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Found 7 results

  1. Hello, After a few tutorials and google I can create a basic tree from the l-system But the thing is the trunk mesh is quite not clean and has some twisted areas, And the connection between branches to the trunk is not natural for closed up shot. So my question is Is there any way to get a clean shape from the l-system? If i used the skeleton from the l-system to generate the mesh then some area on top has missing connection and the polygon number rises dramatically If I use labs tree generator then the trunk has some twisted areas in the middle and i dont know how to put the branch in the right position Also tried to create vdb from it, but it will increase polygon number dramatically The goal i looking for is the first image Thanks for any advice ASk_TRee.hip
  2. Hi guys, I would like to add a new branch to a L_System at a specified point (generation). I tried these codes but it doesn't work: Promise: A(1) Rule 1: A(i)=FA Rule 2: A:i>2=[&F] How can I fix it? Thanks for helping. LSys3.hip
  3. Hi Newbie here but hoping someone much more talented can steer me along the right direction. I'm trying to have a simple branching structure lead these unfurling ferns as shown in the preview. Ideally they unroll with a mask which is trigger their animation. Would like to add various different leaves and alternative objects down the track. Is there any easy way to achieve this? Only found something on CHOPs but not sure it's what I need... Thanks ! H Growth_setup_001.hiplc
  4. Free video tutorial can be watched at any of these websites: Fendra Fx Vimeo SideFx Project file can be purchased at Gumroad here: https://gumroad.com/davidtorno?sort=newest
  5. I would like to know how to create a series of branching curves which are created from dummy objects in Unreal's World Outliner. So you would start with a primary branch/curve, and for every selected actor, the HDA would create a secondary curve starting at the actor's location. Or I can simplify this by asking - how would you make an HDA that can generate any number of curves which will become editable splines inside of Unreal? Creating a single, editable curve for Unreal is working fine, but I want to create an HDA which will allow for any number of extending secondary curves. branching_curves.hipnc
  6. Hi. Now I trying make geometry optimizer for fracturing for rbd sim, making "Solid" geometry from background models which often have bad topology. So I must find "Cracked Edge", two Primitives appear to be connected by single line, but the number of Points on Edge belonging to one of the Primitives is insufficient.This looks like Shared Edge, but it is actually Unshared Edge so specifically break PolyExtrude SOP. This Edge can be fixed by Union Boolean SOP, but my asset may import bad surface geometry which has many problem about Boolean SOP so I don't want use it as possible. How can we detect this? GeometryOptimize.zip
  7. I'm trying to create a high resolution procedural tree model (without using SpeedTree etc). I looked into L-systems but thats not much use for a more detailed model that is made of one mesh. This is a really interesting tutorial (and has been posted before) - http://www.andyboyd3d.com/siggraph_talk/img27.html But i'm wondering if theres a procedural way to create the branches (seen here - http://www.andyboyd3d.com/siggraph_talk/img32.html). I'm guessing this part was actually done manually but it would be great to have a procedural method! Cheers, Mike
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