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Houdini 18 Wishlist

Alexey Vanzhula

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1. Currently polydraw in brush mode deform the geometry, but the backface points deform noisy. It should be like this

2. Add modern sculpting tools

3. HOM functions to get panels (panel tabs) as QWidget instance

4. Block (unblock) keyboard hotkeys from HOM

5. Show subdivided viewport model with cool curved wireframe on it. Modo can do it with opensubdiv type viewport subdivision, why we can't

6. Multithreaded Boolean SOP

7. Ability to hide all stow ui elements (collapsed ui little borders) to maximize viewport space

8. Align viewport camera to the best plane (xy, xz, yz)

9. Hide edit sop translate parmtuple on viewport interaction to increase FPS. Currently works well in maximized scene viewer mode


Edited by Alexey Vanzhula
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think :

- Improve 2D Curves and curve tools  (working with Houdini's curve is awful )...

- Improve Poly-Split SOP to cut along a infinite line like "Quick Slice" in 3dsmax... Sometimes poly-split doesn't works properly in when you set  path type to "Edge Loop"

- Add "Connect Selected Points" option to Poly-Split SOP....

- Add a "Show Edge and Half-Edge's Number" ... 

- Export camera and nulls to After Effects ...

- Add a "Collapse SOP ": when you want to make a 3d model in Houdini and you don't need that long queue of nodes ...

- Add a new  option to "Remesh SOP" that makes quads or triangles ...

- Add a new  option to "Transform SOP" : if you create a geometry far from {0,0,0} world coordinate, and add a Transform SOP, by pressing "Move Centroid to origin" it moves that geo to center of Transform SOP, but I need to move the Transform SOP to the geo's location.

- Ability to "Zoom In/Out"  in Camera viewport without changing camera's transform.

- In an Orthographic viewport (Top,Left,Right ..), Ability  to rotate view around the view center ((like Alt + middle mouse button in 3dsmax).).

- Add a "Place Hotspot" tool to lights , to quickly adjust light's direction.

- Add a "Polygonal Lasso Tool" selection, like photo shop  "Polygonal Lasso Tool" ...

- Add a selection list  option in " File/Merge",  to filter contents that you need to merge in current scene...

- In "File/Import/Export", ability to Import/Export selected objects...

- A way to selecting primitives that are between two other primitives. Currently I hide other primitives to select such a primitives.(and again in 3dsmax you can simply click several times on polygons and it selects such polygons)...

- Ability to changing object's opacity in viewport...

- Add a "Refresh folder" button to all file browsers … and show images bigger, in image browser

- Add "Render time of last frame", in render viewport (render sequence).

- Add file extension automatically(based on selected extension) to file name, when you forget to type the extension.

- Ability to lock a node as "last node" in network view.( this node always will be the final node) .


:lol: long list huh? ....

Edited by Masoud
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On 11/17/2018 at 5:43 PM, Masoud said:

- Export camera and nulls to After Effects ...

there is a plugin which reads FBX, and it's up to Adobe to not cripple their software but open it natively to abc/fbx instead of SideFX developing something!

On 11/17/2018 at 5:43 PM, Masoud said:

- Add a "Collapse SOP ": when you want to make a 3d model in Houdini and you don't need that long queue of nodes ...

use a subnet

On 11/17/2018 at 5:43 PM, Masoud said:

- Add a new  option to "Transform SOP" : if you create a geometry far from {0,0,0} world coordinate, and add a Transform SOP, by pressing "Move Centroid to origin" it moves that geo to center of Transform SOP, but I need to move the Transform SOP to the geo's location.

either click 'move to centroid' and then reset the transform values or make yourself a preset with $CEX, $CEY, $CEZ for pivot. There's no need to cram the interface with a ton of options you can easily make yourself

On 11/17/2018 at 5:43 PM, Masoud said:

- Ability to "Zoom In/Out"  in Camera viewport without changing camera's transform.

play with screen window size. yes, it's not the most user friendly way but it works

On 11/17/2018 at 5:43 PM, Masoud said:

Add a "Place Hotspot" tool to lights , to quickly adjust light's direction.

lights have a handle to orient them towards a point. (just tried it with point and spotlight but the others have that too i think)

On 11/17/2018 at 5:43 PM, Masoud said:

Add a "Polygonal Lasso Tool" selection, like photo shop  "Polygonal Lasso Tool" ..

Lasso select (F3)

On 11/17/2018 at 5:43 PM, Masoud said:

- Add "Render time of last frame", in render viewport (render sequence).

when rendering to mplay it shows the rendertime for each frame top right corner

On 11/17/2018 at 5:43 PM, Masoud said:

- Ability to lock a node as "last node" in network view.( this node always will be the final node) .

use output node

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30 minutes ago, 3dome said:

when rendering to mplay it shows the rendertime for each frame top right corner

use output node

This works for Subnets, but unfortunately not at the top level of your geometry nodes.
So for rendering your geometry, and for usage in Houdini Engine, you still have to set the render flag by hand, at the top level.

Edited by acey195
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I think I'd be handy if you had like a viewport equivalent to the CTRL+Left click in the render view. Basically to click a primitive to see it's groups, attributes, materials etc. Further improving viewport interactivity would be nice in general.

Still would like to see some easier ways to display textures in the viewport across different render engines, and preview thumbnails in the material networks.

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At geometry level, some way to find which node(s) created the point / primitive / something you clicked in the viewport.

I know this concept is not really well defined at GEO level, but let's say you merge two curves in a merge node.

How can you find the curve node which create the curve you selected in the viewport ?

Edited by AntoineSfx
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29 minutes ago, Tronotrond said:

I think I'd be handy if you had like a viewport equivalent to the CTRL+Left click in the render view. Basically to click a primitive to see it's groups, attributes, materials etc. Further improving viewport interactivity would be nice in general.

You can do some of this one with the inspect mode: http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/basics/inspection.html

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I just noticed we still don't get @shop_materialpath when unpacking a FBX loaded using an Agent node. I did report this to SESI and I thought it was on track to being implemented for H17 but it looks like we still don't have access to the materials on an unpacked FBX.

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Ok, have read a lot of great tips on these forums, this is my first actual post. I don't know if it's a good tactic to start by wishing something new and more, but seeing people generating future possibilities always makes me want to contribute.

I would second many ideas already mentioned ( reworked file browser, a faster - perhaps gpu-based renderer), but to add something new, my biggest wish would probably be a dedicated growth-solver and/or growth effects toolbar. I do think L-System and SOP-solver contain concepts and potential that hasn't seen it's fair share of attention from SideFX. The Cinema 4D particle plugin X-Particles has started to give the growth-effects side of particle effects some attention, but probably SideFX could make something truly unique and powerful to gain again some new ground in this territory and give Insydium a run for their money. I suppose a "growth solver" or a "growth effects" tab or a set of presets as such could take multiple intriguing forms, but my own over-ambitious imagination envisions a tool-set that would somehow allow the creation of both natural growths (trees and other plants, infections) and abstract shapes. The SOP-Solver is obviously really powerful and one could still do awesome things with L-Systems if he/she really took the time to learn it in depth, but to me these tools lack some of the excitement they should have. Ease of use looks like something SideFX has started to place value on and not having to make new users necessarily reinvent the wheel everytime. A dedicated button "grow inside" or "grow out of" would go a long way on that road, I'd think, especially if one could add nodes that define whether the growth attaches to a surface, avoids a surface or a force, changes it's behaviour based on the availability of light or space, or perhaps even if some simulation activity is happening inside it's vicinity, - imagine a growth slowing down or changing it's direction, based on whether something is moving, be it a character or some destruction simulation, all through some dedicated and well thought-out workflows.

That is an area I'd really love to see some developments made in and it's one in which Houdini has quite a good base for reaching new ground in, compared to other packages. It atleast seems that way to me.

As a second idea, I'd probably love to see something similar to Blender's Grease Pencil integrated.

Edited by Jaanus
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More VR tools, particularly a HMD preview mode, if not from the viewport, then from a flipbook (which would require a top/bottom latlong veiwport display from the spherical camera), or even the render window as a last resort.  This would make Houdini infinitely more usable for VR.  

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Going to add a slightly silly request. 

A better render view, like corona , Redshift, octane or maxwell. 

Parameters for exposure, highlight compression, color balance, bloom and glare and loading .cube LUTs. It’s would be nice to have some postfx stuff inside the render view. Maybe just integrate some of the COP tools into the mplay.


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I would like to receive the attribute after the mirror node to know which polygons are mirrored. I would like to have a group on the new edges after the node knife and clip. I would also like the edgedivide node to finally learn how to completely close the path. When using noise, as well as when working with heightfields, it is still not possible to get a seamless result. And I join in asking for the normal display of materials in the viewport. Using attributes as masks, AO and other features.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Would be nice to get a warning message if subdivide / remesh / divide nodes are about to generate a huge amount of geo.

Scatter node to do a more organic distribution: randomized points are too clumped, relaxed points are too uniform (I know there's relax iterations slider :), let's just dream)

Setting default values for promoted parameters right in a wrangler code editor: let's say 'chf("parm", 0.123)'  - may be this already exists?

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1. Add hou.ViewerEvent.ray() and hou.ViewerEvent.snappedRay() functionality to hou.GeometryViewport class to use it not only from custom states

2. Get mouse coordinates relative to the current viewport bottom left corner

3. Same as hou.ViewerEvent.snappedRay() but function (or argument) that returns real snapped position instead the viewport camera position, like hou.SceneViewer.selectPositions

Edited by Alexey Vanzhula
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The groom tools are great but there is one massive caveat. We cannot paint on the mesh in UV space. This is a huge missing feature. By doing this one thing, it becomes more powerful than tool like Xgen and even some proprietary grooming tools ive used. 

It allows for so much control. Using point attributes is very limiting and having to go back and forth between mari/mudbox is just way to time consuming. 

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