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paxsonsa last won the day on July 11 2017

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About paxsonsa

  • Birthday 05/01/1992

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  • Interests
    FX, Physics, Programming, Soccer.

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  1. Hey Daryl I was wondering if you would be willing to chat for a bit. Its been awhile since I was in your position and I would love to hear the fears/concerns and challenges you feel you have in making that gap from hobbyist to pro. If you hit up info@indiepay.io I would love to chat personally about it and see if there is something we can do yo help you and/or add to the service to make that easier! Thanks!
  2. Hey guys, After a few years of freelancing as a Houdini Developer and Pipeline Developer I am a bit tired of the not have a decent tool for me 3D artists. My friend and I decided to make something for it but I think we need to some critical feedback! We are trying to create a platform for Indie Artists to upload, review, and get paid for the jobs we do ( and handle invoicing and the office stuff). This has been a problem that has bothered us for a while but we want to see if there is anyone else out there having this problem. indiepay.io I have been working creating a cloud pipeline specifically for houdini but I need some help, my friend and I have a good workflow for working remotely with each other and utilizing tools houdini. we have pretty much created a light weight asset managment system that can virtualize a central server between multiple machines. It is still very much in the beginning but after working with shotgun, tactic, and a few others I got tired of spend hours just setting a system so my friends and I could work together on freelance projects and have a pipeline that integrated with tools like gridmarkets. Eager to hear some of your thoughts!
  3. I have been working on figuring out if the Houdini Engine can be used with metal. I would love to try to get some of the shading and light (LookDev) onto a tablet but it until I finish my current project it is going to be a bit! What feature were you thinking? for me have the ability to view bgeo in a tablet environment would be great!
  4. Hello, I used an immigration lawyer for the first contract I had in Vancouver (4+ years ago). There is not a whole lot you gain from it (besides the ease of pain of the paperwork). For the mostly part CIC makes it incredibly easy to apply for permits and most studios in Vancouver know how to handle the immigration process. If you are apart of the common wealth or NAFTA you really have a easy time. Is there something specific you are looking for? citizenship? PR? I urge you to check out the CIC website. Its pretty straight forward
  5. Hey all, The team at Psyop just open sourced their ID matte toolset called cryptomatte. I started working there a couple months ago. We are looking from some contributors for Mantra implementation for the project! anybody interest? https://github.com/Psyop/Cryptomatte Have look and if your interested or can help out hit up the team, we are eager to make this apart of mantra and Houdini Cheers!
  6. Hey all, The team at Psyop just open sourced their ID matte toolset called cryptomatte. I started working there a couple months ago. we are looking from some contributors for Mantra implementation for the project! anybody interest? https://github.com/Psyop/Cryptomatte Have look and if your interest hit up the team, we are eager to make this apart of mantra Cheers!
  7. It the point count is static. You should be able to load in the SOP into CHOPS with a Geometry Node and it should interpolate between I think?
  8. My Wishlist: Instancing: Instancing with CVEX and Mantra is great but when I have a rig that is animated and I need to control the animation through CHOPs the instancing still needs a file to source in order to randomize frames but if I need to speed up or slow down the animation I am fixed to whatever geo files are on disk. Possible Solution: - Copy SOP has a compute at render button or better template computing for faster viewport display with instance numbers past 2 mil. - Allow CVEX to alter the geometry post mantra instance at render time to allow me to blend my animation based on the instance points attributes. Right now i can only alter the transform matrix but it would be great to have that option even though I imagine that would break the efficiency VEX Wrangles and Editors: - variable highlighting ( having a cursor in a variable highlights it uses in the rest of the code)
  9. Sweet, look forward to seeing if we can solve this later.
  10. Hey Cyril, I actually have never used the "Make Breakable" Functionality. My experience with testing with it tends to have yielded uncontrollable and unpredictable results. In your case mixing RBD and Packed RBD is not (easily) possible. check out this thread ( in the future I would recommended a more thorough search through the forums)
  11. Hey Petur, Sorry for the late reply, hopefully this didn't cause you too much trouble, but for anyone out there looking for this solution here it is. Petur your setup is very close. What is different to my setup is I never source the P (position) attribute into my motion vector from the globals. You need two 'getPBlur' nodes. Their input values for the time input are 0 and 1 (t0 and t1 respectively). t0 represents the position are the beginning of frame and t1 is the position at the end of frame. Next we should normalize the positions into the screen space using the toNDC node. Next we get the difference between the two position values (t1-t0). Finally, its a good idea to make the value represent pixel movement so multiple the position vector by the resolution of the camera (1920, 1080, 0). Export this out with a bind. I call my export attribute vel usually. Depending on the MotionVector tool you may need to remap the vectors further (i.e. RSMB uses 0-1 space and 0.5 is not moving.) Mantra Notes: 1.Make sure allow motion blur is turned on. 2.Turn off Allow Image Motion Blur. 3. For objects using velocity make sure to turn on Hip File is attached. MotionBlurFun.hip
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