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Houdini 19 Wishlist


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They can do whatever they like, but:

- fix that annoying memory leak. Having to re-start Houdini every hour because it doesn't release memory is no fun. (Yes, I am running Linux)
- fix the viewport. Killing and re-opening the viewport every 15mins because it is displaying garbage (especially when working with packed geo) is a productivity killer.


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Feature Request:

Can we have Houdini remember the last Window Size and location? I open Redshift and resize the Render View window, and when I close the window and open up again in a few minutes it is in the default location.

Also, for pop up dialogs, they seem to open in most inconvenient places, like top right, and minimised, have to resize them, make a selection etc. Next time they are opened they are in the defaul position.

This would be a great little time saver. 

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- When a process exceeds the max ram limit, Houdini doesn't crash, it just stops cooking.

- More multithreaded and open CL nodes. If openCL can't succeed, houdini should not stop, but it should switch to CPU.

- As always search option for wrangle preset and GPU GPU viewport performance.... The viewport should be able to scale better with data in viewport.

- If Karma doesn't take off to the level of Eeve, Redshift or Clarisse, in term of performance but also easy to use, maybe sidefx should think to collaborate with a third party render for a tight integration.

- Cop and Chops need update.

- Two ways exchange data with Unreal. Yes, I could do a superlayout in unreal, now if this last one need more offline render , sim and additional process than unreal can't handle, I would like to get my current WIP unreal scene linked in Houdini.

- More predictable bevel (inset) or polyexpand. Rework remesh, multithreaded Catmull-Clark subdivision.

- No more random crash with UI and windows open and close... Very frustrating


- Be ready to have more neural AI solution in houdini 19 or 20? ;) 

Keep up the good work and innovation like Kinefx

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-Flat interface similar to UE5.
-Use unicode rules to name nodes and variables.
-A hierarchical outline view formed according to the flow of nodes.
-Use the hot key or according to the current node, the Mini parameter panel that appears at the corresponding position at any time.
-An animation editor like UE5's Sequencer.
-Better and stable kinefx.
-Better view engine, similar to directx or vulkan.

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On 16/01/2021 at 5:12 PM, animatrix said:

I created this as a camera lock indicator:




This is cool.


any pointer on reading for resources on how to manipulate houdini's interface like this?

also did this bit of code ever get released anywhere?



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12 hours ago, danielsweeney said:



This is cool.


any pointer on reading for resources on how to manipulate houdini's interface like this?

also did this bit of code ever get released anywhere?




It's not actually modifying the Houdini interface, it's a hack :) I just create 4 lines in Qt that outline the Houdini viewport. Qt support in Houdini is pretty limited so you can't just do things like this:


You need to go through all available widgets in the entire app and filter by type, etc like this:


I didn't post it publicly only on Patreon and the previous Houdini beta. I can post this part here but it might require some tweaks because it involves using a scene callback to check if the camera is locked, etc.

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I would defo be up for seeing the code. and I am sure some other people would be too.

Scene Callbacks - what do you mean by this? can you elaborate? didn't know you could check if things have been pressed or are active in the interface?


cheers for the reply

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It's something like this:

class SimpleWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent, x, y, w, h):
        QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent, QtGui.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint)
        self.initialize(x, y, w, h)

    def initialize(self, x, y, w, h):
        self.setGeometry(x, y, w, h)
        self.setMask(QtGui.QRegion(0, 0, w, h))
        p = self.palette()
        p.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Window, QtGui.Qt.red)

def drawViewportOutline(thickness):
    if hasattr(hou.session, "viewportOutlineWindows"):
        for w in hou.session.viewportOutlineWindows:
            hou.session.viewportOutlineWindows = []
    p = hou.session.overlayviewpos
    s = hou.session.overlayviewsize
    w = s.width() - thickness
    h = s.height() - thickness
    outlineWindows = []
    w1 = SimpleWidget(hou.ui.mainQtWindow(), p.x(), p.y(), thickness, h)
    w1.setParent(hou.qt.floatingPanelWindow(None), QtGui.Qt.Window)
    w2 = SimpleWidget(hou.ui.mainQtWindow(), p.x(), p.y(), w, thickness)
    w2.setParent(hou.qt.floatingPanelWindow(None), QtGui.Qt.Window)
    w3 = SimpleWidget(hou.ui.mainQtWindow(), p.x() + w, p.y(), thickness, h)
    w3.setParent(hou.qt.floatingPanelWindow(None), QtGui.Qt.Window)
    w4 = SimpleWidget(hou.ui.mainQtWindow(), p.x(), p.y() + h, w, thickness)
    w4.setParent(hou.qt.floatingPanelWindow(None), QtGui.Qt.Window)
    hou.session.viewportOutlineWindows = outlineWindows

def drawViewportOutline():
    # Draw red outline if viewport is camera-locked
    sceneviewer = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.SceneViewer)
    currentViewport = sceneviewer.curViewport()
    if hasattr(hou.session, "viewportOutlineWindows"):
        if currentViewport.isCameraLockedToView() and currentViewport.camera():
            if len(hou.session.viewportOutlineWindows) == 0:
            if len(hou.session.viewportOutlineWindows) > 0:
                for w in hou.session.viewportOutlineWindows:
                    hou.session.viewportOutlineWindows = []


The callback function is described here:


Register a Python callback to be called whenever Houdini’s event loop is idle. This callback is called approximately every 50ms, unless Houdini is busy processing events.

Basically you can do anything in this function and that means if you can query if the viewport is set to a camera and it's locked then you can toggle the viewport outline.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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9 hours ago, sebkaine said:

SESI should take the power back on Houdini Engine for C4D and ship it directly with the houdini installer, with full support of all the feature : geo / curves / points / volumes. 

And proper implementation of UI elements like ramps and multi-parms.

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