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Alexey Vanzhula

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Modeler 1.0 for Houdini released!

Free for all the DM 2.* users. $70 for the DM 1.* users.



What's new:

1. DM now renamed to Modeler 1.0
2. new feature: the DM menu (Z hotkey) has been replaced with a new alignment menu where you can use tools for fast and accurate transformation.
The menu includes the whole set of tools for working with a compass, geometry centring, quick flattening with gestures
and many other transformation tools. Use the hotkeys for the tools of the old DM menu.
3. new feature: Deform Menu (N hotkey) with lots of interactive deformation tools including a new Lattice tool
4. new feature: MODELER_PICK_STYLE environment variable allows to override Modeler startup selection pick style.
Add it to the houdini.env file. Use "Box", "Lasso", "Brush" or "Laser" values, then restart Houdini.
5. new feature: the hard and soft boolean tools are now combined in a new menu called Boolean (J hotkey)
6. new feature: a Fix Curves tool helps get rid of broken lines in open polygons. This helps when beveling corners of open polygons.
7. new feature: a Select Curves tool helps to select open polygons (curves) in the model
8. improvement: now some tools can create curves and process them. For example, the Extrude tool can produce lines from selected points.
The Collapse tool can flatten open polygons (curves). The Connect tool can be used to cut a segment between two selected points or connect two open faces.
The Push tool now properly moves points in open faces.
9. improvement: the RMB menu of the Push tool has a new item Toggle Connectivity, which allows you to move points, capturing the points of other closed pieces
10. improvement: the Push tool now works slightly faster
11. improvement: the Push tool can now slide point with Ctrl+MMB
12. improvement: the mouse and keyboard shortcuts of the Push tool have been completely redone
13. improvement: if nothing is selected, the Hose tool searches for all the curves in the current geometry
14. improvement: a Group parm added to the Hose Tool. Can be used in conjunction with a result of the Duplicate tool
15. improvement: Hose now creates straight edges tube if the Resample Curve set to zero value
16. improvement: Geometry Library renamed to KitBash and works only as the python panel
17. improvement: KitBash replace feature now doesn't update the item icon
18. improvement: Tools Panel now has a new category KitBash with tools for working with the library items.
Now you can create, save, overwrite and update icons faster, without actually working in the KitBash panel
19. improvement: volatile edge sliding now does not require explicit movement of the mouse pointer to the edges
20. improvement: volatile edge sliding now can be used to slide points and faces
21. improvement: Fix Overlaps can now use face groups
22. improvement: Duplicate applied to edges now creates a curve in the current geometry object
23. improvement: the Resymmetry tool now works slightly better. The Tollerance parameter is no longer saved between nodes ().
This allows you to not change the position of the seam points.
24. improvement: mouse wheel manipulation in various tools has been improved
25. improvement: new simple box type has been added to the QPrimitive HDA
26. improvement: Tools Panel now has a more logical structure for faster access to popular tools
27. improvement: the Modeler shelf was fully revisited
28. improvement: the Walk History Up and Walk History Down tools (Up and Down hotkeys) now work more
interactively when traveling through nodes with more than one input or output.
29. improvement: the Select By Shells tools was replaced with a new Convert To Shells tool (Ctrl+1)
30. improvement: double-clicking with LMB in the viewport is completely revisited.
Now you can jump to objects level by double-clicking LMB in an empty space.
Clicking on a geometry allows you to quickly switch between objects.
If you are in a certain state, double-clicking activates the selection mode.
All these improvements speed up the modeling process.
31. improvement: the deformation tools (Size, Ramp, View) now have the fixed blend feature. The transition between the deformable
points and the undeformable part looks more correct.
32. fix: Hose now orients rings copies correctly
33. fix: Slice, Mirror and Cut tools now set correct geometry center on tool activation
34. fix: JumpUp and JumpDown tools does not work when Compass is active
35. fix: QLight now works properly if you run it from the orthographic viewport
36. fix: sometimes camera movement with Alt did not work after a mouse click
37. Lots of tools have changed hotkeys. Look at Tools Panel for more details.
38. Python code has been revisited
39. Documentation has become more detailed
40. Overall speed improvement
41. Other improvements

Works only in Houdini 18. Use build >= 18.0.346



Edited by Alexey Vanzhula
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The overall usability is a big part of deciding what tools to use. Ex. I could not stand Blender 1.7x or earlier, but love 1.8x because of the changes. Is there any possibility of creating some sort of lightweight reduced feature demo of the modeling tools, just to get a feel of the workflow?

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  • 4 weeks later...

The only issue I had with installing was the MODELER_PATH needed to point to the modeler subdirectory.

For example: MODELER_PATH = "C:/Users/<USER>/Documents/Modeler1.0.4/modeler"

To check if it's being picked up in Houdini, you should be able to see a shelf called Modeler in the drop-down list, and a Modeler tab menu.

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On 2020/3/3 at PM1点30分, Howitzer99 said:


例如:MODELER_PATH =“ C:/用户/<USER>/Documents/Modeler1.0.4/modeler”


Thank you very much, I successfully installed.

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I was looking for that as well, it looks like it doesn't have them?  Reading some of the older docs, you needed to set a hotkey for the menu item, but I'm not seeing a menu item for Zone Menus.

Alexey, are the Zone Menus coming in a future release?  Also, I'm still having issues with errors when launching Houdini, even when removing the two lines from the key config that you mention in the docs.

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Hello - I'm a Houdini novice and I'm having trouble installing modeler. The installation instructions are way above my head.

If anyone could help with explicit instructions, I would be happy to make a "How To Install Modeler" tutorial video for others like me.

Cheers - Fred

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Thank you Mal,

Any help you can offer is very much appreciated.

I do have the the (formerly known as GameDevToolset) SideFX Labs thing installed.

I think I need to know explicitly where the Modeler  folder should be, (and should it be extracted or left as an archive?)

and exactly what my houdini.env should look like.

Finally, is this where the edit_mesh_hotkeys.pref should be?:

C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 18.0.391\qt\qml\QtQuick\VirtualKeyboard\Settings

Cheers - Fred

Edited by Fred Maher
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