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  3. Am still on it, getting closer actually. Obviously I’m not able to reproduce exactly the same noise but it is where I m at: a combination of 2 volumes, to be precise the same vdb sdf added over itself but one with smooth sdf + erode to create the flat smooth part of it. vdb analysis in laplacian mode of that resulting sdf vdb is then normalized and passed on to the polygonal mesh for shading, could also use mesure sop I guess. Will post the hip file when I’m satisfied, and after cleaning it up, bc it’s quite a mess atm.
  4. Hehehehe - I understood that. But I still liked the reference and would be interested as well ;-)
  5. Viewport screenshots of the torso in progress. The pattern is testing a rather tight silhouette, with a lot of control around the appendages of the body. I like the line around the neck, the hem by the waist and the articulation of the side and middle seams.
  6. Last week
  7. You need to use second input on popwrangle where you import animation from sop Should be something like this: float mask = point(1,'mask',@ptnum); v@force = normalize(v@P) * mask;
  8. I'm having an issue importing an animated mask attribute into my DOPS simulation. I think I am missing something small but haven't been able to figure out what it is. The attribute works if I bring it in on the first frame, but when I try to access the attribute from SOPS using the point function there is no change. The expression I am using on the pop wrangle is: v@force = normalize(v@P) * point(0, "f@mask", 0); With the mask being the first input. Thanks in advance! mask_force_01.hiplc
  9. Hi Hunter, you would probably use the "orient along curve"-node instead, it also happens to offer rotations. However, if you want to do it in VEX you could try: float freq = chf('frequency'); float sc = chf('scale'); float u = vertexcurveparam(0, i@vtxnum); float amount = u * (1.0 / freq); matrix m = ident(); rotate(m, amount, v@N); scale(m, sc); v@P += v@up * m; od_spiral.hip
  10. Hello! I wanted to make a procedural UV unwrap for a procedural asset for a finishing texture sheet, I watched two lessons on the Titan project where two different methods are considered, but neither of them works. This pipe in the asset should also copy up and down, I did this, but there was a problem with the UV. 1)Trim_texture_utility - Automatic_trim_texture: When changing the size of the UV, nothing changes in particular, only one part UVunwrap correctly, the other parts remain somewhere far away, and they look wrong, other settings changes do not lead to anything 2)Foreach segment blocks: The construction of the UV for each object also did not work correctly, it unfolds each polygon, and not the whole piece as needed. Maybe there are some other lessons or lectures on how to do this automatically without manually unwrapping each segment? Can you please help me with that? Thank you! Tube_Procedural_UVs.hip
  11. I dont know what im doing wrong i have spent over an hour trying to figure out why it isnt spinning when i scrub my channel float. Any help would be highly appreciated
  12. You can achieve this with a Gas curve force micro-solver. It brings a curve from the SOP network. You can also use Gas axis force, but the visualisation of curve force is better.
  13. Hello. I am using Applied Houdini Volumes IV as a reference to make the smoke from the building collapse. I had a problem with particle simulation-collision refinement. '@stopped=1' did not work well and created particles floating in the air. 's@collisionignore=“*”;' may not be working properly. What should I do in such a case? stopped_problem2.mp4 stopped_problem1.mp4 Here's a visualization of @stopped. Thanks, Kaito Ishikawa
  14. Hey everyone, I'm looking for the best solution or asset to generate growing ivy for my current project. If you've used any before and have experience with this, I'd love to hear your recommendations. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Here is the only resource I found so far, but I need more options to choose the best one: https://mcworldkit.gumroad.com/l/ivyTaming Thanks in advance for your help!
  15. Atom

    water balloons

    Here's a link to Mikael Petterson's water balloon tutorial file.
  16. I followed Mikael Pettersen's vellum water balloon tutorial. ap_mp_vellum_water_balloon_041023.hiplc
  17. In Houdini 20.5, when creating a cliff-like detail with volume vop, I want to control the unified noise applied in the Y direction with ramp, but I don't know how to do it. If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know. I want to control the effect of noise on this video in the Y direction.
  18. Yes indeed, that's definitely how it's basically done, this one and a similar one on Entagma that was on H16 but it's nowhere near the ref I posted in term of detail. That said, all those SOP solver iterative methods are very fickle, fine tuning becomes a nightmare; changing the voxel size for exemple has massive influence on the curvature masking precision and therefore the end result. It's ok i'll make it eventually... FYI I reposted the topic on the old thread Sepu mentioned that had many relevant leads. Thanks Vu. Did we meet at side fx presentation of Houdini 20.5 in Bkk?
  19. anyway, just show it, how to tick on close boundary of Flip Object Flip Object node -> Properties tab -> check "Closed Boundary" (where it will show +x -x +Y ..etc https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/nodes/dop/flipobject.html > text search for Close Boundary
  20. I'm just guessing the method. It is Vellum + Flip fluid combine. For the water part, it is high-res, driven by a low-res FLIP simulation. In between of the process make the vellum balloon collide with low-res flip 1. Set up a low-resolution FLIP simulation inside an animated rigid ball, the manual animation shaping the draft visual. 2. Convert the rigid ball into a Vellum object to add higher detail and better visual interaction from dynamic collide with low-res flip. 3. Generate a high-resolution FLIP fluid, driven by the low-res flip water simulation, and make it collide with the high-resolution Vellum ball. For Step 3 which can apply a potential method using a thin surface or a custom POP particle fluid. Since it is small-scale, computing per particle will not take much time while still producing decent visuals. For thin fluid surface, Houdini School has a good method, and it's quick
  21. It seems to be an application from this tutorial, but that's just a guess
  22. Hi guys! I am trying to create custom CVEX shader for my light. First of all is it possible at all? I haven't found any clear information on this. Some rumors that that this option is deprecated, other says it's bug in build.... I have very simple *.vfl file (i tryed also *.vex file) cvex light( vector Cl = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1}, vector L = {0, 0, -1} ) ) { Cl = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1}; L = 1; } Also i tryed cvex hda with same code... And i reference to hda or *.vfl in light properties parm inputs:karma:lightshader Or maybe there is some deep misunderstanding from my side?
  23. I saw a like from @Thomas Helzle, Thomas it's not my clip that's the ref I'm trying to achieve! Struggling so far with the surface details. How do you think it's done? Don't tell me it's C4D...
  24. rbd_freeze_de_activate_sleep_temp_group.mp4 RBD_Active_deactivate_freeze_sleep_in_group_anim.hip the sleeping function itself is getting deactivated automatically if a collision happens or a force interacts which pushes the v and w out of the sleep threshold. however if you wanna freeze rbds temporarly you can take this setup
  25. wireframe_prim_curves_to_triangle_polys_vop.hip you can try something like that maybe
  26. Since it is all one big procedural journey, Houdini or not: I'd like to show you our new Media·Art studio, together with my partner Susanne Kohl: https://UrbanFlow.art We do generative realtime art, projection mapping on sculptures and objects, soundscapes... We mostly use Tooll3 (https://tooll.io) since it is the closest to Houdini in the way it works and thinks - and open source on top. There is at least a little bit of Houdini in this one: ;-) So yeah, be creative, wherever life takes you... Cheers, Tom & Suko
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