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rafaelfs last won the day on December 20 2012

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About rafaelfs

  • Birthday 03/23/1976

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  1. Hey, Amin Looks like an interesting project! Where should I send cv and reel to? Cheers
  2. Hey there, I've uploaded VOP Snippets tool to Github. Feel free to give it a go, I've found it helps eliminate quite a few clicks when working out my VOPs https://github.com/rafarafarafarafael/vop_snippets And if you try it out and find bugs please let me know. PS: not meaning to spam, just making sure that whoever might need this tool will learn about it
  3. Hi all, We are in need of a Houdini artist that's got a really good grasp of viscous fluid setups for a fast-paced job. Preference given to Toronto locals, but I think remote might be considered. email careers@tendril.ca Cheers
  4. Hi all, I've just finished a little personal project that was featured in our studio (Tendril) during the welcome party for the last FITC/Toronto. All Houdini and Mantra. Cheers
  5. Sorry, I can't make sense of that...
  6. I'm not sure I got your question right, but if you meant to animate the carving of curves based on a random end frames between 35 and 50, here's a possible answer. The trick is that there's no storing of script variables in SOPs, the script is evaluated and that's all you get at the end of it so your jitter variable is reset every time. Instead I used the primitive number as a seed for the random value (so I get the same random value for each curve) and then you just interpolate based on the current frame. Cheers random_carve.hip
  7. Are you trying to move the points of your torus with a point attribute Cd? Use a point wrangle and set @P + Cd; Cheers
  8. Wait... that looks like Cain's mech from Robocop2... nah, I must be tripping!
  9. I'm not sure if it'll bounce forever, but have you checked the bounce value on the colliding objects? I think ground plane, for example, has default bounce of 0.5, which causes it to push objects back with half the force it receives. Cheers
  10. I thought I had issues with capturing in the past and it turns out that I was cooking my capture at every frame, which was an issue with how I wired my network. You might want to check tor that or if it still doesn't work, look at the pointdeform SOP: it's an asset built mostly with wrangle nodes and the code is all exposed for your learning pleasure! Cheers
  11. Only way I can think of is to create a file spare parameter in your wrangle and place hscript expression there. Cheers
  12. yup, it's kinda like scientific notation.
  13. here's a quick'n dirty setup... viscosity_attrib.hip
  14. It's actually pretty simple: you have to create a viscosity attribute on your particles (point attribute, float) and enable the viscosity by attribute in the solver. You can use an attribute create SOP or a wrangle, but if you want to manipulate the viscosity or change it over time, these changes have to be done with the use of a sop solver, but even then it's not too hard. CMIvfx has a great tutorial on variable viscosity fluids, by Mr. Tonkas. Peter Quint also has some stuff on FLIP, but I'm not sure if he covers viscosity by attribute... Cheers
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