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Found 7 results

  1. Hey Everyone has anyone used hou.hotkeys ? I've made a tool and would like to have a shortcut assigned to it when its loaded. I can create a shelf and add tools to it through python with the hou.shelves library. But assigning a shortcut to the tool is . I tried to understand how the shortcut was assigned to the tool by doing it manually. For example Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T to the tool called My Custom Tool Then I was curious to find what the hotkey symbol the tool was using hou.hotkeys.hotkeySymbol. The examples of the documentation show a strict dot notation but running this command will return something along these lines with a colon ? >>> hou.hotkeys.hotkeySymbol("Houdini/My Custom Tool") h.tools:my_custom_tool Regardless, with that info, trying to assign this through python seemed to work. The edit tool window will register and show the assignment, as well as the HotKey Manager. However pressing the shortcut doesn't work and doesn't trigger the tool code hou.hotkeys.addCommand("h.tool:my_custom_tool","My Custom Tool", "This is a custom tool") hou.hotkeys.addAssignment("h.tool:my_custom_tool","Alt+Ctrl+Shift+T") Weird behaviour is deleting the shortcut in the Hotkey manager and reassigning it doesn't work either. I need to manually run hou.hotkeys.removeHotkeySymbol("h.tool:my_custom_tool") for it to work again when setting it through the Hotkey Editor manually. It seems the hou.hotkeys.addCommand is missing something ? its not linking to the command to the tool correctly to the shortcut even though visually in the Hotkey editor and the edit tool window hotkeys tab shows properly. Did anyone face this issue ? Is this how we assign hotkeys to a tool through python ?
  2. Houdini hotkeys? Well there are over 2,500 possible in the app. Here is just a little over 70 common, not so common, and even hidden hotkeys that can be helpful. Not a complete showing by far, but a start. Houdini Hotkeys video For clickable chapter links use watch on Vimeo: Houdini Hotkeys [clickable chapter links]
  3. Hi all, I'm trying to remap the hotkey SPACE + G (Center the view on all selected objects/geometry) to a thumb mouse button. I'm not the greatest at Python but I think I'm close to finding the relevant functions. This is what I got: import stateutils scene_viewer = stateutils.find_scene_viewer() cur_view = hou.ui.paneTabUnderCursor().curViewport() cur_view.frameSelected() I have no idea if this will work, because I have no clue how to run this code in Houdini. I think I read that I need to create a tool first, and then call that tool from the UI. I have no idea how to do that though. Is there a chance someone could help me out here? I have this function mapped the same way in all 3D apps I use, and it would be really nice in Houdini as well.
  4. http://patreon.com/posts/32631275 http://gumroad.com/l/houdinisupercharged In this video I will go through the GUI customizations I did for Houdini 18. So let's get into it.
  5. http://patreon.com/posts/33249763 http://gumroad.com/l/houdinisupercharged In this video I will show you some of the inner workings of the context-sensitive rule-based hotkey system that I implemented and one I have been using for a while to speed up my workflow inside Houdini. It's a very light-weight and flexible system that allows an arbitrary number of actions to be assigned to any key, with extensive modifier key and state support (Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Space, LMB, MMB, RMB, selection state). It's deeply integrated into the overlay network editor workflow.
  6. Heya, I've created a custom menu tool and added it to the menu using the MainMenuCommon.xml file - is there a way of soft-setting a hotkey to it within the xml, i.e. for multiuser project-based deployment? I'm thinking that adding the HotkeyOverrides file might work but if it's possible to keep it all contained in the single xml file that would be far tidier.
  7. Hello everybody, I'm still new to Houdini and I'm tring to speed up my modelling workflow by setting hotkeys. The problem is, they don't work. The 2 first ops I tried to assign keys to are: "Polysplit" and "Edge subdivide". First weird thing, When I search the Hotkey Manager, I can't find these 2 ops. In the Houdini forum, someone told me to ​hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift while clicking on a shelf tool to open Hotkey manager for that tool. So that's what I did. Then I set up "edge divide" to ALT+D. If I hover the mouse on the edge divide shelf tool, I can see my shorctut alt+D. So then, I create a new cube, select 4 of its edges, then hit ALT+D... nothing happens. I'm using an azerty keyboard, is this my problem? I set polysplit on ALT+* and I just got it working on the cube. But in other scenes it wasn't working neither... Thanks and see you soon, G
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