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Found 12 results

  1. Why I'm getting this error while exporting the heightfield any idea? # "Warning Cook error in input: window1. "
  2. Hi, I've got this error that I cannot get rid of, and it stop me from being able to render any images Error : Failed to save output to file "Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.455/houdini/soho/python3.7/IFD.py", line 555, in <module> forphoton=isphoton) File "C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.455/houdini/soho/python3.7\IFDframe.py", line 1620, in render skipobject, skiplight) File "C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.455/houdini/soho/python3.7\IFDframe.py", line 1595, in renderObjects skipobject, skiplight) File "C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.455/houdini/soho/python3.7\IFDframe.py", line 1471, in outputObjects outputLight(light, now) File "C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.455/houdini/soho/python3.7\IFDframe.py", line 1055, in outputLight IFDgeo.getObjectBounds, IFDmisc.xform_mbsamples) File "C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.455/houdini/soho/python3.7\SOHOcommon.py", line 134, in getObjectScreenBoundsFull cam_ixforms.append( hou.Matrix4(xform).inverted() ) File "C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.455/houdini/python3.7libs\hou.py", line 59292, in inverted return _hou.Matrix4_inverted(self) hou.OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed. ". How can I fix it ? I've tried to unistall, delete all houdini folders on my documents, then reinstall houdini. All my folders are Latin- Syntax only. Has anyone any ideas of what's going on ? I'm on HOUDINI 19.0.455, Windows 10, Intel core i7 - 8750H 2.20GHz Nvidia Quadro P2000
  3. In PDG network, how can I access Outputs (see image) of a preview node withing Python Processor context? In other words how can I access @pdg_output or workItem.output from Python Processor node? Update Feb 23, 2:13 pm I tried the following but it prints an empty array. for upstream_item in upstream_items: new_item = item_holder.addWorkItem(parent=upstream_item) print(new_item.inputResultData) Update Feb 23, 2:24 pm (Solved) After struggling with this for 4 hours I finally was able to figure it out by reading HDAProcessor code located at C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 18.5.408\houdini\pdg\types\houdini\hda.py It seams like most of default nodes store outputs with item.addExpectedResultData(...) call. So to get output values of a previous PDG node for upstream_item in upstream_items: new_item = item_holder.addWorkItem(parent=upstream_item) parent_outputs = new_item.expectedInputResultData I hope it helps someone.
  4. Hi, I'm trying to do a Sierpinski pyramid. So I quickly made a pyramid, copied this pyramid to it's 5 outers point. At this point I thought "why not make a loop", but here comes my first problem. I needed to select only the outer points, no matter how many iterations I put. So I've made an group range. But this group range has to be updated each iterations, because the "selecttotal1" will change depending on how many point is on the geo. I've made a quick code in an attribute wrangler to retreive this value, using the repeat_end's iterations. But now I can't find a way to use my variable as a parameter for my group range. Is there a way to output a variable in an attribute wrangler so I can use it on another node as a parameter ? If so can someone explain me ? (I'm not that good in code btw so I would be kind of you to explain what does a potential code work )
  5. The docs are a bit sparse on this topic. I know they exist in different networks, but otherwise what is the precise difference between the two? What are some use cases for each? Where should I be choosing one over the other? Also, what's the difference between the "Root Object" and "Objects" selection boxes in each? Is "Objects" just a filter for "Root Object"?
  6. Hi there, While developing HDA, is it possible to create Output on the fly, say, according to the number of input(at least one or many)? I've tried to write python codes on OnInputChangd event for HDA, which can be created successfully. But it said the content of locked HDA can't be altered when I use it. It makes sense. Then, I put Output node between For-Loop structure instead and it may create arbitrary outputs dynamically according to requirement. However, the source of each output shows invalid and this HDA can't be created successfully. So this For-Loop method doesn't work either. Any suggestion to tackle with this issue? Thank you in advance. Best regards!
  7. Hey! I was wondering if anybody knows how to bring the camera name into the file name when rendering with redshift. I was trying to use the following today: "$HIP/render/$HIPNAME`_``chsop("RS_renderCamera")``_`$F4.exr" the problem is that `chsop("RS_renderCamera")` gives you not only the camera name but puts the /obj in the beginning: "/obj/cam1". So when you render, instead of naming the file "Name_01_cam1_0001" it creates a subfolder called "obj" I was wandering if there is a possibility to strip the beginning of a string or another solution to get the camera name into the file name. Something like $CAMERANAME would be nice Best, M I tried this one, it didn't work for me, I guess its for mantra?! https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/55206/
  8. Hey, So I frequently make otls where I change what is being displayed based on what folder the user is looking at. I object merge different sections of the otl into a switch that has an output sop set to the 0th output underneath (since the display flag on the otl always shows the 0th output). A callback on the folder parm sets the input parameter of the switch, so as you change folders to edit different parameters, what is being displayed is changed. Then I use a second output sop to be the proper output of the otl, the finished product. I would love to be able to do this with only one output for my otl though. I think it would be nice to have an option on the output sop that doesn't just say ‘this node is output 0, this one is output 1’. It would be really handy if you could setup one output node that is the otls ‘display’ output, and a second that is the otls ‘output’ output if you will. I'm wondering if there is already a way to do this that I don't know about perhaps? Thanks! James C
  9. Hello everyone, I have recently wrote an inhouse python plug-in in c++ for houdini. H2A is a custom plug-in to export houdini geometry in arnold ass file format to be able to load in mtoa, htoa or c4dtoa. This plug-in exports almost every geometry type to arnold i.e. points, polygons and curves. You can compile or grab the compiled plug-in from: https://github.com/sergeneren/anima/tree/master/anima/render/arnold/H2A P.s. please excuse my sloppy c style
  10. So I setup an easy Particle system on Houdini, and when I try to Alembic it doesn't works, just FBX does. Can anyone please make an easy Houdini file with all setup for Alembic ROP a particle system?, so I can see whats the diference between it and mine. (I cant share mine because the source is a Bgeo sequence of 360 files) Im on H12 and trying to export alembic to Maya 2013 x64
  11. Just curious if it serves any purpose. If so then how do you plug-in 4 outputs from within the subnet?
  12. Hi guys... I've seen some FLIP tutorials and I see people don't use all the same way to export the simulations. I've noticed in H14 there is an output node with some options to export the .sim files but the majority of people I see they export the particles in SOPs to bgeos. What is the advantage of exporting bgeos and exporting sim... and what you think is the best way for a production pipeline. M.
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