4. I have a simple setup with a two sided shader. On the backface somehow my normals are messed up and I cant get them fixed. Anyone has an idea and can help me out? Thank you. kind regards Jon twoSidedShader_01.hip
  5. Hm no I search for a solution with mantra renderer. I could tile the image in COPs but then I just have a tiled texture in the same spot. I want the light to iluminate the same area than without the texture.
  6. I have a simple scene with a direct light. If I add a texture to the light it does not tile the projection texture like expected. How could I achieve a tiling of the texture instead of just black color ? That would be very handy for stuff like caustics projection or whatever when you dont have extreme large texture maps. Thank you! Jon directional_lightMap.hip
  7. At work we use almost exclusively $JOB. I think it depends on you work environment. If you work in a studio with shared model or texture libs for many projects $JOB is better for this paths. Also if you submit jobs/hip files to the render farm you will get erros with $HIP cause the file location changes. If you save all your assets and files in your project and render mostly local $HIP may be fine.
  8. small coconut spot I made entirely in houdini
  9. Hi Dominik, That sounds not to bad. I will dig into that. Since Im rendering with Deadline I could also create the array with a python script and paste that in the override Frames parameter in the deadline Submission Dialog. That could work. Thank you!!
  10. Hey Jeremiah, thank you for your post. If I got it correct, in your file the renderer does not skip or abort the rendering prozess for that frame it just renders the next object in the switch. And then in the next Frame it renders that object again. Which is not what I want. Lets say I render this project for the first time. I have rendered frames 1 - 10 and I have 10 ifd files on disk . Then I have to rerender the images because of some adjustments on the sphere and the torus. I want to be able to send the whole sequenz to the farm again but the script should prevent oversaving the ifds where it detects that there is the e.g. "box" attribute on it. This scene file is a small simplified part of an automated pipeline Im working on with thousands of images. Maybe my plan will sound a little bit strange
  11. I have a switch with some inputs. Swtich input is linked to $F to loop through. For all of the inputs I created a detail attribute "type" e.g. "sphere" / "torus" / "box". The null node reads the detail attribute and writes the value in its parameter. I want to setup the rendering in a way that it will skip the render if the null node detects that I am rendering a "box". I thought of doing that with a pre frame script that checks the parameter of the null node if its == "box" and then skip the render. What would be the best way to skip the render here? Is there a hscript or python expression for that? Jon skipFramesByAttributeValue.hip
  12. Just stumbled over : It seems there is a special points() expression to read string attributes. That solved my error. Thank you Peter. Edit: ...and David
  13. Hi, I have a point with a string attribute. A null node with a string parameter. Inside of the string param I have a point expression that should grab the string attribute of the point from add1. Instead of returning the attrib value "test" it returns "0". Can someone explain to me where my mistake is? Thank you very much. Jon pointExpression.hip
  14. Hey Dave, Thanks for your reply. Yes I could also choose a lut directly in the render view. That was my attempt to create a lin2log.lut in a vopcop and convert this to a lut but conversion to lut from vopcop is not possible unfortunately. Only from pixel operators. Do you know where to buy/download a pure lin2log.lut ? Somehow it´s not that easy to find one
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