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Found 12 results

  1. Hello, I have a tube, I want to animate the radius scale. So that it expands and shrinks randomly. I want it to look like it's being animated by a noise. My problem is that I don't know how access the radscale in the tube geo. Thanks!
  2. Hey, So i'm looking for a way to animate and freeze at some frame the global seed of the scattering node. I'm trying to replicate the polyjuice effect in Harry potter 2 and i'm having a bit of struggle with the scattering. The effect is some sort of bubbles that grow and reduce on a morphing head into an other. I managed the bubbles effect and the morphing just fine but the bubbles are always on the same place. They are controled by a scattering and color and i would like to animate it in that way : - when the color is black there are no bubbles and when it's white they grow. I would like the global seed of the scattering to change when it's black and freeze and take the last value when it's white. for exemple at from frame 0 to 10 it's white with the scattering seed set a 1, then from frame 11 to 15 it's back and the scattering seed changes to 2 then from frame 16 to 26 it's white again with the scattering froze to 2 and on and on in that way. Does anybody has a way to make that happen ? I joint the file with the pig head so that anyone can open it without any additionnal file. Thank you so much for your help PS: i'm very new to houdini. head_bubbles_ocforum.hipnc
  3. Hello, Can you please help me a little bit? I would like to animate the direction of my normals based on the anti aliased flow noise in point vop. Can you tell me which nodes should I use to get this result? Thank you
  4. I am looking for the workflow to attache a moving vehicle to a Ground Plane. I remember a tutorial where you could add a bit of code in the Translate value, but cannot find it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi. Im using Motion FX --> Noise in translate/rotation channel to controll objects. Im wondering how i could controll motion from an audio track? in stead of using noise i would like to replace it with an incoming audio track. Anyone tried this before?
  6. Hey guys, How could i capture animated extruding geometry to a bone structure? Atm, after capturing geometry to the root, the animated polyextrude stopped working. It hangs on to one frame. I kind of understand why this happens, because the captured weights are on the same spot. But is there a way to go around this?
  7. dani

    Smoke Effect skin

    Hi Everyone I was wondering if someone knows how I can create this effect I have just done a simple smoke simulation, but I do not know how to make the inside: also, if anyone knows, I am trying to create this object with the exterior like the purple surface, but the inside to look like this: ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED
  8. dani

    Smoke Effect skin

    Hi Everyone I was wondering if someone knows how I can create this effect I have just done a simple smoke simulation, but I do not know how to make the inside: also, if anyone knows, I am trying to create this object with the exterior like the purple surface, but the inside to look like this: ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED
  9. Hey guys, I'm new to mantra, made a material and I'm trying to animate, for example changing te offset on the noise or the displacement amount, but seems not having effect (i'm renering in mplay), also tried promoting parameters with no luck. Displacement says: cannot have channels wich depend on time Also Im trying to get the artifacts out, added some dicing to geo node as well as in rop, should I increase more? Thanks! mantratestanim.hipnc
  10. Hi guys,i have a little problem,well 2,i want to make a fracture object dynamic in a zone. I got some how done but i have 2 problems,as soon as enter in the zone the pieces just fall off,also i dont know how to orient the pieces from start Thanks!!! PackedRBDAnimated.hipnc
  11. Hi everyone, Since a long time on this forum but first post. I always found a solution that already exist here, but today... First of all, let me explain the effect I want to do. For some production, I have to reconstruct a ring (like a torus) and make a "compression" of it (to make it more solid). I don't know if i'm really clear but the meaning is, I create a displacement node in vopsop to make this effect. To manipulate the "compression" like i want, i create a map in cops to keep back the color data (or luminance) and use it with the displacement node. With a single image, it works perfectly. But (yes there is always a "but"!!) here is the issue: When i want to use a sequence (to have a animated displacement), Houdini crash, or it doesn't care of the sequence and use only the first pic. I always found a solution without picture, I used an animated torus with a points from volume sop and an attribute transfer sop to keep back the red color. But I really want to use a pic sequence to make a better animation... Obviously, it's not very clear, so I made a little hip file with a simple grid for you to see what i mean. Maybe someone could enlight me about this or tell me about another way to do this. Thx by advance. Cheers, Paul ANIMATED_COP_TO_SOP_ISSUE.hip
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