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Found 19 results

  1. For each loop with different 'attribute transfer' values and exporting custom attributes (like any vector attributes) What's the problem I have one grid with UV. I have created some groups(bounding sphere), to scatter only one point on the grid. So that I can copy a circle to that point From that circle I transferred color (@Cd) to the grid. With a Very Specific Attribute transfer values. Here is the settings of Attribute transfer. NOW, I want to do this process of attribute transfer for the rest of these groups (centerc01 to centerc07). The loop must do these things - On every iteration (for every point) I can set specific values to attribute transfer. At the end I would have 7 different attributes exported (the attribute name can be custom name) So that I can plug that on input3 of the Attribute VOP and work with the attributes. Here is the file : different_at_v01_t01.hip
  2. Hi, is there a faster way to check 10000+ objects for some attributes? Im making a tool that uses intersect_all() I want to make a tool that looks at the objects and see if it is visible by the camera position. And if it isnt, it can be delete the object ( not only the prims or points). So what I did now is to give it a color promoteToDetail in a for each to MAX and promote it back down to have the object the max value. But is there a better and quicker way if there are so much objects? thnx
  3. Hi, I'm a novice and am following a tutorial where I need to use the 'For Each Subnet' node, but 16.5 has removed it. What should I use instead?
  4. Hi all, I've been looking around for a solution to a problem I'm facing. Would it be possible to have a smoke cache which you read in from disk and stamp it on to around 10 points using the "new" for-each method instead of stamp copy. Each of the points which I am using as a destination geometry has a StartFrame attribute assigned which would define when the cache starts playing and when it is stamped on to the point. I think I'm missing a Timeshift somewhere in my network but I'm not really aware where to use it. My current take on this is using a switch node with a null as a second input and switching based on a point expression looking for the StartFrame attribute and comparing it to the current frame, once the current Frame is bigger than the attribute it switches to the first input and copies the cache onto the point. The problem is that the cache isn't offset anywhere, so it just plays whatever frame is being read from the disk for all the points even thought it's copied onto the point at random times. I've only found solutions to this problem using the copystamp which isn't really efficient nowadays. Thanks!
  5. Hey guys, I have some boxes and running a for each over them what i want is scattering points with varying amounts. I kind of know what to do but i dont know how to? I guess i need to fetch metadata value and use it as a seed for scattering amount, could use a help on how to set that up thanks! ForeachMetaImport.hip
  6. I'm running into an issue where I'm trying to assigning Prim attributes inside a "for-each count" with a wrangle. I'm aware they made changes to how for-each loops work since 16.5. but is there a way to promote the attributes some how? I saw that some one made some example in the past... but it doesn't work for what I need. using a name mask before the loop won't work with my set up. Is there a way to assign id's a in a wrangle inside the for-loop? Thanks,
  7. Hi there, is there a way to have just last iteration of the for each loop? I mean the last "generation" ? Im scattering points, looping a copytopoint node. So it is growing mesh. But i would like to have just the new ones every frame. metadata from each loop maybe, somehow? I also have a popnetwork after scatter, to get age and tried to use "Just Born group". But I still get the whole mesh every frame (for obvious reasons) Iteration Method is by count. Im rising iterations with $F. Thanks. BK.
  8. What is the equivalent to For Each Attribute Value parameter in the new for each blocks? I haven't used foreach since they have been updated.
  9. I have a "for-each connected piece" loop and want to use SOP group to create a different group for each connected piece. How do I deal with the group name to make sure it's different for every connected piece?
  10. Hey guys, I'm having an issue that has had me scratching my head for the past few days now. I'm creating a building for an RBD sim with instanced packed fragments. In order to save memory, I'm creating 3 fractured walls to iterate throughout the building. I'm then carving out the windows using a for each block, iterating through each fragment (nearest to windows) and a boolean to subtract the window hole geo, then repacking to the fragment into its piece. This way, the extra inside faces are attached to each respective fragment, and it becomes a new piece. Alternatively if I just booled the entire wall, I would have issues repacking with the new faces. The problem is that at the end of the for each block, it returns the subtraction geometry merged with the subtracted geo. It doesn't do this with lower density fractures- weird!! I've iterated through each pass to see where the extra geo is coming from, and can't find it for the life of me. Please take a look at the file attached, and let me know if anyone has any ideas! btw- apologies for the file- didn't have time to clean it up Thanks! Hunter buildingFracture_v12_debug_wall.hiplc
  11. Hello, I'm trying to get feather like movement on my particles. I've gotten really close by using a sin expression on particles with my geo instanced to them but they are all moving in the same direction with the same movement and it looks really strange. is there a way to apply a different sin wave value/expression per point? I've tried to use a for each loop but I am unfamiliar with using it on points only.
  12. jonidunno

    The Cube

    Hey all, I got super excited on this image and started to make something based on it And now I'm reaching out for some guidance. Attached is where I was heading... still not getting the nice symmetry and variety that the image has. Any help would be appreciated thanks! cube_v001.hipnc
  13. jonidunno

    The Cube

    Hey all, I got super excited on this image and started to make something based on it. And now I'm reaching out for some guidance. Attached is where I was heading... still not getting the nice symmetry and variety that the image has. Any help would be appreciated thanks! cube_v001.hipnc
  14. VEX is relativly nu to me, even when I am familiar with mel and some other programming languages. So be Patient with me and dont make it to complicated At the moment I am creating a brickwall with a few for each Loops and I thought, hey those simple transformations can even be done in a wrangle. but all those point creation and create geometry with vex tutorials doesn't take into account when there is an incoming prim or box that should only be transformed - so i am more confused now. can somebody give me a short forloop example to move and duplicate a box, when the box is piped into the wrangle? thx deHeavy
  15. I have an RBD Voronoi fractured object that falls to the floor, and each primitive group is given an impact time attribute when each piece hits the floor. The system works so far - I import my fractured object, delete all the primitive groups except for one, and select the Voronoi object that will turn into grains at the moment of impact using a switch that changes the input from the primitive group to the grains. As long as I'm working on a single primitive group, it works. Here's a GIF showing the result on one group. Question: How do I use my effect - that isolates a primitive group and turns it into grains at a specific frame - onto multiple primitive groups within a foreach node? My attempt at a solution: With my system in a for each subnetwork, I replaced the group name that was previously fracturepeice_15 to 'chs("../each1/group")' to reference the current group that is being processed. However, the final result of the ForEach shows only one primitive group being turned into grains or the entire sphere that was fractured being turned into a clump of grains. If anyone can shed any insight on what to try, would be very grateful. Voronoi-ODFORCE.hipnc
  16. Hi! I'm new with houdini and I was wondering how to create a condition comparing certain attribute (point number) to create a group. They condition would be this: if point number of input 1 is greater than point number of input 2 then go to group A, after this I wanted to create a line with the points from that group. Don't know if it is the best approach, I'm a 3dsmax user and with particle flow u can do that kind of comparison between particles. Thanks for any advice! :
  17. hi guys , i have a question of vdb combine within ForEach loop i have few boxes which are being converted to cloud volume and for that i am using for each to simplify the process . but after for each there are multiple vdbs being generated which i want to combine to a single vdb density volume is there a ways to do this within the for each loop which will help a lot as i am not able to figure that out and i am doing the vdb combine manually right now? i have attached my example file to have a look also . thanks in advance VdbCombineINForEach.hipnc
  18. My goal is to solve using finite solver for each copied geometry. Within my scene, I simply copied geo onto a sphere( the sphere itself uses finite solver), and then I would like each copied sphere to interact with one another while, at the same time, being driven by the main spheres FEM animation. In other words, I want to constrain the copied spheres to their points while each one of them interacts with one another. Any suggestions or fixes to my setup? Thanks! FEM_foreachcopy.hipnc
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