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  1. Any effect resolution depends on how close it is to the camera. Do your shot planning first, then add resolution as needed.
    3 points
  2. Okay. Solved! I have to spend lots of time to figure it out your second way that gets u. (Still confused me) Anyway, Cheers! And Merry Christmas!!!
    2 points
  3. There are several issues: If you look at your prim_ID attribute in "pointwrangle1" you can see, that it is always 0 (the primitive 0 is the lowest middle starting from the center -> so the values displayed are correct but probably not what you want). The reason for this (you initialize the attribute in pointwrangle1 while calling it -> to fix this you can capture the the primitive using xyzdist() as well) but on the other side, you are capturing the original geometry (overlapping) from the not overlapping geometry, which makes no sense in my opinion. What is wrong about doing the other way like in my example? @edit: here is another way capturing the position directly from carving Match_Carve_modA.hipnc
    2 points
  4. You can probably try to capture the u position of the parent prim using xyzdist() limiting to the Prim_ID you have defined. Once you have the u-parameter from the start and end point you can use the fit function (to fit them to 0-1). Match_Carve_mod.hipnc
    2 points
  5. Just ran into this same issue- if anyone else has this problem-I fixed it by going into the parameter edit menu (the gear icon)- made the parameter invisible- clicked apply- then made it visibile again- clicked apply- and I got all 3 (xyz) parameters back
    2 points
  6. Ever wondered how the Lattice SOP (or FFD in other 3D software) works under the hood? The secret lies in Bernstein polynomials—a fundamental part of Bézier curves. By understanding this math, you can push beyond the tool’s limits—like using VEX or OpenCL to overcome the 30-division cap. Special thanks to Bradley Henke at SideFX for his performance tips.
    1 point
  7. Can be done with simple noise animation without solver. particle_morph_v01.hip
    1 point
  8. If you want to avoid the the foreach (using carve) you can also use the clip node, which gives you the same result and it is also maintaining the point and the primitive attributes except the ordering of the point, which shouldn't be problem at all, because you store the old curveu attribute and it gets interpolated (by clip and carve aswell). Match_Carve_modB.hipnc
    1 point
  9. What do you mean by the image is stuck? Are you rendering with Mantra or Karma via LOPs?
    1 point
  10. Hi, Hannes. Thank you for reply. Your methods still would change those IDs when they pass another points. By the way I have solved this problem by group end points and blast it then copy their ID attribute to those points who is missing IDs.
    1 point
  11. Try this @Rafar Old File From Asia Students "Welcome to the Forum" ..You can Find here on Forum if you search ..Pitch in Sweep
    1 point
  12. Here are both HIP files posted on Discord. It's interesting to see the MPM solution. It seems a little too bouncy, and if you let it settle, there is volume loss there as well. ap_volloss_120224.hiplc vol_loss_mpm_dc_12_2024.hiplc
    1 point
  13. I adjusted the position of the source geometry and the reference geometry, so that no matter where the model is moving, the camera maintains the same Angle of view, and that's what I want, okay Thank you very much, ha ha!
    1 point
  14. Extract Transform object node (obj context), camera constraint to this node (can toggle translate and rotate separate) source->rest animation -> destination extract_transform_follow_animation.hip
    1 point
  15. The labs normalize float node wraps this up.
    1 point
  16. Bad times effected My life and Job , Although its already Hard to find a decent Job Here , So I made this cool Workshop with tons Of Project Files . most of them are my own research methods . I will continue to update it with More Workflows https://www.artstation.com/a/36228362 Any support would be greatly appreciated , Thanks
    1 point
  17. It does, but the default mass on grain is way too high. ts_vellum_hair_grain_interaction_adjusted_mass.hipnc
    1 point
  18. @uupsayaya just search Nebula Karma Shader XPU on duckduckgo endless HDA and files.
    1 point
  19. I was looking for the same things, and after hitting all the key of my keyboard, I find that Ctrl+middle_mouse_click work for me ! Hope that help !
    1 point
  20. it says in the docs: "Scatter channel to read from the volume object. This acts as a multiplier on the scatter color, to texture the color of the volume." https://docs.arnoldrenderer.com/display/A5AFMUG/Standard+Volume What multiplication is that? 1 (colour white) * density? There is a big mess in the bottom of the cloud so I'd like to know what is the formula used? what's multiplied by what? If my volume is 9 times denser and the colour is 1 (white), does it mean the denser the brighter? I've included comparison (top: empty channel, bottom: channel is density)
    1 point
  21. Remapping an attribute so its maximum is 1.0: 1st point wrangle: setdetailattrib(0, 'height_max', f@height, "max"); 2nd point wrangle: f@height /= detail(0, 'height_max', 0);
    1 point
  22. There are so many nice example files on this website that I am often searching for. I wanted to use this page as a link page to other posts that I find useful, hopefully you will too. This list was started years ago, so some of the solutions may be dated. Displaced UV Mapped Tubes Particles Break Fracture Glue Bonds Render Colorized Smoke With OpenGL Rop Moon DEM Data Creates Model Python Script Make A Belly Bounce Helicopter Dust Effect Conform Design To Surface Benjamin Button Intro Sequence UV Style Mapping UV Box and Multiple Projection Styles Ping Pong Frame Expression Instance vs. Copy (Instance Is Faster) Particle Bug Swarm Over Vertical and Horizontal Geometry Rolling Cube Rounded Plexus Style Effect Pyro Smoke UpRes Smoke Trails From Debris Align Object Along Path Fading Trail From Moving Point Swiss Cheese VDB To Polygons Get Rid Of Mushroom Shape In Pyro Sim A Tornado Ball Of Yarn Particles Erode Surface Unroll Paper Burrow Under Brick Road Non Overlapping Copies Build Wall Brick-By-Brick FLIP Fluid Thin Sheets Smoke Colored Like Image Volumetric Spotlight Moving Geometry Using VEX Matt's Galaxy Diego's Vortex Cloud Loopable Flag In Wind Eetu's Lab <--Must See! Wolverine's Claws (Fracture By Impact) Houdini To Clarisse OBJ Exporter Skrinkwrap One Mesh Over Another Differential Growth Over Surface Blazing Fast OpenCL Smoke Solver [PYTHON]Post Process OBJ Re-Write Upon Export Rolling Clouds Ramen Noodles Basic Fracture Extrude Match Primitive Number To Point Number Grains Activate In Chunks Fracture Wooden Planks Merge Two Geometry Via Modulus Fill Font With Fluid DNA Over Model Surface VDB Morph From One Shape To Another Bend Font Along Curve Ripple Obstacle Across 3D Surface Arnold Style Light Blocker Sphere Dripping Water (cool) Exploded View Via Name Attribute VEX Get Obj Matrix Parts eetu's inflate cloth Ice Grows Over Fire Flying Bird As Particles DEM Image To Modeled Terrain Pyro Temperature Ignition Extrude Like Blender's Bevel Profile Particles Flock To And Around Obstacles BVH Carnegie Mellon Mocap Tweaker (python script) Rolling FLIP Cube Crowd Agents Follow Paths Keep Particles On Deforming Surface Particle Beam Effect Bendy Mograph Text Font Flay Technique Curly Abstract Geometry Melt Based Upon Temperature Large Ship FLIP Wake (geo driven velocity pumps) Create Holes In Geo At Point Locations Cloth Blown Apart By Wind Cloth Based Paper Confetti Denim Stitching For Fonts Model A Raspberry Crumple Piece Of Paper Instanced Forest Floor Scene FLIP pushes FEM Object Animated Crack Colorize Maya nParticles inside an Alembic Path Grows Inside Shape Steam Train Smoke From Chimney Using Buoyancy Field On RBDs In FLIP Fluid Fracture Along A Path COP Based Comet Trail eetu's Raidal FLIP Pump Drip Down Sides A Simple Tornado Point Cloud Dual Colored Smoke Grenades Particles Generate Pyro Fuel Stick RBDs To Transforming Object Convert Noise To Lines Cloth Weighs Down Wire (with snap back) Create Up Vector For Twisting Curve (i.e. loop-d-loop) VDB Gowth Effect Space Colonization Zombie L-System Vine Growth Over Trunk FLIP Fluid Erosion Of GEO Surface Vein Growth And Space Colonization Force Only Affects Particle Inside Masked Area Water Ball External Velocity Field Changes POP particle direction Bullet-Help Small Pieces Come To A Stop Lightning Around Object Effect Lightning Lies Upon Surface Of Object Fracture Reveals Object Inside Nike Triangle Shoe Effect Smoke Upres Example Julien's 2011 Volcano Rolling Pyroclastic FLIP Fluid Shape Morph (with overshoot) Object Moves Through Snow Or Mud Scene As Python Code Ramp Scale Over Time Tiggered By Effector Lattice Deforms Volume Continuous Geometric Trail Gas Enforce Boundary Mantra 2D And 3D Velocity Pass Monte Carlo Scatter Fill A Shape Crowd Seek Goal Then Stop A Bunch Of Worms Potential Field Lines Around Postive and Negative Charges Earthquake Wall Fracture Instance Animated Geometry (multiple techniques) Flip Fluid Attracted To Geometry Shape Wrap Geo Like Wrap3 Polywire or Curve Taper Number Of Points From Second Input (VEX) Bullet Custom Deformable Metal Constraint Torn Paper Edge Deflate Cube Rotate, Orient and Alignment Examples 3D Lines From 2D Image (designy) Make Curves In VEX Avalanche Smoke Effect Instant Meshes (Auto-Retopo) Duplicate Objects With VEX Polywire Lightning VEX Rotate Instances Along Curved Geometry Dual Wind RBD Leaf Blowing Automatic UV Cubic Projection (works on most shapes) RBD Scatter Over Deforming Person Mesh FLIP Through Outer Barrier To Inner Collider (collision weights) [REDSHIFT] Ground Cover Instancing Setup [REDSHIFT] Volumetric Image Based Spotlight [REDSHIFT] VEX/VOP Noise Attribute Planet [REDSHIFT] Blood Cell Blood Vessel Blood Stream [REDSHIFT] Light Volume By Material Emission Only [REDSHIFT] Python Script Images As Planes (works for Mantra Too!) [REDSHIFT] MTL To Redshift Material [REDSHIFT] Access CHOPs In Volume Material [REDSHIFT] Mesh Light Inherits Color [REDSHIFT] Color Smoke [REDSHIFT] FBX Import Helper [REDSHIFT] Terrain Instancer Height Field By Feature Dragon Smashes Complex Fractured House (wood, bricks, plaster) Controlling Animated Instances Road Through Height Field Based Terrain Tire Tread Creator For Wheels Make A Cloth Card/Sheet Follow A NULL Eye Veins Material Matt Explains Orientation Along A Curve Mesh Based Maelstrom Vortex Spiral Emit Multiple FEM Objects Over Time Pushing FEM With Pyro Spiral Motion For Wrangle Emit Dynamic Strands Pop Grains Slope, Peak and Flat Groups For Terrains Install Carnegie Mellon University BVH Mocap Into MocapBiped1 Ramp Based Taper Line Fast Velocity Smoke Emitter Flip Fill Cup Ice Cubes Float [PYTHON]Export Houdini Particles To Blender .bphys Cache Format [PYTHON] OP UNHIDE ALL (opunhide) Collision Deform Without Solver or Simulation Mograph Lines Around Geometry Waffle Cornetto Ice Cream Cone Ice Cream Cone Top Unroll Road Or Carpet Burning Fuse Ignites Fuel or Painted Fuel Ignition Painted Fuel Combustion Small Dent Impact Deformation Particle Impact Erosion or Denting Of A Surface Helicopter Landing Smoke And Particles Radial Fracture Pieces Explode Outwards Along Normal Tangent Based Rocket Launch Rolling Smoke Field Tear/Rip FLIP (H12 still works in H16) Rain Flows Over Surface Rains Water Drip Surface Splash Smoke Solver Tips & Tricks Folding Smoke Sim VEX Generated Curve For Curling Hair Copy and Align One Shape Or Object To The Primitives Of Another Object (cool setup) A Better Pop Follow Curve Setup FEM Sea Cucumber Moves Through Barrier Fracture Cloth Smoke Confinement Setup Merge multiple .OBJ directly Into A Python Node Blood In Water Smoke Dissipates When Near Collision Object Whirlpool Mesh Surface Whirlpool Velocity Motion For FLIP Simple Bacteria Single Point Falling Dust Stream Flames Flow Outside Windows Gas Blend Density Example Localized Pyro Drag (smoke comes to a stop) Granular Sheet Ripping Post Process An Export (Post Write ROP Event) Corridor Ice Spread or Growth Set Velocity On Pieces When Glue Bonds Break Water Drops Along Surface Condensation Bottle Grains Snow or Wet Sand Starter Scene A Nice Little Dissolver Turn An Image Into Smoke Fading Ripples Grid Example Stranger Things Wall Effect Face Through Rubber Wall [PYTHON]Create Nurbs Hull Shelf Tool [PYTHON] Ramp Parameter [PYTHON] On Copy OF HDA or Node Select Outside Points Of Mesh, Honor Interior Holes Sparks Along Fuse With Smoke Umbrella Rig Melt FLIP UVs Tire Burn Out Smoke Sim Flip or Pyro Voxel Estimate Expression Motorcycle or Dirt Bike Kicks Up Sand Particles Push Points Out Of A Volume [PYTHON]Cellular Automata Cave Generator Punch Dent Impact Ripple Wrinkle VEX Rotate Packed Primitive Via Intrinsic Kohuei Nakama's Effect FLIP Fluid Inside Moving Container Particles Avoid Metaball Forces FLIP Divergence Setup FLIP Transfer Color Through Simulation To Surface Morph Between Two Static Shapes As Pyro Emits Constraint Based Car Suspension Pyro Smoke Gas Disturbs Velocity Wire Solver Random Size Self Colliding Cables Fast Cheap Simple Collision Deform CHOP Based Wobble For Animated Character Slow Motion FLIP Whaitewater Avoid Stepping In Fast Pyro Emission Fast Car Tires Smoke FLIP Fluid Fills Object Epic Share Of Softbody/Grain Setups (Must see!) Balloon, Pizza, Sail, Upres Shirt, Paint Brush Create Pop Grain Geometry On-The-Fly In A DOPs Solver Varying Length Trails VEX Based Geometry Transform Determine Volume Minimum and Maximum Values Grain Upres Example Animated pintoanimation For Cloth Sims Batch Render Folder Of OBJ files Vellum Weaving Cloth Fibers Knitting Kaleidoscopic Geometry UV Image Map To Points Or Hair Color Particles Like Trapcode Particular Flat Tank Boat Track With Whitewater Orthographic Angle Font Shadow Select Every Other Primitive or Face? Printer Spits Out Roll Of Paper Unroll Paper, Map, Plans, Scroll Simple Vellum L-System Plant Basic Cancer Cell 2D Vellum Solution Vellum Animated Zero Out Stiffness To Emulate Collapse Whitewater On Pre Deformed Wave [PYTHON] Menu Callback Change Node Color Extruded Voronoi With Scale Effector Multi Material RBD Building Fracture House Collapse Spin Vellum Cloth Whirlpool Vortex Trippy Organic Line Bend Design Logo Based Domino Layout Delete Outer Fracture Pieces, Keeping Inside Pieces UV Mapped Displaced Along Length Curly Curves Slow Particle Image Advection Nebula Saw Through VDB Like Butter Fuel Based Rocket Launch With Smoke Fuel Based Rocket Launch With Smoke [upres] Deform Pyro Along Path Bend Pyro Gas Repeat Solver With RBD Collision Raining Fuel Fire Bomb City Video Tutorial Pyro Cluster Setup (Animated Moving Fuel Source) [PYTHON] Mantra .MTL File Reader (creates new materials) Pyro Dampen By Distance FLIP Fluid Sweeps Away Crowd Ragdoll Gas Repeat Solver X-Men Mystique Feather Effect Camera Frustum Geometry Culling Vellum Extrude Shape Into Cloth Wire Web Constraint Setup Pyro Smoke Font Dissolve "Up In Smoke" Helicopter Landing With Vellum Grass and Dust or Smoke Another Thin Sheet Fluid Setup Color Rain Drops Over Surface Dual Smoke Object Wand Battle Custom GasDisturb node (easy to use) Hair Driven Grass Example File Pyro Smoke With Masked Turbulence Align High Resolution Mesh With Low Resolution RBD Simulation Streaky Portal Effect Height From Luma Cracking Glass Dome, Fracture VEX Noise Types FLIP Waterwheel Fracture Brick Wall Using UVs Vellum Stacked Torn Membranes Terrain Topographical Line Curves Prepare RBD Fracture For Unreal Alembic Export Growing Ivy Solver Fix For Intermittent FLIP Surfacing Issue Extensive RBD Fracturing Thread With HIP Files Peter Quint's Pop Streams Particle Example Fracture Geometry To Release Flip Fluid Inside Procedurally Reverse Normals Vellum Culling Voronoi Shape To Shape Transition Animated Scattering Accessing Parametric UVs On A Surface Organic Hallways/Corridors Through A Mesh Smoke Particle Dissolve Along One Axis Expanding Vellum Rings That Collide With One Another Read, Fetch, or Get SOP Attribute Inside Of DOPS Broad Splash When Object Enters Water Blendshape Crowd Example [PYTHON] Replace Packed Intrinsic Geometry From Another Source Rip/Tear Part Of Paper To Reveal And Roll Up After Effects Text Styles Cabling Mesh Surface Hanging Wires Or Cables Use Python Inside a Font Sop Brand Accurate Textures Using Karma XPU hScript asCode Microscopic Hair USD Attribute Equivalents For Preview Shader (i.e. Cd mangle) Vellum Peel Effect SOP Pyro Control Field Gas Disturbance Repair Geometry Self Intersection FLIP Follows Curve Long Winded Guide To Houdini Instancing Disable Simulations On Startup Tutorial HIP Library Use Google To Discover Attached HIP Files Useful Websites: Tokeru Houdini Houdini Vex Houdini Python Houdini Blueprints FX Thinking Rich Lord HIP Files iHoudini Qiita Ryoji Toadstorm Blog Eetu's HIP Of The Day Video Tutorials: Peter Quint Rohan Dalvi Ben Watts Design Yancy Lindquist Contained Liquids Moving Fem Thing Dent By Rigid Bodies Animating Font Profiles Swirly Trails Over Surface http://forums.odforce.net/topic/24861-atoms-video-tutorials/ http://forums.odforce.net/topic/17105-short-and-sweet-op-centric-lessons/page-5#entry127846 Entagma Johhny Farmfield Vimeo SideFX Go Procedural
    1 point
  23. Bumping this old thread in case anyone else finds themselves in a similar boat where they're drawing a blank on this technique and end up googling "Houdini noise transition". The trick is to first form your gradient using a value, in this case the x position along a grid... ...and then add noise to that value. For a deeper dive into this kind of thing, definitely check out this series of classes by Main Road Post and this brilliant page by Kiryha. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  24. ver 1.04: Now with continuous patterns !!! https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvgNse7E8aaygmpHTfIeHlG0O4nN
    1 point
  25. Here is my re-work of your scene. I think it would be ok to scale up by 10, conduct the sim then scale down by 10 before outputting your final .bgeo.sc sequence. I basically started with one tire and prepared the white points without a FOREACH. Once I have the white points I delete the rest of the tire and add a polyextrude to create a thick patch. This tire patch is what gets fed into the fluid source, not the entire tire. I know it is not exactly the same but maybe it can help you out. You can still play with the wind tunnel, buoyancy as well as add curl noise to the velocity field. ap_OdForce_fluidSource_v01.hiplc
    1 point
  26. Thanks for the tip @acey195 and @petz thanks for the solution. Here is the quick VEX snippet that I tested, works a treat! // Get Lines vector A = point(0, "P", 0); vector B = point(0, "P", 1); vector C = point(1, "P", 0); vector D = point(1, "P", 1); // Calculate Line Vectors vector AB = B-A; vector CD = D-C; // Calculate To Vector vector toVec = A - C; // Calculate Intersection vector vecx = cross(AB, CD); float val1 = dot(vecx, cross(CD, toVec)); float val2 = dot(vecx, vecx); vector pos = A + (val1 / val2) * AB; addpoint(0, pos);
    1 point
  27. Just a drop in the bucket here. What the docs don't tell you about the output seed for the voronoise VOP is that it returns a signed 32bit int, basically a number from -2^31 to 2^31. If you want to turn that into some useful range like 0-1 all you need is to turn that int into a float (with an Inttofloat VOP) and then plug that float into a Fit VOP with the 1D Src Min and Max set to -2^31 to 2^31 respectivly. Enjoy. p.s. if you know some other voodoo about the Voronoise VOP please speak up.
    1 point
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