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  1. Past hour
  2. Hello, I'm working on a custom g-code slicer and one problem I encounter is that I don't know how to align the curve start/end points of vertically stacked closed curves. I want the start points to be close together, to minimize the travel between layer changes and to move the seams to the back of the print. I've attached a simplified example with two curves, one of them rotated. I want to check and rotate each of them so that the start point is the point that has an x-coordinate closest to x=-1. Just for demo purposes here. I am doing the point sorting in an attribute wrangle which has multiple problems I'm afraid. I hope someone can help me out. I checked these solution but they all work with simple shifts, I need to shift each curve differently. Here's the vex: for(int c = 0; c < nprimitives(0); ++c) { float minX = -1; int minIndex = -1; float minDistance = 1e30; int cPoints[] = primpoints(0, c); int numPoints = len(cPoints); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { vector P = cPoints[i]; float distance = abs(P.x - minX); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; minIndex = i; } } int newIndexArray[] = array(numPoints, 0); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) { newIndexArray[i] = (minIndex + i) % numPoints; // that would break for curves with different point counts: setpointattrib(geoself(), "newindex", i + (c * numPoints), newIndexArray[i], "set"); } } I know one problem is mixing absolute point index and index within primpoints but I don't know how to best solve it. align_curve_starts.hipnc
  3. Does anyone know of a way to make a non-rigged agent layer react dynamically with collisions in the simulation? for example - I have a crowd of agents who are forming a shield wall to block incoming sticky collision arrows. I make an agent layer with the agent and an agent layer of the shield, however since the shield is not rigged I cannot create a collision shape as you typically would with an agent, my only other idea was to somehow make the shield layer into an end object somehow that can then block the sticky collisions but am not sure of how to do this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated (sorry for no HIP but my setup has loads of geometry that I don’t feel like attaching)
  4. Today
  5. I'm trying to cache a fairly simple vellum fluid sim, and my cache stops prematurely and when I go into the DOPnet to ascertain the issue, I see the following error... Error vellumobject1 - /obj/JP_rippleSim/dopnet1/vellumsolver1/graph_color_constraints: Error: Invalid source /obj/JP_rippleSim/dopnet1/vellumsolver1/graph_color_constraints/geometry. (Error: vellumobject1 - /obj/JP_rippleSim/dopnet1/vellumsolver1/ocl_neighborsearch_fluid: Error: /obj/JP_rippleSim/dopnet1/vellumsolver1/ocl_neighborsearch_fluid/neighborsearchcl1: NaN detected in particle position.). I have an nVidia RTX 4090 Driver 551.86 Houdini Indie 20.0.672 This is for a deadline, and I'd really love to fix this because vellum fluids are awesome, and the only solution I can think of to get this delivered.
  6. Yesterday
  7. Great source can be this. It's something like interview with Dmitry Kulikov where he shows some breakdowns of his works. https://www.youtube.com/live/_9pY7eB0F10?si=8ZbuS_7rnpM29GPV
  8. The Vimeo hip is kind of old. I went ahead and upgraded some of the H14 old nodes to H20 equivalents and added a popnet to implement the escaping particles. Make sure to keep their life low, or they'll build up quickly. Danil's original file did not have an animated source. This version uses MocapBiped3 to drive the effect, but any FBX or Alembic should do. ap_danil_lidar_041824.hiplc
  9. Hey. How can make cigarettes and fire embers?
  10. Hi, you are searching points on a pighead geo now, change input to 0 in nearpoints()
  11. Last week
  12. Hello Is there a way to copy the rotation data from a path deform into a curve? Essentially I'm making a path and then doing some scale ramps in a "path deform" I then wanna animate an object on that path via carve cop but take in all the orientation and deformation attributes from the path deform so it travels the path correctly. I attached what I have set up so far, any pointers would be awesome! Thanks in advance deformPathTest01_v001.hiplc
  13. @CCILko try.... here you have Files . and original Video https://cgworld.jp/regular/hcb/ https://vimeo.com/132679428 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z31d7V3RJ_c
  14. Hi, I already know it's possible, but I don't know how to do it yet. Could anyone tell me a help me how to recreate these effects in Houdini with Particles? This work is from artist Michael Rigley he do that with X-Particles in C4D. I have little experience with C4D but I would like to focus on Houdini as much as possible. I don't quite know where to start so I don't have any file to give you. Thanks Thank you to anyone who would like to help me. There is link for Michael Rigley work
  15. Hi There, I am currently trying to learn more about foreach and vex functions . I am trying to do a simple thing like set a red color to the points in my array. I am using a foreach for this in vex. It is not working and I am not sure why ? Thank you foreach_setpointattrib_question.hipnc
  16. No, usually we are using expressions in parameters of nodes. Parameters such as file path, group, attributes name etc. are string parameters and in these parameters when result of an expression should be text you must use backticks with that expression. For example in "Group" parameter to get last point number of the incoming geo use `npoints(0)-1`. If you want to create copies of the geo as much as incoming geo contains points with copy and transform sop use npoints(0) without backticks in "Total Number" parameter of the node because this is numeric parameter.
  17. The team I work with has an opening. Feel free to ask questions and I'll do my best to answer. https://www.lockheedmartinjobs.com/job/grand-prairie/vfx-generalist/694/63473512848 Some of the projects we've done in the last few years are linked below. Most of the work isn't public but it's challenging and rewarding work.
  18. hi, the alembic rop out node has a checkbox to "Create Shape Nodes" (so it's either on or off). I have a situation where for some packed primitives I want to write both "transform" and "shape", and other packed primitives I want to write only "transform"? Is this possible?
  19. Change simulation settings
  20. Backticks are only needed when working with a string expression? OK got it thanks! I removed the backticks and now it seems to work ok. i@start_frame = chi("start_frame"); i@end_frame = chi("end_frame"); Then using this on the Carve SOP: fit($FF,detail(0,"start_frame",0),detail(0,"end_frame",0),0,1) Here's the updated .hip file if anyone needs it. carve_read_detail_attribute_v3.hiplc
  21. @vicvvshThank you, that makes sense. I didnt know about the "piece Attribute" parameter on the promote sop.
  22. @vicvvsh @konstantin magnus Thank you both, I am studying all of your solutions
  23. I did not change anything in your scene, just clear transformations on the rig pose sop and bake again. It works.
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