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Found 18 results

  1. Hi guys, I've hit a bit of a wall in the new version of POPs. I have a deforming mesh (skinned character), which I have scattered points on. What I'm trying to achieve is a set of particles that are essentially locked onto their source point until a certain time or proximity from some sort of gizmo, and then morph to the position of another set of points. I have been able to achieve this in the old version of POPs using a position node, but it's rather slow. However I can't seem to figure out how to achieve the same thing in the DOP version of POPS. Any help would be great appreciated. Thanks
  2. Hi all, I'm kinda new to houdini and i'm doing an animated pyro flame sim and when my emitter moves the fire doesn't follow the emitter, it looks like the emitter keeps working but the smoke and fire can't generate, i've attached photos so you can take a look, if you know how I can get this working i'll really appreciate a response. By the way my emitter is a torus, that's why the shape in suspension is a circle. Thanks!
  3. Hi I'm try to do a fire ball but when it emits the fire, appear circular shapes in the surface of the emitter. How can I "break" this shapes? Thank you.
  4. Hello, i have a vellum source emitting a low res model every 10 frames. How can i exchange the low res output with the high res version? this is my setup, i am working on Houdini 17
  5. Hi, I try to use a point deform on a emitter but cant get my head arround it. It get weird spiked geometry or all points go to the center saw some example files but thats all with a single mesh or a single object per frame Im trying to emit 10 variants. Does anyone have some example file? THANK YOU
  6. Hello all, I've been trying an effect where a character runs into the water. As soon as the character starts moving and colliding with water little spheres or maybe bubbles start emitting and I don't know why. Below I have attached my hip. file and a screenshot of my exact problem. man_water_run_v11.hip
  7. Hi, How to add a different viscosity for each Emitter in latest Houdini
  8. Hello! First time posting. I'm new to Houdini, this is my first project that I decided to do. But I'm a fairly seasoned C4D 3D generalist so I know what I want to do in Houdini, I just don't know how to go about it. I'm in Houdini 17.5. Here is the problem. I have stumbled around in Houdini and made a Viscous Flip Fluid Sim. I made a Sphere an emitter, and emitted my fluid pouring onto a .OBJ mesh that I imported in. I've cached the particle FLIP Particle simin the DOP network, the Particle Fluid Compressed Cached, and Particle Fluid Surface Cached. Now here is my problem. I exported my meshed sim as an alembic from a ROP_Alembic node. Imported into C4D. And then I realized I have a UV problem. This is a Redshift texture and shading pass that I did with my sequence. At the time I forgot to plug in the velocity data tags from the Alembic sequence into the Redshift motion vector blur, so if it looks weird, that is why. Crystal_Goo_Test.mov My texture smudges are on the mesh, but they stay static while the mesh animates. It looks just like the textures from this cartoon it doesn't move with it. So after a bit of digging I realize I don't even have UV's. Because Flip Fluids don't come with UV's, and if I never defined any UV's then how could they just magically appear? lol. So I tried researching how to generate them, and how to export them with the alembic. But for my specific situation I couldn't find anything that was up to date and worked. OR I am too much of a noob to implement what I saw in forum posts. The stuff I saw was for Houdini version 13, 14.5 and 16. I'm on 17.5. Here is a screen shot of how I tried to generate UV's and export them, again I never re-cached my sim yet. I just tried to put uv's on my existing set up. Below is my emitter. And there are no UV's on this sphere primitive, nor anywhere before the output. I took a shot in the dark and tried to see if I could generate them after all my caches (because it took 3 days to cache the fluid surface mesh). So I honestly have no idea where to generate these uv's, how to do it correctly, and how to get them passed onto the fluid mesh for alembic export and texturing in C4D Redshift. I'm including my .hip file with my cache's disconnected. They are over 200 GB's all together so it's too big to include here. Lower the substeps in the Flip Solver or lessen the Fluid Mesher to make it play back faster. I used high settings for my final export (also I tried my best to optimize, but again I'm a noob with Houdini and have probably done things incorrectly in my set up). Crystal_Viscous_Sim.zip The FLIP DOP cache might still need to be disconnected. This is the final step of my personal project. I've done all this on my own but I'm super stuck on this UV generation and export. And once I can export this fluid mesh an an alembic sequence for C4D Redshift I will be set to render. Thank you in advance for any feedback and/or answers. Please write out instructions very clearly for me to replicate if you don't want to provide pictures/ screenshots or .hip files. Again what I'm trying to do is generate UV's for my Fluid Surface, and have then be able to be exported via an Alembic sequence for texturing and rendering in Redshift.
  9. Hi All! I have a cached particles. I wont to place it in POP Solver and emit new particles from my cached particles. And new particles must fly by velocity from cached particles. How will i can do this? Help me) Thanks!
  10. Hello, I am currently doing some RnD on a rocket engine. For this to work properly, I need a way for my emitter geo to shoot flames with initial velocity in the normal direction of the emitter. I made a gif to show the problem. Red is the emitter, the arrow represents the direction of the initial velocity. Right now, my simulation only shoots flames with an initial velocity in one specified direction. I used the "add initial velocity" in the create volume source node of the emitter. But I don't really know how to animate that. Appreciate any help, thanks!
  11. Hey! In my scene (I think it may only work with 16.5) how could I use the sphere in my scene to be an additional flip emitter? The idea is to keep adding water to the top bowl. I want to use the top sphere as an flip fluid emitter. How would I set that up? Is it possible to have to flip objects going into one solver? Thanks water.hipnc
  12. Hi gang, I was just scratching my head over how to get my popaxisforce object to follow the emitter I want to affect with it. It's basically a geo group that defines the emitter surface (jet engine thing) and shoots out particles behind it and I want the popaxis force to follow close behind to manipulate the particles. I thought maybe object merge in the dop network would do the trick but it's doing some pretty weird stuff instead like creating a duplicate emitter that follows the jet's animation/xform but offset in time. Any insight would be great, thanks! jet_emitter_popaxisforce.hiplc
  13. I'm using POP Location moving in sine wave on z-axis. It is emitting particles but stream is stepped. You can see the screenshot. I have tried increasing substeps, birth rate but of no use. Please describe and resolve this! Thanks.
  14. Hi, I am creating a waterfall simulation to integrate into a Matt painting, and I cant figure out how to get the spherical particles in the screen shot below, to become more foam like and not so geometric. They are part of the whitewater simulation and i've searched a lot online and asked people and gone through the nodes, but cant figure out how to fix it? Is there maybe a way to create a material for just those particles and change it to a more foam like texture and consistency or smoke, or is there a better way to do it? Really appreciate any help, as quite new to Houdini and working to a fast approaching deadline for uni! :/ Thanks!
  15. Guys, i've just noticed my emitter is hollow. Can anyone show me why is that happening and how to emmit from the whole volume? here's the file in case you want to have a look: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y0363g0rz3w4plt/Star_Shapped_Emmiter v1-c.rar?dl=0 here's how i've created the star shapped + flip shelf added nodes: and here's a video just to prove that i'm not crazy Cheers, Alvaro
  16. Hey guys, Let's say I want to emmit a fluid from a star shapped emmiter. As soon as I hit Emit Particle Fluid, from the shelf, the shape is converted to a volume, getting fat. Is there a way to preserve the original shape? Thx, Alvaro
  17. Hi guys, I'm still kind of new to houdini and currently trying to build a custom rbd emitter but got stuck. I used the same basic workflow as the example files for rbd emitter H13 brings and everything works fine. In addition to this I tried emitting fractured packed rbds which also still works fine. But now I wanted to add glue constrains to the individual fractured packed rbd groups aaaaaand got stuck. I guess the problem is that the glue network gets overwriten every time I emit a new packed group - which also would make sense to me. So I'll have multiple pieces with the same name and as a result the gluenetwork of the first emitted one doesn't work anymore and so on.... What is the best way to solve that problem? I'm pretty sure it's something easy to fix but I can't figure it out. Is there a way to give every emitted packed rbd group a unique name? For-each-node for packed prims? Or is there a easier solution/workaround? If anybody could give me a hint, that would be great Cheers Korbi
  18. Hello everyone! I'm trying to achieve an effect with the use of Houdini where multiple sheets of paper is being blown out of an mailbox.(Mail and letters to be exact) My plan is to use different layers of 3d sheets to comp together with some live action plates. 1. Some sheets are Rigid and doesn't fold or bend. This effect I've managed to achieve somewhat. I found a hip file by Valerio Di Napoli where Rigid bodies are being emitted with the help of a particle network. By looking through this .hip I managed to understand the workflow somewhat and create my own RBD emitter. Flipbooks of some test simulations ->youtu.be/f2L9kFGgAH4 My .hip file for this simulation is attached to the post.(RBDs_from_particleEmitter_v002.hip) With some tweaking I think this approach could work as letters are quite stiff when they aren't opened and full of bills One problem I have with this Is that I can't seem to use a grid as the instanced geometry. For reasons I can't understand, when I use a grid they just get stuck at the birth point of the particles and doesn't move at all. As of right now I'm using a box scaled down in the Y axis to act as a letter. 2. Now on to my major problem! Some sheets I want to fold and swirl in the air. I would prefer them to interact with each other but its not must. By using a cloth simulation on a grid to create these sheets of paper works quite well and looks pretty good. Since I don't need as many of these type of sheets, only about 10 or so, I'd like to think that the simulation would not be to expensive to preform? (If more sheets are needed I guess doing multiple simulations would be one way of approaching the problem to avoid performance issues.) Now, I thought that the previous method of emitting RBD might be useful when trying to emitting these more dynamic sheets of paper. I was wondering if there is a way to use the same setup but instead of emitting Rigid bodies I want objects simulated as cloth to be emitted. Is this possible? I tried to just replace my RBD Point Object node with a Cloth Object node and the Rigid Body Solver node with a Cloth Solver node in my DOP network but with no success. Attached a second .hip for this (CLOTH_from_ParticleEmitter_v001.hip) trying to achieve something looking like this but emitting the papers from a specific spot. I'm quite new to Houdini and don't really understand all the abbreviations yet so be gentle on me will ya! Haven't really caught up on the scripting part yet either. I would therefore prefer to solve this without much scripting if that is possible. Is there someone out there who got any thoughts on this? Grateful for any help I could get! Sorry for making this post so long. I tried my best to explain this in my limited English. Thanks! RBDs_from_particleEmitter_v002.hip CLOTH_from_ParticleEmitter_v001.hip
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