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  1. Hi everyone! I've been stuck on a particular problem today. I've been using a simple voronoi in Houdini to fracture a rock, but I'd somehow like to bake a layered texture or vertex map so you can see the lines emanating from the shell of the model. I've attached a picture of some agate so you can get a better understanding. This is so I can export the alembic into C4D and apply different textures to these 'ridges' using the vertex map, or just a baked texture outright. I'd only need a couple of bands at the outer edges, not going all the way to the center I initially tried converting the rock before the fracture to a volume and baking a ridged texture using the depth from this, but I just can't seem to figure it out. I also tried copying the rock a couple of times, sizing it down a little, then used these copies to bake the vertex colour, but it still wouldn't budge! I'd be very helpful for any tips as it'd be great to get a procedural solution to this problem
  2. Hi. I have a alembic simulation from Houdini with 1000 objects. 1- 110 frames alembic files was 55gb its OK? 2- C4d is having a hard time reproducing it. Is there a way to bake the simulation or create some kind of proxy on C4D? Maybe the problem its from Houdini? Thanks.
  3. Hello! I've been using Houdini as a TD for about 2 years now and I just recently got my hands on a C4D and X-Particles license. Playing around with X-Particles it has become apparent that Houdini can make something fairly simple (like particle simulations with constraints) very difficult. For these past 2 years I've been trying to get, specifically, thick liquid like particle constraints (not just viscous but stringy) working in Houdini and I've never been able to get results I can be completely happy with. I've been able to achieve "sticky" effects using vellum grains and vdb meshing before as seen here, however, I was always after a different effect using a particle simulation that was NOT attached to a mesh but still behaved in a similar "sticky" fashion when coming in contact with colliders. After trying this over and over again in Houdini and having unsatisfactory results, I've now experimented with X-Particles and I was a slightly frustrated by all of the time I had spent in Houdini and how simple and quick it was to achieve exactly the effect I wanted in X-Particles. In the video below you can see what effect I was after in XP. I was curious if anyone at all has re-created this stringy liquid effect in Houdini with POPs? It seems clear to me that FLIP fluids are not really the answer for small scale simulations where you want a "stringy" surface tension look. I've gotten close with FLIP and vdb meshing in Houdini, but it never looks as natural and real as X-Particles. I've heard that maybe the POP Fluid node may be the answer (here), but I'm curious if anyone has attempted these stringy constraints in a Houdini project! Any Houdini workflow tips for such an effect would be appreciated because the cost of X-Particles and C4D is not something I plan on paying for the rest of my days!
  4. I spent a fair bit of time trying to figure this out today so I figured I'd post a quick tutorial for posterity. The only other guides and info I could find were specific to getting pscale and Cd into C4d for Redshift. Nothing on orientation or other attributes generally. Long story short: - Unless your attribute is explicitly typed (i.e. Vector, Quaternion, Matrix instead of 3flt, 4flt, 9flt) C4d will read it as a float (or "Real") - Orientation is handled by the "Alignment" TP channel, so you need to convert your @orient to a matrix3 before export Hope this saves someone else some time.
  5. Hi!, this is my firts time using houdini, so i try to make something easy i think, i have a project whit a translucent jar animated on cinema 4d, i made it to import the alembic to houdini and i need to fill it whit soft bodies, some gummys and i saw that vellum can make it great, i find a tutorial to doit, but at this point i need to understand a workflow to start, im putting the link of the tut and the alembic, im thanking you in advance for the atention, and sorry for my english i know its awfull this is the tut: this is my alembic botella_animada2.abc
  6. Sup guys, anybody knows how to read houdini color attributes in octane for c4d? I tried exporting as alembic, that gave me a vertex color tag wich I plug into a vertex map on a material, but isn't working, the native c4d render seems to load it, any tips on this? Thanks!
  7. Hi there! After spending long time trying and searching... here I am with my newbie question... I've an OBJ from C4D with different objects. Checked in Houdini's Geometry Spreadsheet all the paths of the primitives detect the names of the objects. I did a vellum simulation, and I want my alembic back to c4d with facesets for each OBJ primitive. How can I do that? Thanks in advance.
  8. Hey, so to preface, I'm a newish c4d user/ total Houdini newb. I created a grain simulation in Houdini and exported it as an alembic, then brought it into c4d. When I imported it to C4d I imported the grains as polygon objects, and it looks fine in the viewport, but when I try to render nothing appears. The way it appears in the viewport The way it appears in render, with a hair material and render apply I did some googling and tried applying a hair material tag and render tag to the alembic particles, and now the material shows up in the render material but it looks nothing like the way it appears in Houdini or in the viewport. I also tried importing the alembic as particle geometry, then using thinking particles to assign geometry to the alembic, but my c4d crashes every time I try to render it. Anyone ever run into this issue before? Thanks!
  9. Hi there! I would like to render my water sim and whitewater in c4d to integrate it with an animated scene. I got two questions. 1. I was wondering what a good workflow is to render the simulation out over to c4d, are alembics still the best way to do this or is houdini engine faster or are there other ways? my 7 million points seem to be very very heavy for c4d in alembic... 2. How do I render out the whitewater correctly in c4d (octane render) does this need to be GEO or particles for rendering? and also how do I get that nice lifespan on it too. Thank you for taking the time to help me out! Cheers!
  10. Good morning or afternoon, or night! Sorry about my English, hope you can understand the meaning of my topic.. ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ This question has been bothering me for a long time - How to recreate C4D push apart effector in Houdini ? I have tried to use nearpoints (or pcfind or pgfind) vex/vop function to find each point's one (or two or three or more...) nearest points base on the push apart radius and calculate the push apart direction of the point. Just as shown below. And in my opinion, the iterations of push apart effector is shown below. But in this way, I get two problems ① When increasing the push apart iterations, the points do not translate smoothly but jumpily. So I think my idea is totally wrong. ② C4D push apart effector seems can intelligent detect the dense points' bbox center( even there are more than one dense area) and push the points apart from the bbox center, as shown below. But in my way, it is unobtainable. I know the point relax SOP, and it also not work well in this case, it is slower than C4D push apart effector and points translate jumpily too. So does anybody know the principle of the C4D push apart effector? Thanks all.
  11. Hi! First post here. Am transitioning from C4D to Houdini and I figured its easier for me to start with modeling. The challenge am facing right now is with the transform tool. It works great in primitive mode but in edge and point, it does not align with world position at all. As such, using the edit node has become a pita! Any help is much appreciated, thanks!
  12. I just wanted to get peoples impressions on whether the modelling functionality is beginning to compete with C4D's modelling functionalilty.
  13. Getting random flashes of rectangle geometry after rendering Alembic sequence to disk from Houdini 16.5, see below: Would it help to share all of my FLIP, fluid particle, static object node attributes or is this a familiar problem people have run into before?
  14. Moment Factory, leader in the conception and production of multimedia environments, located in Montreal, Canada, is looking a strong Motion Designer (2D & 3D) to join the studio on a permanent or long-term contract. You like the "creative" FX, not the real explosion or fume from VFX? You want to do magic with Houdini, X-Particles or Trapcode Particular? You are also pretty good with C4D? Please send me your portfolio or reel to julietb@momentfactory.com to be part of our Visual Content team and participate in concept, production and integration of a variety of multimedia projects: Here is our content reel: http://bit.ly/2rzJKbE Our works: http://bit.ly/2tJMlAB We offer to sponsor the working visa for non-residents in Canada. Some rules apply. Note: advanced level of English is necessary and only artists with relevant portfolio will be contacted.
  15. Need a bit of help on a problem for a client, ( on an NDA as well ). Basically, I have a pipeline that shoots to Octane in C4D for the VDB usage and the smoke sim I made is fine and they are head over heels for it but the type (in the smoke) in the first frame is too pixelated for them and not high res enough. I've been trying to find the right amount of density and type space to keep the titles as sharp as possible but when I put them into C4D and play around about it's still exported in Alpha somewhat pixelated. Any ideas? I have a sample hip of the pig had at a reasonably replicated density to the pig but I need it to be more stoic. Smoke_collide_pig.hip
  16. Hi guys, I've just done this tutorial [ https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/creating-a-procedural-snowflake/ ] and I wanted to render it on cinema 4d but I couldn't T_T I made it as Houdini digital asset and threw it to c4d, but there was nothing I could see. and when even I send just cube, It worked, but file in that tutorial couldn't be read on c4d houdini engine.... What should I do !?!? Thank you for read.
  17. Just throwing this one out there. I keep seeing people looking for easy ways to control attributes, a lot of whom reference C4D's effectors. So I made one. It's come in handy a few times already so I thought I'd package it up nicely and upload it. Let me know if you find it useful, find some bugs, or have any questions MT_PlainEffector.hdalc
  18. Hello all, I'm trying to get Motion blur from a flip fluid sim that I Export from houdini and I Import in Cinema 4d. After researching I came to the conclusion that I could probably achieve that with the subframe cache workflow. Can someone please clarify this workflow to me ? thanx, Ioannis.
  19. Are you crazy about textures, shapes and colours and constantly looking for new inspiring creation challenges? Are you passionate about motion design and concepts? Do you like playing around a variety of software to get your aesthetic and realism always higher? Do you sometimes dream of joining a multidisciplinary team of pioneers based in Montreal and feel you’d thrive amazingly in international ambitious multimedia experience projects? Here is our content reel for you to be inspired: https://vimeo.com/178357432 We are looking for 2 types of Motion Designers to join us in Montreal: one mastering compositing with After Effects and enjoying integrating live-action content with CG animations; the other one, being pretty good with C4D and its plugins or with Houdini. Every motion designer participates in art direction. Send me your CV/linkedIn profile and portfolio/Demo reel at julietb@momentfactory.com NB: We offer to sponsor the working visa for non-residents in Canada. Some rules apply.
  20. Hello, i'm new here so i have a simple one for you I've only been working in Houdini for the last year, and i never imported geometry from C4d into Houdini. I was wondering how do i prepare the geometry from C4d. I don't need to modify it, i just need it as a poly or a poly mesh... Thanks, and i'm glad to have found this place, you are all great and Houdini is just the greatest and the most fun tool to work with.
  21. Hello, i'm new here so i have a simple one for you I've only been working in Houdini for the last year, and i never imported geometry from C4d into Houdini. I was wondering how do i prepare the geometry from C4d. I don't need to modify it, i just need it as a poly or a poly mesh... Thanks, and i'm glad to have found this place, you are all great and Houdini is just the greatest and the most fun tool to work with.
  22. Hello, i'm new here so i have a simple one for you I've only been working in Houdini for the last year, and i never imported geometry from C4d into Houdini. I was wondering how do i prepare the geometry from C4d. I don't need to modify it, i just need it as a poly or a poly mesh... Thanks, and i'm glad to have found this place, you are all great and Houdini is just the greatest and the most fun tool to work with.
  23. Hi, I got an animation from mixamo.com in fbx... used c4d to export out an abc - this file opens fine back in c4d. But doesn't show any geometry inside houdini. Is there something I am missing/ doing something wrong? If this won't work does anyone know a convenient way to get mixamo animation inside houdini? Thanks d.
  24. Hello, I'm doing a simulation where a car drives through a brick wall. The scene will eventually be imported via alembic into C4D for texturing and rendering so here is where I'm getting stuck: I imported the car as an obj, cleaned it, converted it to polysoup, made a low res proxy (using the ray sop) for simulation, and then after I get the sim the way I want I export the point data of the sim and then use transform pieces and connect the high resolution car. However, I'm not sure how to export the car with selection tags for texturing individual parts of the geo in C4D. I'm using alembic to export from Houdini to C4D. It seems like once I convert the car to regular polygon mesh, all the individual pieces of the car fall apart in the sim. I would use an HDA and the C4D Houdini Engine but we are on R16 at work and will not have R17 available to us for this project. Is there a way to save out texture tags in the polygon soup so that when I save the alembic file they are baked in? Any ideas are welcome! sim_example_js_v01.hipnc
  25. Got a DA DNA? Join Moment Factory, THE multimedia leader! julie@polyglotgroup.eu https://goo.gl/dOm7t4
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