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  3. Use the Instancer LOP.. sop import the instance geo into LOPs then plug into input two of the Instance lop, object merge the points into the instance lop. Default settings will look for points internally and instance geo as input 2
  4. Yesterday
  5. Hey guys. I am doing a flip sim based on the first gif as a reference. At the moment I am somehow struggling to scale down they velocoty when the fluid reaches the top so it flows into each other and blends smoothly. Would be multiplying the velscale by the y of a bbox also an option here? Another thing i was wondering about is how to achieve this swirls and interactions in the gold liquid.
  6. My bake is set up just right. Now I need to bake every frame. (I am baking a sim to a quad).... Switching Frames to Frame Range most definitely exports every frame but it overwrites the same file each time. $F, $FRAME and $CURFRAME do nothing. Now it may be important to note, this Frame stepped bake process is handle in a script at the hda interface level. Unfortunatly I have not been able to glean anything. I really dont want to do this in a loop..
  7. Hey there fellow houdini cult members! as the title says i am trying to "emulate" ps1 graphics, i figured out (at least i think i did) the affine texture warping part. //get a matrix with the camera's transforms string cam = "/obj/cam1"; matrix camMatrix = optransform(cam); //extract out the camera position as a vector vector cdir = {0.0,0.0,0.0}*camMatrix; cdir = cdir; vector raydir = normalize(v@P-cdir); //Manipulate the UV coordinates for Affine Texture Mapping float affineScale = length(raydir);//Scaling factor based on the viewing direction to the camera v@uv *= affineScale;//Scale the UV coordinates though i am struggling to nail it, it kinda works but the effect is not as visible as i expected. also i feel like i am missing quite some steps to really get that ps1 look and feel. If you are down to help me figure this out i'd be very thankful and future houdini ps1 enthusiast might have a post to look at! have a good one! Denis affine_paul_warping.mp4
  8. Somewhere along the line since H16, when the file was authored, a bug was fixed that requires new flip points to actually exist in group named "particles". Try adding a group name to the particles supplied to the source volume node.
  9. Hi Atom, Thank your for the link. When I download the file to review, it doesn't shows the particles and the only thing I see is this:
  10. Last week
  11. Hello everyone, I am currently building an HDA for a shoe configurator using Houdini, this includes simple operations such as changing size, changing the shoe type, and adding basic procedural textures to different parts of the shoe. My ultimate goal is to create a webapp from this HDA so that a user can configure their own shoe in realtime and save it. From what I have seen this is not yet possible but I was wondering if anyone might know if there is a solution? Any routes/APIs you'd recommend looking into? Many thanks, Nathan
  12. Perhaps check out this post. Alejandro demonstrates how to inject particles from outside the domain into a container.
  13. I turned the "Volume Motion->Collisions->Surface Extrapolation" to zero and now the fluid motion is better, outside of the collision volume. There is still a gap between the fluid and an invisible bounding box around the collision geo.! And the fluid sinks!
  14. Hi guys, In a Flip-Fluid simulation, I want the fluid particles to enter and trap in a closed collision volume (I mean an Invert-Sign volume). I applied these settings: 1) "Static Object->Collisions->Volume->Invert Sign" to on. 2) "Flip Solver->Volume Motion->Collisions-> Transparency" to on. 3) "Flip Solver->Volume Motion->Collisions-> Transparency" value to 1. As you can see in my preview video below, the fluid flows strangely! How can I fix it? Thanks for helping. Fluid_Collision invert.mp4 Fluid_Invert Collision_01.hip
  15. I am trying to dynamically change the pinned points of a vellum sim being driven by an infection solver. The goal being that where areas are infected is where the vellum activates. However my infection attribute is not being updated in the sim. In the vellum solver Ive tried dropping down a popwrangle expressing i@stopped = f@infection. The values however are only evaluated at the first frame despite being inside the Sop Solver. Interestingly when i use another a distancelonggeometry method this works in updating the values. Would really like to figure this out thanks! in the file the effect attempt is in Geo node Cloth tear Wall Decay RnD.hiplc
  16. Hey, I try figuring out workflow with shotgrid in pdg. Based on examples i can find project and shot, but how add version for shot? Examples shows only asset workflow. I find i can add to publish and files area, but how creat a version? If someone know how or know where to read or watch about this i will be appreciated. Thanks!
  17. Is this video what you mean. I have a setup microsolver vorticle for both DOP and Sop Solver on Gumroad (with coffee price). Houdini Pyro Vorticle Micro Solver setup. Setup for both DOP and SOP Solver here https://vupham.gumroad.com/l/bjwvg https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/shelf/seedvorticles.html
  18. Hi Konstantin, Thank you for the solution. And to apply the scale, I realized that I can also use this geometry attribute: v@scale = v@s;
  19. Hi Masoud, Extract scale vector from a matrix: vector s = cracktransform(0, 0, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 4@localtransform); Apply scale vector to matrix: matrix m = ident(); scale(m, s);
  20. Hello guys, From a transform matrix attribute (which includes "Transform", "Scale" and "Rotation" values), how can I extract only the "SCALE" component, and then apply it, to the geometry? I mean I don't want the Translate and Rotation of that matrix. I tried the cracktransform() VEX function. If it's a right way, I don't know how to apply that extracted scale, to the geometry: v@t; v@r; v@s; cracktransform(XFORM_SRT, XFORM_XYZ, {0,0,0}, 4@localtransform, @t, @r, @s); Thanks for helping.
  21. Hi, I have an instance node with transform on the object level. I want to import this node with the instanced geo to LOP network, but I get just one point and the transform is also lost. How can I import the instance node with the transforn and instanced geo to LOP? Thanks!!!
  22. How do I wedge in TOPS a channel ramp parameter. Considering a channel ramp parameter has three controls to it, the Point Number, Position & Value. My solution is to make three wedge nodes in tops, two floats and one integer and merge them together, using a merge top. There is only one problem, the point number how do I access the wedge; I can place a wedge attribute for the two floats of a channel ramp parameter but not for the integer ?
  23. Each boat has its own simulation, then you merge it into one render new Houdini FLIP Sop has Moving Domain, you can utilize it. merge two domain
  24. You need a transform with a pivot to do that, there are couple ways however I just try to do what you already set up there. I store both attributes @transform matrix3 + @pivot from packed DOP IO. Then copy it over the "copy to point" result. Re-apply the matrix. File attached pig_copy_to_pts_transform_matrix_vp.hiplc
  25. Hello guys, I tried to rig a curve using KineFX and as you can see in the image below, the root joint does not fully rotate. How can I fix it? Thanks for helping. fullbodyik.hip
  26. Hi all! We have a course that starts tomorrow at 10:30 am PDT, I think it would be great for anyone who wants to feel more comfortable in the program, it's not a topics-based course but an efficiency one, here is more info.
  27. It is the case by default. You can simply test it by writing a sequence of some frames once as one abc files and then do the same as a sequence of single abc files. If it would save the mesh data every frame, the sizes should be roughly the same but the one single sequence abc file is much smaller than the single file sequence. If the files sizes in your case do not differ much you may have accidently changing topology... just did a simple test with a deforming torus and the single file sequence shows 18mb whereas the one large file has a size of 7mb. Of course this depends a lot on the point data you have. If you have a some per point data, they will be saved per frame for every point so if there are a lot of them the difference will be quite small.
  28. Thanks for the response! Yeah that is what I always thought and I know that with packed primitives you can do that only saving the transforms and applying it when you load it and there is a option for that but for deforming meshes with constant topology is really hard to check that and it is inconsistent with the file size sometimes it gets much bigger than "bgeos" so that is why I am not sure that is doing that sometimes. Is there a way to check it or a option to enforce that?
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