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  1. Today
  2. Hello, I want to create a crowd simulation in Houdini, but I don't know how to do it. What I want is for the crowd to interact with each other, form queues or lines, and create stop-and-go waves, just like in Golaem. I tried using Crowdtrigger-Particle Proximity, but it didn't work properly. Any suggestions or advice would be a lifesaver. Thank you.
  3. @hannes603 Find Rok Andic he makes that finny cartoons , juts send email to Dude .. You gonna get Help.
  4. houdini can do so complex and different things in so manny different ways no other software is capable of. and than such an easy simple tool like that is just not available.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Not quite the same, the only thing that you have that is somewhat similar is the box handle but as far as I know you can not change the division. So it will work similar to what he is showing around 1:20
  7. Last week
  8. Hi am trying to execute the erosion sim inside a top network but had no success, I tries to use a python line to achieve the task but it works eventually but not all the time, I believe am doing it wrong can someone guide me for the right method thanks
  9. does anyone know how to achieve this type of noise/ effect?? i think it's the particles advected by a simulated pyro sim. check the attached video. thanks Snapinsta.app_video_8648930361E516ACDF2BF88BE1AC618D_video_dashinit.mp4
  10. I'm really not having an easy time adapting to Solaris...so you might need to explain like I'm five. I have a RedshiftRendeSettings node that sets up all the usual AOVs, It's writing multiple frames, it's fine. Above that node I have a renderVars node that sets up the cryptomatte. I tested a bunch of single frames and only when I submitted the big render did I realise that it's only writing one frame of that seperate AOV output. This is the output path on that renderVars node (the @EYE strings are custom pipeline wrangles): q:/`@EYE_g0_name`/Build/`@EYE_g1_name`/`@EYE_g2_name`/`@EYE_g3_name`/render/3d/`@EYE_element_type`-`@EYE_element_name`_v`padzero(3,@renderversion)`/`@passname`/CRYPTO.$F4.exr it looks like it's continually overwriting this frame: CRYPTO.0250.cryptomatte.exr 250 is the end of the frame range in the USD ROP As I step through the range in solaris, the output path in the scene graph reads correctly for the renderVars and the current frame...so it might be globally overwriting that path as it runs through the time-range for every frame of the USD write. Greatful of any help!
  11. I have reworked Alejandro's fill a flip collider from an exterior source. This re-work of the network uses the newer H20 nodes. NOTE: If you get a font error, just pick one that is on your system. Original HIP files found here: ap_pazuzu_FLIP_fill_FONT_from_outside_050824.hiplc
  12. Its May 2024... and I was looking for some clarity on this matter. I really appreciate the info in this thread, but I think I may need a paracetamol... : )
  13. hey gabriel! I'm facing the same issue. did you find a way to fix it?
  14. pop advect volumes allow you to grab the velocity from your volume to move your pts.
  15. Hello, i have created a sim with a big explosion inside a tall building and i also have a rain simulation outside, i was wondering how i can transfer the velocity from the pyro into the popnet in order to make the rain react with the "blast" of the explosion when it first starts, thank you!
  16. hey guys, i am trying to create a fluid sim where my liquid on path will create an object. I am somewhat stuck with the forming part but got the part where it flows nicely to the object. i tried suction, viscosity and stick on objects but the more i try, the further i stray away from what i formally gotten. is there anyone knowledgeable enough to help me with this sort of FX? it would be really helpful! im highkey at my wits end already so it would really be great if i can get some help Fluid_Morph_v01.mp4 Fluid_Flow_Suction_Help.hip
  17. thanks guys. this helped me. My issue was that the collider just wasnt moving. I guess the shelf tools sometimes really can help to figure out stuff. I didnt know that i had to put a static solver in the dop net and my static object node was not set up correctly.
  18. Use the Instancer LOP.. sop import the instance geo into LOPs then plug into input two of the Instance lop, object merge the points into the instance lop. Default settings will look for points internally and instance geo as input 2
  19. Hey guys. I am doing a flip sim based on the first gif as a reference. At the moment I am somehow struggling to scale down they velocoty when the fluid reaches the top so it flows into each other and blends smoothly. Would be multiplying the velscale by the y of a bbox also an option here? Another thing i was wondering about is how to achieve this swirls and interactions in the gold liquid.
  20. My bake is set up just right. Now I need to bake every frame. (I am baking a sim to a quad).... Switching Frames to Frame Range most definitely exports every frame but it overwrites the same file each time. $F, $FRAME and $CURFRAME do nothing. Now it may be important to note, this Frame stepped bake process is handle in a script at the hda interface level. Unfortunatly I have not been able to glean anything. I really dont want to do this in a loop..
  21. Hey there fellow houdini cult members! as the title says i am trying to "emulate" ps1 graphics, i figured out (at least i think i did) the affine texture warping part. //get a matrix with the camera's transforms string cam = "/obj/cam1"; matrix camMatrix = optransform(cam); //extract out the camera position as a vector vector cdir = {0.0,0.0,0.0}*camMatrix; cdir = cdir; vector raydir = normalize(v@P-cdir); //Manipulate the UV coordinates for Affine Texture Mapping float affineScale = length(raydir);//Scaling factor based on the viewing direction to the camera v@uv *= affineScale;//Scale the UV coordinates though i am struggling to nail it, it kinda works but the effect is not as visible as i expected. also i feel like i am missing quite some steps to really get that ps1 look and feel. If you are down to help me figure this out i'd be very thankful and future houdini ps1 enthusiast might have a post to look at! have a good one! Denis affine_paul_warping.mp4
  22. Somewhere along the line since H16, when the file was authored, a bug was fixed that requires new flip points to actually exist in group named "particles". Try adding a group name to the particles supplied to the source volume node.
  23. Hi Atom, Thank your for the link. When I download the file to review, it doesn't shows the particles and the only thing I see is this:
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